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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản trường THCS Ba Sa

Voted Language Model Cyril Goutte Using linguistic principles Acquiring the Meaning recover empty categories Chutima Boonthum Towards a Semantic Classification of Spanish Verbs Subsentential Translation Memory n Subcategorisation Information Computer Assisted Writing and Translation Phil Maguire Finding Anchor Verbs Corpus representativeness Conceptual Combination Influenced Biomedical IE syntactic information acquisition A Practical Solution Automatic clustering of collocation Problem of Automatic Word Sense Induction Clustering Polysemic Subcategorization detecting practical sense boundary Probabilistic Parsing for German Orthogonal Negation in Vector Reinhard Rapp Frame Distributions Semantically Saim Shin truecasing Spaces for Modelling Word-Meanings Integrated Shallow Sister-Head Dependencies Generating parallel multilingual Reordering Constraints Lucian Vlad Lita Deep Parsing Amit Dubey LFG-TAG grammars derivational morphology Dominic Widdows a MetaGrammar Effective Phras a finite-state setting Feature-Rich Statistical Chunk-based Statistical Translation Translation Extraction Translation of Noun Phrases Philipp Koehn and Kevin Knight Unsupervised Learning of Arabic Stemming a Parallel Corpus Combining Hand-Crafted Rules An Expert Lexicon Monica Rogati Scott McCarley Yiming Yang Dependency Structure A SNoW based Supertagger Classifying Recognition Results Identifying English Phrasal Verbs Towards a Resource Application to NP Chunking Discourse chunking On the Applicability of Global Wei Li Libin Shen and Aravind K. Joshi Malte Gabsdil a tool in dialogue act tagging Index Grammars A Computational Treatment of Korean Xiuhong Zhang A Large German Corpus with Extensive Semantic Annotation Michel Galley Kathleen McKeown Eric Fosler-Lussier Preface to the Student Preface to the Interactive Posters A Ranking Model of Proximal T. Daniel Midgley Demonstrations Proceedings Temporal Markers Research Workshop Proceedings Structural Text Retrieval Finding non-local dependencies OE and DONGAN Based on Region Algebra beyond pattern matching A Debug Tool Hyunjung Son The FrameNet Data and Software Spoken Interactive Valentin Jijkoun Practical Grammar Development Collin F. Baker ODQA System Akane Yakushiji Grammar Elements SPIQA Decrease Readability Cổ Longtruyện kiếm hiệp Phi Đao Lại Gặp Phi Đao Tiểu Đoạn Ánh trăng và anh Thích thận và tiêu hóa

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Số phận, Xóm trọ, truyện tranh Nana, Definitely Dead, Bảo Mẫu Thiên Tài, Even Vampires Get The Blues, Dreamcatcher, Hai Ngày Kinh Hoàng, How To Marry A Millionaire Vampire, Caroline Quine, Forbidden Nights With A Vampire, Derick W, Mary Shelley, Người Mỹ Niệm Chú, Một Người Bạn Kỳ Dị, Kerrelyn Sparks, Anh yêu thử ai đó nhé, Gloria Ericson, Cửu Đỉnh Ký, Ẩn Sát, Đan Thanh, Phẫn Nộ Đích Hương Tiêu, pretreated, wound healing management., W.W. Jacobshenwit, Love Bites, Ma Da, Tiếng Cười Trong Đêm Khuya, Nguyễn Đông Thức, Thùng Rượu Amontillado, Vệ Nữ Thành Ilơ, Merime, Ân Tình, Ai Là Nỗi Đau Của Ai, Lê Duy Phương Thảo, Bảo Thê, Ba Ngày Luân Lạc, Bước Khẽ Nhé Em, Bay Qua Bầu, Trời Đỗ Quỳnh Châu, Chim Xa Rừng, Chàng Trai Không Biết Yêu, A Caribbean Mystery, Bag of Bones, A Painted House, A Darker Domain, Maximum Ride 5 - Max, Blue Genes, Killing The Shadows Val McDermid, Kickback, Maximum Ride 3, James Patterson, Hannibal, Thomas Harris, Maximum Ride 4 - The Final Warning, The Angel Experiment, Maximum Ride 2 - School's Out - Forever, I Am Legend, The Distant Echo, The Last Temptation, The Silence Of The Lambs, The Wire In The Blood, Peter Robinson, Maximum Ride 6 - Fang, The Torment Of Others, Red Dragon, The Mermaid's Singing, Hannibal Rising, The Rainmake, Spoken Language Technology, An Improved Parser, A Computational Approach, Where Do We Go From Here, A New Statistical, Data-Oriented, Headline Generation, Roger K. Moore, Zero-pronouns in Spanish, Chinese Pinyin Input, Lexical-Functional Analysis, Antonio Ferrández and Jesús Peral, A Polynomial-Time Fragment, Michele Banko, Zheng Chen, Using Confidence Bands, Parallel Texts Alignment, Alexander Koller Kurt Mehlhorn, Importance of Pronominal, Good Spelling, Scaling to Very Very Large Corpora, Anaphora resolution, Vietnamese Texts, Michele Banko and Eric Brill, Constraints on strong, one aspect of computational linguistics in Vietnam, Underspecified Beta Reduction, Automatic Labeling, generative power, Immediate-Head Parsing, Regina Barzilay and Kathleen R. McKeown, Towards Abstract, Guided Parsing of Range, Natural Language Disambiguation, Information Extraction From Voicemail, Topic-focus and salience, Manuel Bodirsky Alexander Koller Katrin Erk, Generation of VP Ellipsis, Concatenation Languages, Alternative Phrases, Generating with a Grammar, Philippe de Groote, Computational properties, Jing Huang and Geoffrey Zweig, Evaluating Smoothing Algorithms, Syllable Boundaries Combining the Advantages of Treebank, Tractability, Parse Forest Computation, Based on Tree Descriptions, Daniel Hardt, Mukund Padmanabhan, Regularized Winnow, Plausibility Judgements, Bracketed Corpora Training, environment-based disambiguation, Structural Closures, Expected Governors, a Constraint-Based Approach, Resolving Ellipsis in Clarification, Maria Lapata and Frank Keller, IBM T.J. Watson, William Schuler, Attribute Logic Type Signatures, Jonathan Ginzburg, Helmut Schmid, Toward General-Purpose Learning, Combining Stochastic, Eliminative Parsing, Role of Verbs, Robust Interaction, Semantic Transfer, An IR Approach, Rule-Based Methods for Disambiguation, Spelling Correction Using Context, Semantic-Head Based Resolution, A Text Understander that Learns, Dayne Freitag, Memoisation for Glue Language Deduction, Long Distance Pronominalisation, Document Analysis, Term-list Translation, FLEXIBLE EXAMPLE-BASED, Partial Interpretation, Reiteration and Collocation, A Framework for Customizable Generation, Translating New Words from Nonparallel, Graded Constraints, Combining a Chinese Thesaurus, unrestricted texts, F-Structures*, Mohammad Ali, Categorial Parsing, Scopal Ambiguities BjSrn Gamb/ick, Mono-lingual Word Co-occurrence Vectors, Global Focus, PARSER BASED ON THESSTC, Comparable Texts, A Multi-Neuro Tagger, Hypertext Presentations, a Chinese Dictionary, Amanda C. Jobbins, Mark Hepple, SOLVING ANALOGIES ON WORDS, Confirmation in Multimodal Systems, Genichiro Kikui, Janet Hitzeman and Massimo Poesio, Variable Lengths of Contexts, Benoit Lavoie and Owen Rambow, Ji Donghong Gong Junping Kent Ridge, Using Language Resources, Robust pronoun resolution, Multiple Surface Linguistic Cues, David R. McGee, An alternative LR, limited knowledge, Intelligent Tutoring, Information Classification, Philip R. Cohen and Sharon Oviatt, algorithm for TAGs, Translating a Unification, Ruslan Mitkov, System for French, Navigation Based on 5W1H, Hypertext Authoring, Lexis for Quick Ramp-Up, Grammar with Disjunctions, An Interactive Domain, Target Information, Linking Relevant Segments, A Generative Lexicon Perspective, Logical Constraints, Independent, An Intelligent Multi-Dictionary Environment, Related Instruction Manuals, Adjectival Modification, Tagging English, Never Look Back, Spontaneous Lexicon Change, Parametric Types, Restrictions on Tree, Segregatory Coordination, From Information Structure to Intonation, Translating Idioms, Robust Dialogue Interpretation, Project for production of closed-caption, A lexicon of discourse markers, Embedding New Information, A Pattern-based Machine, Coherence in Spoken Discourse, Idiomatic object usage, A Cognitive Model, Dialect MT, Patrick Saint-Dizier, An Alternative to Centering, Automatic English-Chinese, Diana McCarthy Anna Korhonen, Automatically Creating Bilingual Lexicons, Path Voting Constraints, Combination of an Automatic, Typed Attribute-Value Logic, Aligning Articles, Adjoining Languages, Ellipsis in Text Generation, Discourse Relations: A Structural, A Phonological Interface, a Stochastic Grammatical Channel, The Computational Lexical Semantics, Referring Expressions, TV programs, Heike Tappe, Translation System Extended, Distributional Similarity Models, Coherence-Driven Story Comprehension, support verbs, Michael Strube, name transliteration, Giorgio Satta, Ghkhan Tfir and Kemal Oflazer, an Interactive Disambiguation Method, TV Newscasts, Hua Cheng, the hearing impaired, Concept-to-Speech, Compositional Semantics, Presuppositional Account, James Shaw, Inducing a Semantically, Example-based Processing, Syntagmatic Relations, Clustering Neighbors, Cantonese and Mandarin, Idiomatic object usage and support verbs, Preserving Semantic Dependencies, Elliot Smith, A Method for Word Sense, development of multilingual resources, Takeyuki Kojima, Ordering Among Premodifiers, Head-Driven, Development and Use, Alternating Quantifier Scope in CCG, Linguistic Formalisms, Lexicalised TAG, Annotated Lexicon, Using Mutual Information, Corpus-Based Linguistic Indicators, Evelyne Viegas, Lillian Lee, Gold-Standard DataSet, Generation with HPSG, Shuly Wintner, Mixed Language, Learning to Recognize, Resolve Query Translation Ambiguities, EM-Based Clustering, Stephen Beale and Sergei Nirenburg, Charting the Depths, Aspectual Classification, Less is more, A Syntactic Framework, Computational Lexical Semantics, Subjectivity Classifications, Tables in Free Text, A Statistical Parser for Czech*, Parsing preferences, Query Disambiguation, Query Term Weighting, Robust Speech Parsing, Eliminating index terms, Incrementality, Eric V. Siegel, Robust, Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars, Pascale FUNG, W. Kaspert, Other Disruptions, the So-called Punctuality of Events, subordinate clauses, exploiting the derivation tree, Finite-State Parsing, Kiếm Châu Duyên, Trương Tuẫn Tử, Tao Loạn, Thương Giang Diễm Sử, Tiêu Nương, Trúc Viên Lang, truyện võ hiệp lịch sử Việt Nam, Việt Nam Võ Hiệp Lịch Sử Tiểu Thuyết, Bức thư Cà Mau, Jun Jin Suk, Han Seung Hee, Truyện tranh 1001 Nights, Shounen_Ai, 21st Century Boys, Seiki Shounen, ngộ độc sắt ở heo, làm đẹp từ dứa, heo đẻ non, âm mưu cuối cùng, Bốn cái ngu, “Cái nầu” xứ Nẫu, Cánh đàn ông chúng mình, Chị Mỵ làng Minh Quang, truyện của Ngọc Giao, Chú Sửu, Chân thành, Nguyễn Văn Thảo, Cho một tình yêu, Chú Phi “Chiến sĩ Điện Biên”, Văn Chinh, Độc thân, Củi mục trôi về, Hoàng Yến, Dưới gốc bồ đề ở Mahathana, Hoa lưng chừng núi, Gió về ngõ vắng, Kẻ lấp mộ, Hư thực phần người, Lão già chết tiệt, Lỏng và tuột, Mây trời thương nhớ, Tiến Dũng, Men lam, Tuệ An, Ngón hoa, Tất cả là nhờ anh bạn tôi, Mười ăn một, Nghe lỏm chuyện ba nhà sư ngồi bên Chùa Đồng, Nỗi nhớ sầu đâu, Như một người bạn, Ngôi nhà ẩm mốc, Phóng sinh chữ nghĩa, Sông Hậu xuôi về, Quả báo, Người con gái trên Đồi Sim, Thiên thần ngày xưa, Văn Đình Hùng, Nguyễn Mỹ Nữ, Nguyễn Thái Sơn, Nguyễn Lập Em, Hồ Kiên Giàn, Tình vỉa hè, truyện ngắn Trốn, Viên Ngọc, Yêu Internet, truyện ngắn Sói, Truyện của Hoàng Yến, Pronominalization in Generated, Truyện của Hòa Văn, Sequential Conditional, Statistical Natural, Discourse and Dialogue, Generating Minimal, Vẫn là vô tình, Improving Machine Learning, A Generative Constituent-Context Model, Generalized Iterative Scaling, Language Parsing, Charles B. Callaway, Truyện của Hoàng My, Definite Descriptions, Underspecified Scope, Improved Grammar Induction, Parsing Non-Recursive, Joshua Goodman, Phi Vân, Vincent Ng and Claire Cardie, Dan Klein and Christopher D. Manning, Dưới Ngàn Thông, Dung Nhi, Em Là Tất Cả

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trường THCS Ba Sa - 4 sao (17 lượt)