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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Tìm hiểu mã tiền

Pulmonary sequestration Monocyte activation Sputum viscoelasticity Impaired spirometry Congenital pulmonary malformation Circulating monocytes Diffusing capacity for nitric oxide Intralobar sequestration COPD severity Cardiopulmonary ultrasound Idiopathic PAH Airway infection Neutrophil-dominated inflammation Including environmental exposure Velcro crackles Obliterative bronchiolitis Pulmonary manifestation Bronchial challenge test Fetal blood Insurance claims ROS1 rearrangement Bronchial inflammation Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging Lung neuroendocrine tumors Cell distribution Prognostic stratification Pulmonary arteriolar remodeling Smart nebulizer Inter-individual variability Prevalence information Ultrasonic nebulizer Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease emphysema Offspring asthma Lung repair Remarkably frequent Parents’ asthma Skeletal muscular atrophy Lung stem cells Vascular endothelial dysfunction Human healthy lung Aggravate anemia Balloon pulmonary angioplasty Intravascular imagining Optical coherent tomography Continuous constant current Continuous pulsed current Sinusoidal pulsed current Triangular pulsed current Diaphragm paralysis Inhalation exposure Diaphragm strength Electromagnetic phrenic nerve stimulation Diagnostic yields Repeated surgery Yellow nail syndrome Radial probe endobronchial ultrasound Chronic respiratory manifestations Percent vital capacity Congenital lymph abnormality Mechanical ventilator weaning Risk assessment score Intraoperative nodal assessment Small airway Diffusion capacity Standard emphysema index Small pulmonary arterioles High mortality rate Residual volume High concentrations Small airways dysfunction Tuberculous destroyed lung Pleuropulmonary resection Regional arterial embolization Interleukin-3 Alveolar barrier dysfunction Obstructive sleep apnea Hypnopnea syndrome Desquamative interstitial pneumonia Overlap syndrome Several pulmonary functions Cytoskeletal rearrangement Diaphragmatic weakness Acute inflammatory disease Highly active antiretroviral therapies EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma Wegener’s with eosinophilia Diaphragmatic dysfunction Oxygen desaturation index GPA with eosinophilia Hyperoxia-induced ALI Bronchial fistula Empyema pleural Positive airway pressure 2′-5′-Oligoadenylate synthetase 1 WNT1 inducible signaling pathway protein 1 Pulmonary Aspergillus overlap syndrome Hsp90-beta T cell deficiency Bronchial stenosis Patient phenotype Pleural empyema depends

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Procedural complexity, Inflammatory cascades, Primary right carina, Total serum immunoglobulin E, Progressive clinical course, Inflammatory immune reactions, Therapy termination, Lung mechanics, Bronchial disease, Pulmonary carcinosarcoma, Long-term mechanical ventilation, Postpneumonectomy-like syndrome, Radiographic findings, Annual decline in forced expiratory volume, Postpneumonectomy syndrome, Rare primary lung malignancy, Monitoring lung pathology, Fibred confocal fluorescence microscopy, Trial sequential analysis, Increased utilization worldwide, Non-relapse, Bronchial carcinoid, Sputum cytokines and chemokines, Unilateral lung disease, Pulmonary meningioma, Sporadic lymphangioleiomyomatosis, Physical activity guidelines, Intrapulmonary metastasis, Cystic radiological manifestation, Immunoglobulin G4-related disease, Spontaneous hemothorax, Pleura involvement, Ground glass opacities, Alveolar interstitial, Borg score, Bronchoscopy plays, Dry powder adenosine, Endobronchial biopsy, Malignant factor, Bronchial provocation, Traumatic wet lung, Phenotype accurately, Increase diagnostic yield, Pleural empyema, Multi-modal telehealth service, Lung consolidation, Confirm asthma, Severe airway obstruction, One lung ventilation, Etiological diagnosis, Although dyspnea, Inhalable drugs, S-nitrosoglutathione reductase, Asbestos related diffuse pleural thickening, Berlin definition, Rare inflammatory lung disease, S-nitrosoglutathione, Cannabis increases, Lung infiltrates, Spatial regression, NKT cells, Broncho-dilatators, PQ-induced lung fibrosis, Diagnosing lung infiltrates, Anti-inflammatory actions, Prolonged treatment, Hospital bed supply, Regional deprivation, Ground-glass opacity, Treatment-emergent adverse events, Berlin questionnaire, Phenotyping asthma, Haematopoietic transplant, Focal fibrosis, Primary care patients, Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, Hematopoietic stem cell transplant, Arterio-venous fistula, Technically demanding, Moxifloxacin therapy, Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia, Adult asthmatic patients, Reduced plasma nitrate, Symbicort maintenance, Outpatient asthma, Increased urinary norepinephrine, Monocyte derived macrophages, Reliever therapy, Drugs cost, Distinct gene mutations, Sputum flow cytometry, Lung epithelial cell line, Sputum monocytes, Gastro-esophageal reflux disease, Disease exacerbation, Vagal activity, Clinical practice variation, Autonomic function testing, Esophageal acid perfusion, Classification system, Sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome, Symptom scale, Coherence analysis, High-sensitive Troponin T, Maximal physical exercise, Stretta radiofrequency, Protease-antiprotease balance, Laparoscopic fundoplication, Baseline dyspnea index, Bronchial tree, Sympathetic nerve activity, Different metalloproteinases, Transition dyspnea index, Acetylsalicylic acid exacerbated respiratory disease, Tumoral host response, Treatable disease, Aspirin-induced asthma, Non-inflammatory counterparts, Ventilator–associated lung injury, Clara cell, Psychometric performance, Lung progenitor, Esophageal sphincter pressure, Predicted equation, Pulmonary pathologies, Reference value, Productive repair, Corticosteroid responsiveness, Asthmatics benefit less, GSTM2-5 genes, Investigated differences, Respiratory nurses, Acute inhalation, Eosinophilic inflammation, Exogenous surfactant, Exhaled nitric oxide, Reversible obstruction, Inhaler preference, Patient interviews, Stone miner, Physician visits, Non-respiratory individuals, Exhaled breath condensate, Biological processes essential, Corticosteroids plus cyclophosphamide, Deuteriated choline, Isotope labelling, Chronic obstructive lung disease, Spirometry screening assessment, Auditory-evoked potential, Ramsay sedation score, Inspiratory neck muscles, Ramsay sedation scale, Gen polymorphism, Severe lung disease, Early supported discharge, Healthcare use, Nasal epithelium, Patient acceptability, National health insurance claims, Single breath nitrogen test, Exaggerated inflammatory response, Time-varying elastance, Software-assisted CT quantification, Model-based methods, Chronic airway diseases, Severely altering, Intravenous antibiotics, Lobular Capillary Hemangioma, Veno-venous extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation, Eczema symptoms, Refractory anemia, Hormone responsive, Nasal potential difference measurements, Muscarinic agonists, Positive predictive values, Gingival surfaces, Transmembrane regulator function, Negative predictive values, Increased pulmonary vascular resistance, CFTR functional defect, Off-label prescribing, Long-acting beta agonis, Muscarinic antagonist, Transient initial drop, Non-neuronal cholinergic system, Cohort effect, Longitudinal analyses, Heat shock protein 47, Beclomethasone dipropionate, Pharmacological healthcare interventions, Transition dyspnoea index, Therapy assessment, Proactive palliative care, Nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease, Cytokine biology, Elderly adults, Physiologically linked, COPD patient, Altered cardiac repolarization, Acid-fast bacilli smear, Dysregulated immun, Oronasal breathing, Health information seeking, Increased dispersion, Bronchodilator therapy, Extrapulmonary TB, Cystic changes, Related muscles, Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia, Paediatric pulmonology, Genetic test, Chronic kidney diseases, Cardiovascular reserve, CPAP therapy compliance, Anaplastic lymphoma kinase inhibitors, Respiratory tract diseases, Upper airways, Motivational reinforcement, Corticosteroid treatment, Systolic velocity, Sleep apnea syndromes, Refractory pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, Daily step-count, Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome, Alveolar walls, Typically diagnosed, Fibrotic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, Chronic systemic inflammatory syndrome, Cycle endurance test, Daily monitoring, Cytotoxic mediator, Multi center double-blind clinical study, Matrix remodelling, Chest muscle rigidity, Th17-associated cytokines, Respiratory function evaluation, Obtaining recent, Microfibrillar-associated protein 4, Glycosaminoglycan matrix, High resolution CT scan, Respiratory specific HRQoL, Chronic colonization, Perimenstrual asthma, Cysteinyl-leukotrienes, Respiratory illnesses, Symptom exacerbations, Asthmatic women, Fungal spores, Eotaxin-1, Tobacco smoke pollution, Lung volume reduction surgery, Inflammatory lung disease, Subclinical atherosclerosis, Porous particle technology, Persistent asthma, Asthma diagnosis, Airway apoptosis, Long-acting anticholinergic, Increased eosinophils, Quantitative morphometry, Complex airway inflammation, Mycobacterial infection, High sputum eosinophils, Radiological suspicion, Neutrophilic asthma, Serum fibrinogen, Determine proximal, Traffic-related pollutant, Distal inflammation, Asthmatic children treated, Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A2, Proliferation-related oncogene, Aclidinium bromide, Airway inflammatory process, N-terminal procollagen peptide type III, Pulmonary toxoplasmosis, Inflammatory cell profile, Surfactant protein, Psychiatric evaluation, Human zoonosis, Suspected pulmonary embolism, Mild hypoxemia, Alternative etiology, Ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy, Surfactant lipids, Cronbach’s formula, Fixed airways obstruction, Vapour ablation, Constant direct current, Exhaled carbon monoxide, Continuous positive airway pressure therapy, Lung volume reduction, Surface area to lung volume ratio, Photo-acoustic spectrometer, Removal tube, Upper lobe predominant emphysema, Pulsed direct current, Incomplete reversibility, CAP late mortality, Electrochemical analyser, Exercise endurance, Emergency department visits, Supplementary oxygen, Breathing frequency, Protein ubquitination, Poor lung function, Long-acting muscarinic antagonists, Breath test, Smoke-free policies, Underlying health conditions, Sleep-related disorders, Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, Ventilatory reserve, Adult pneumonia, Biological risk factors, Radiologic pattern, Respiratory exacerbation, Sleep-related hypoxaemia, Maximal exercise ventilation, Non-eosinophilic phenotype, Previously explored, Occupational risk factors, Mortality prediction, Symptom prevalence, Ethnic issues, National solidarity, Labor situation, Labor qualification, Labor discipline, Clearly indicating, Vietnam enterprizes, World's manufacturing base, High-tech applicability, Implementing policies, Necessary function, SMEs policy, Chi sâm Panax L, Định loại chi sâm Panax L, Các loài thuộc chi Panax ở Việt Nam, Sâm nhật bản, Genus pycnarrhena miers ex hook, Key to species of Pycnarrhena, Pycnarrhena in Vietnam, Much longer than radicle, The genus Cocculus DC, Genus Cocculus DC in the flora, Specimens examined of species, Morphological redescription, Chi san – Paspalum L, Cỏ sâu róm, Đặc điểm hình thái các loài thuộc chi Paspalum, Các loài thuộc chi Paspalum ở Việt Nam, Kết quả nghiên cứu chi rum, Chi rum trong họ gai, Họ gai ở Việt Nam, Đặc điểm của chi Poikilospermum, Myrica rubra, Chi Amanita dill, Useful plant resource in Vietnam, Danh mục nấm lớn Việt Nam, Studied specimens from Vietnam, Danh mục nấm lớn, Specimens kept in herbaria of HN, Nấm hình bán cầu lồi, Infrequent extreme values, Loài Amanita pilosella, Giống cua Tiwaripotamon bott, Bảo tồn các loài cua, Đặc điểm sinh học loài cua, Giống cua Tiwaripotamon ở Việt Nam, Vascular plant diversity of mangrove forest, Vascular plant diversity, Mngrove forest, Mangrove community hererin, Composition of plant species, Illumina miseq-based sequencing, Vietnamese ginseng cultivated soil, Obtained 16S rRNA data, Bacterial population in soil, Methods of spatial point pattern, Spatial point pattern, Local interaction, Detection probability of Quasipaa verrucospinosa, Quasipaa verrucospinosa, Including temperature, Entire national park, Different levels of detection, Layered half-space, Reciprocity theorem, Fluid layer overlying, Solid half-space, Coated-inclusion, Determining of the laser heat flux, Taylor expansion, Fresh concrete, Curvature of receptance, Multiple-cracked beams, Laser heat flux, Coated morphology

Đánh giá
Tìm hiểu mã tiền - 4 sao (17 lượt)