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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Translation Information

The Valley tài liệu oracle Medium land situation of manipur Analysis reveals feedback Estimate expression battle politician-scientist Microorganisms asscociated with three marine sponges Mammographic parenchymal pattern Volumetric mammographic density Sedimentary cycles BI-RADS density Mien trung sea of Viet Nam Increasing ambiguity A supplement to molecular data Screening-based cohort Consignment inventory simulation model for single vendor - multi buyers Marine litter along four sandy beaches Paleontological fossils Mammographic texture Sponge associated microorganism Five free-living marine nematode species Dashboard phần 1 Pre-emptive resume policy In-line emitters Consignment inventory simulation model Saurashtra coast CERES-Rice Stratigraphic sequence Especially in NT sponge The family Comesomatidae Filipjev Manufacturers’ coefficient of variance System of simulation Single vendor - multi buyers Crop growth models Usage categories Marine transgression Marine nematodes Emitter exponent Formation of crews of ships Consignment stock inventory model Categorized into material South Yellow Sea Electrodes and Potentiometry Non-compensating emitters Sequence analyses of D2 D3 region Crop growth and productivity Directions of simulation modeling Joint total economic cost Benthic diatoms SERVICE TECHNICAL SYSTEMS Reference electrodes Computational chemistry study Junction potential Operation of the vessel Biological diatom index Their potential activity Indicator electrodes Sai Gon river Inhibitors for the corrosion Calomel electrode Trophic diatom index RM1 and MNDO Quyết định 73/2007/QĐ-TTg Sáng lập viên hợp tác xã Thông tư liên tịch 10/1999/TTLT-BLĐTBXH-BYT Nỗi đau Triều Xuân Panicum repens L. Bài giảng Kẽm Người có nguy cơ thiếu kẽm Triệu chứng thiếu kém Thông báo Số 115/TB-SYT Thông báo Số 166/TB-SYT Dấu hiệu thiếu kẽm Số 115/TB-SYT Số 166/TB-SYT Kẽm với sự cân bằng nội tiết tố Thông báo kết luận của Sở Y tế Ebook Người chậm phần 2 Ebook Người chậm phần 1 Thông báo Số: 52/TB-VPCP Thông báo Số: 348/TB-VPCP Giải Nobel Văn học 2003 Tác giả đoạt giải Booker J.M. Coetzee tế bào sinh trưởng lập trình nhân chuyển nhân tái lập trình Phác đồ điều trị sỏi thận Cấu trúc của sỏi thận Lý thuyết hình thành sỏi Đại cương sỏi thận Khử hôi miệng bằng thực phẩm Quyết định số 2903/QĐ-UBND Quyết định số 2903 Số 2903/QĐ-UBND Quyết định 27/2005/QĐ-BTC Quyết định 27/2006/QĐ-BTC

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Quyết định 27/2006/QĐ-BXD, Quyết định 27/2007/QĐ-BXD, Quyết định 27/2002/QĐ-BVHTT, Quyết định 27/2002/QĐ-BBCVT, mặt hàng thuộc mã số 8501.40.20, Nghị quyết 116, Quyết định Số: 726/QĐ-UBND, Công văn 2244/NHNN-CSTT, Quyết định số 1940/QD-TTg, Quyết định số 1685/QĐ-TTg, Quyết định số 1940, Quyết định số 1685, Số 1940/QD-TTg, Số 1685/QĐ-TTg, Dự trữ quốc gia hỗ trợ các địa phương, Cấp giống cây trồng, Quyết định số 1794/2020/QĐ-UBND, Quyết định số 1794/2020, Quyết định số 1794/QĐ-UBND, Số 1794/2020/QĐ-UBND, Quyết định 809/QĐ-BNV, Thông tư 83/2005/TT-BNV, Công văn 1619/BNV-TCBC, Quyết định 53/2020/QĐ-BNV, Quyết định 77/2008/QĐ-BTC, Số 53/2020/QĐ-BNV, xếp rương váng, Bí tiểu hoàn toàn, How to Make Origami Airplanes That Fly, KUSUNOKI Kei, Truyện tranh Bitter Virgin, Mature, xếp giấy hình hộp, học sinh Suwa Daisuke, Truyện tranh Lucky luke tập 2, thị trấn nhỏ, Kẻ săn tiền thưởng, Quyết định số 34/QĐ-UB, Quyết định số 140/QĐ-UB, Ý định khởi nghiệp, Sinh viên trường Đại học Trà Vinh, Đại học Trà Vinh, Chỉ thị số 33/2006/CT-UBND, Khởi sự kinh doanh, cách nghe hiệu quả, bật mí cách nghe tiếng anh, học nghe tiếng anh chuẩn, cùng học tiếng anh hiệu quả, Củ đậu xào ruốc, Vietnam national guideline, The Center of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Bronchial hyper responsiveness, Allergic rhinitis and asthma, In vitro transdermal permeation, Treatment of asthma, Saudi initiative for asthma, TNF-α concentrations, Leukotriene receptor antagonist, Functional and inflammatory parameters, Asthma like symptoms, Numerous underlying disorders, Fenoterol hydrobromide, GINA guideline, Primary care setting, Rhinitis control, Long-acting β2 agonist, Severe asthma exacerbations, Non-asthmatics, Predictive factors for exacerbations, Vietnam Respiratory Society, Inter-subject variability, Symptom control, Severe allergic, Transdermal delivery system, Transcutol–oleic acid, Công văn số 2398/TCHQ-TXNK, Nguyên liệu nhập khẩu, Thuế nguyên liệu nhập khẩu, Xử lý thuế nguyên liệu nhập khẩu, Hacking Menus, Hacking Navigation, Basic Hacking, Windows XP Hacks & Mods for Dummies, Hacking Extensions, Hacking Performance, Quyết định 1152/2019/QĐ-UBND, Số 1152/2019/QĐ-UBND, Công ty cổ phần Viettronics Đống Đa, Quyết định số 1152/2019, Đề thi Toán số 33, Cá mú bông, Astragalus spp., Houttuynia cordata, đo chi tiết, sử dụng SET310, kiểu dấu phẩy động, Lựa chọn JOB, các loại hằng, Thông tư số 87/2003/TT-BTC, định hướng trạm máy, các lệnh vào ra, lệnh gán và biểu thức, Cấu trúc bảng trong HTML, Thuộc tính bảng, Chỉ số đèn GN, Cài đặt bảng, xử dụng đèn rời, Genetic correlation coefficient, Correlation and path coefficient, Normal moisture condition, Seed yield per plant, Yield and yield attributing traits, F3 population of bottle gourd, Direct and indirect effect, Path co-efficient analysis, JNPT Lines Oryza sativa, Phenotypic and genotypic correlation, Indirect selection, Genotypic correlation, These characters while selection, Sodicity tolerance, Path coefficient analysis in tomato, Season drought conditions, Quality traits in JNPT lines, Path coefficient analysis for yield, Association and path coefficient analysis, Component traits in greengram, Path coefficients, Genetic advance in chrysanthemum, Yield and yield component traits, JNPT lines of rice, Group sparse CCA, Attributing traits in rice, White kabuli (MNK-1), Assessment of certain strategies, Ailanthus excels, Crop improvement of tomato, lan Schomburgkia, Path coefficient analysis in rice, Purpureocillium lilacium, Path coefficients in Chilli, Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat, Kernel canonical correlation analysis, Genomic data integration, Testers recommended for sodic soil, Manage fruit fly Bactrocera cucurbitae, Co-efficient analysis in tomato, Biometric attributes, Genetic advance in bread wheat, Pochoniachlamydos poria, Path coefficients between characters, Yield and quality characters, Cane yield and quality characters in elite, Hilbert-Schmidt independent criterion, Graft union, Bitter gourd of Tripura, Phenotypic coefficient variability, Hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.), Sub-humid zone, Physiological loss in weight (PLW), Genotypes of sugarcane, Meloidogyne species, L1 regularization, Correlations and yield attributes, F4 Population, Carnuba wax, Quality characters in bitter gourd, Micronutrient on the growth, Heritability and genetic advances, Bitter gourd (Momoredica charantia L.), Ailanthus excelsa Roxb, Effect of heterosis, Genetic advance in parental lines, Liquid organic manures, Quantitative characters, Evaluation of parents, Graft anatomy, Exploiting gynoecious line, Anti-radical, Correlation analysis in gladiolus, Foliar feeding of micronutrient, Specific crossing programme, Heterosis on fruit characters, Postharvest behaviour of bitter gourd, Fruit harvest, Earliness and yield traits, PEG induced water stress on germination, Genetic advance in F4, Chips short-running title, Okra jassids, Biointensive integrated pest management, Yield and quality components, IPM modules evaluation, Eighteen quantitative characters, Heterosis in bittergourd, Fruit characters, Bitter guard (Momordica charactia L.), Combining ability studies in bitter gourd, Additive type of gene action, Map storage, Yield traits in bitter gourd, Impact of edible coatings, White fly, Soybean growers, Manifestation of heterosis, Yield in bitter gourd, Fruit borer leucinodes Orbonalis, Genotypic correlation coefficient, Leucinodes Orbonalis guenee, Bitter gourd chips, Integrated pest management of okra, Manifestation of heterosis in bittergourd, mẹo nấu món vịt, Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum var grossum L.), Integrated pest management modules against, Heterosis studies in bitter guard, MAP gases concentrations, Knowledge and NSKE, Gene action studies for grain yield, cách nấu vịt cách nấu ăn, Dentification of promising hybrids suitable, Fruit borer leucinodes Orbonalis guenee, Grain smut disease and immune, Genotypes for 18 characters, Yield contributing traits in wheat, Yield contributing traits in bell pepper, Grain smut disease, Chilli farmers, Fruit positions, Yield contributing traits in tomato, Barnyard millet advance lines for yield, Chilli cultivatio, Genotypes on growth parameters, Fruit retention loads, Integrated pest management practices in paddy, Mean performance of the parents, Inorganic and biofertilizers, Eco-friendly management practices, Yield contributing traits of okra, Biotic constraints, Vermicompost and okra, Faulty cultivation practices, Bofertilizers on growth, Treatment combinations, Total uptake and Vermicompost, Integrated pest management in rice, RBD with 3 replications, Future scope, Jhabua Hills, Robust plant type but low yield, Online searching trend, Quality and yield contributing traits, Agronomy farm, Nutrient uptake of soybean, Human-internet interaction, Direct and residual effect, Practices over farmers’ practices, Grain yield in wheat, Potential platform towards promotion, Farmers’ practices in mungbean, Integrated pest management technology, Quality and yield traits, Study of genetic parameters, Leaf yield and growth, Growth and quality, Rainfed condition to validate, Maize-chickpea cropping system, Total funds for IPM technology, NPK and yield, Soybean germplasm based, Involving improved germplasm lines, Leaf yield of coriander, Major factors constraining onion production, NPK on growth yield, Appropriate combinations of inputs, Genetic advance of bitter gourd, Studies on performance, Quality of hybrid cucumber, Line and testers, Irrigation regime, Great interest to plant breeders, Phosphorous solubilizing bacteria, Pumpkin Cucurbita moschata Duch, L x T analysis, Heterosis studies in bread wheat, Architectural traits, IW: CPE, Phosphorous solubilizing fungus (Asperigillus awamori), Heterosis studies for yield, Quality attributing traits, Bhagwa raised through, Component traits in rice, Determining combining ability in sunflower, Heterosis for growth, Yellow seeded maize, Germplasm Estimate heterosis, Water use efficiency etc, Recommended dose of phosphorus, Yield characters in chickpea, Components in tomato, High temperature stress environment, Quality traits in finger millet, Propagules for yield, Determining combining ability, Quality characters of Bt Cotton, Estimation of heterosis for grain yield, Conducted in randomized block design, Quality traits in pumpkin, Flowering and harvest index, Bulb yield and quality of onion, Enhanced flower yield, Vine length, Varieties on growth, Arnebia euchroma, Fabrication and experiment, Per cent fruit set, Hydroxyapatite functionalized carbon nanotubes, Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers, Potted begonia and petunia, HAp and CNTs, 220 VAC frequency 50 Hz, Shannon - Wiener index, Wild plants, Fungal feeding nematodes, Evaluation of bitter gourd, Termite mound, COF stimulated growth, 4-Aminobenzoic acid, HAp/fCNTs nanocomposite, Microbial metabolites, Pure sine wave, Bacterial feeding nematodes, Fungal comb, Soil microbial diversity, Both flower species, Human pathogens, Euphorbia tirucalli stem, Microbial diversity in the rhizosphere, 16SrRNA gene sequencing, The presence of fCNTs in HAp coatings, Fungal symbiont of termite ecosystem, Biomass in Nilgiri biosphere, Pesticides on soil microbial diversity, Crude extract, Indigenous microorganism communities, Plants growing, Termite ecosystem, Castellaniella ginsengisoli, Photosynthetic microeukaryotes, Different agri-ecosystems, Transformations associated, Sugarcane-wheat cropping system, Trypan blue cell exclusion assay, Agri-ecosystems, Seed-borne inoculums, Metabarcoding pipelines, Effect on seeds, General and special combining ability, Various original methods, Agro-ecosystem habitats like bacteria, Seedlings and plant vigor, Seed and oil yields, Mẹo hay với dưa leo, Hull ratio, Determining some yield, Agronomic parameters, Identification of FGR gene for agronomic traits, Anthocyanin content, Inbreeding depression, Combining ability studies in tomato, Erect leaf, ăn dưa tốt cho sức khỏe, Original diploid genotypes, Preliminary evaluation for agronomic traits of pandan sticky rice variety, Diversity analysis of genetic, Soybean Nodules, Solanum lycopersicon Mill, Forage sorghum, Black rice accessions, Inbred line, Yellowberry kernel, mỹ phẩm tự nhiên, Cultivar treatments, Nitrogen Supplier, Sorghum bicolour L Moench, Brassica rapa var yellow sarson, Pandan sticky rice variety, Vietnam local accession, General combiner, Panicle mite, Agronomic potential, Photoperiod sensitivity, Combining ability studies in blackgram, Leaf angle, Soybean-Rhizobial Symbiosis, Quality characteristics of bread wheat, Ovule-ovarium culture, Specific combiner, Nutritious plant, Combining ability analysis for earliness

Đánh giá
Translation Information - 4 sao (17 lượt)