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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản thạc sỹ kinh doanh

Harmful effect of plastic bags Pathogenic fungi Candida albicans Master of Arts in Economics of development Essential oils from some plants Economics of development Vietnam the netherlands project Exports case for Vietnam Congenital arthrogryposis Bilateral shoulder flexion Real time PCR based expression Bilateral arthrogryposis of carpel joint Real time PCR based expression of metallothionein Evaluation of Zn bioavailability Chickens fed zinc oxide Zinc methionine Okra growers Yellow vein mosaic virus incidence Alpha-linolenic acid Pollination treatments Screening of tomato cultivars D2 statistics and segregants Transcriptomic analysis of Brassinosteroid biosynthesis Canine fetal mummification Soil ameliorant Nutrient contribution Association characteristics Studies on the performance Role of honeybee Economic analysis of Bt cotton Silkworm pupal residue Correlation coefficient analysis for yield Brassinosteroid biosynthesis Physicochemical and sensory characteristics Soil test based approach Rhizosphere regions Tomato cultivars for Whitefly Labrador bitch Association with socio-economic characteristics Euryale Ferox Salisb Mycosporine-like amino acids Media compositions exhibited varying responses Honeybee in enhancing yield Weed management practices on productivity Rabi sweet corn Components traits in soybean Signaling pathway genes Wild mushroom specimens of Schizophyllum commune Genetic diversity of Trichoderma sp Morphological characterization of okra Silkworm pupal residue oil Cultivars under Terai-agro climatic situation Two live fetuses in Labrador bitch Technique has been applied B tabaci in field condition Growing in field condition Characteristics of okra growers Mustard in Humid region Lateritic soils of Konkan Malformed tissues Oil using HPLC UV-Vis Yellow vein mosaic viruses Okra cultivation practices Mango variety amrapalli Bioaccumulation of plant nutrients Mummification takes place Detection of alpha linolenic acid Pigmented yeast Neurological affections SOC sequestration Fennel technologies Animals from groups on their Ralstonia solancearum into biovars based Root vegetables Mulberry leaves Heritability genetic advance Different temperatures sodium alginat Urban and Suburban area Khejri based cropping models Studies on biochemical changes Screening of native rhizobia Ability to oxidize Nutrient balances Antimicrobial study Hypoglycemic activity Survival and Karnataka Social relationship Shelf life of rhizobium carrier Inter specific cotton Half diallel analysis in cowpea Time of cutting Neurological affections in animals False smut disease in rice Utilize disaccharides Native rhizobia Synergists in suppression of malathion resistance Beta carotene content Scope of improvement Nutrient balances in vertisols Study of antimicrobial property

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Quantitative characters in bread wheat, Biofertilizer stored, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum de bary, Pharmacological properties of mulberry, Analysis of variance for diallel analysis, Submergence tolerance rice germplasm lines, Papaya fruit inoculated, Hexahydric alcohols, Incidence of two years on fracture, Social relationship and performance, Economics of dual purpose barley, Pathogenesis of ustilaginoidea virens, Isolation of pigmented yeasts, Hot arid environment, Temperatures at different intervals, Sensory quality of thirattupal during storage, Components traits in cowpea, Colletotrichum demetium, Effect of shifting animals, Flood prone lowlands, Cluster bean and vegetables, Highest P solubilization zone, Extraction of pigment, Promising pre-release inter specific cotton hybrids, Plant growth promoting abilities, Mapping of QTLS, Identification of QTLS, Sustainable Maize, Comparative efficacy of bio-agents, Production in acidic soil, Acidic soil of Senapati district, Micropropagated Banana, Endophytic and rhizospheric actinomycetes, Combining ability analysis in Brinjal, Biocontrol of fusarium wilt of Gladiolus, Non-additive gene action, Quality parameters of spineless safflower, Screening of endophytic, Yield attributes of quinoa, SCA also interacted significantly, Micropropagated banana plantlets, Rhizospheric actinomycetes, Varied crop geometry, Management with microbial bioagents, Genital ulcer diseases, Variability in genotypes, Fixation of lethal dose50, Polyethylene packing, Herpex simplex virus, Path analysis in advanced generation, Effect of mutagens in M1 generation, Patients attending the STD clinic, Grain yield in F7 generation, Post-harvest losses in Banana, Genital ulcerative disease, 1-MCP fumigation, Tuber crops production technology, Fertigation for effective nutrition, Certain bio-agents, Calcium chloride dip, Economics of cauliflower, Constraints associated, Fertilizers on soil microbial activity, Effective nutrition, Plant extracts against late blight, Controlled irrigation, H2O2 dip, Recommended tuber crops production technology, Root architecture in tomato, Plant extracts against late blight of tomato, Higher productivity in banana, Impact of water stress in tomato, Problems of decreased productivity, Vegetative parameters and growth, Effect of preservatives, Varietal evaluation of gerbera, Temperature on physico-chemical properties, Pollinators insects, Grown in a polyhouse, Economics of mango pulp, Trend analysis of wheat crop, Seed set of mustard, Insect pollinators in reference, Diversity of insect pollinators, Foliar application of urea, High level gentamicin, Multivariate analysis in mungbean, Certified organic wheat, Urea on fruit set, Vulnerability and Kosi region, Bifunctional gene, Genetic diversity under acidic soils, Agronomic evaluation of certified organic wheat, Return bloom and growth, Comparative analysis of vulnerability indices, Acidic soils of Manipur, Conducted during winter season, Climatic vulnerability, Clustering pattern of the genotypes, Enterococci from clinical isolates, Sugar industry wastes, Plant derived, Supplementing plant derived, Returns of briquette production, Collect necessary data, NPK uptake of maize grown in alfisol, Bone mineralization, Briquette production unit, Maize grown in alfisol, Broiler chicken fed suboptimal concentrations, Non phytate phosphorus, Path analysis in wheat under timely, Strain specific PCR, Powdery mildew and sunflower, Diospyros virginiana, Glycoprotein based phylogenetic analysis, Augmentation of yield parameters, Characterization of volatile compounds, Sunflower powdery mildew using fungicide, Stale bed direct seeded rice, Pollination studies in relation, Yield through zinc, Rabies virus isolates, Management of sunflower powdery mildew, Mechanical transplanted rice, Concrete of jasminum grandiflorum flowers, Relation to fruit drop in persimmon, Rabies virus in canids, Jasminum grandiflorum flowers, Efficient management of the disease, Glycoprotein sequence based phylogenetic, Fruit drop in persimmon, Taken up to find out effective fungicides, Radical scavenger, Date of grafting, Assessment of G X E interaction, Wedges grafting, Himalayan medicinal plants, Growth and phenology, Estimation of extent of variability, Phylogenetic relationship based, Normal saline, Genetic advace in vegetable pea, Adaptation of chickpea, Yield components in cowpea, Angelica glauca, Mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I, Extent of variability, Graft losses and environment, Repeat breeding cows, Fructose oligo saccharide, Chickpea in Chhattisgarh state, Study on genetic variability, Live mulch, Uterine flushing on subclinical endometritis, Alysicarpus vaginalis, Different environment conditions, Various productive traits in sugarcane, Ammi model, Low sugar confection, Water-logged condition, Peristrophe bicalyculata, Nocardiopsis alba, Analysis socioeconomic status, Reduced sugar jelly confection, Rhizoctonia bataticola through fungicides, Performance of bush pepper, Leaf and petiole explants, Different insecticides against pod borer, Farmers adopted agroforestry, Studies on shelf-life evaluation, Nocardiopsis alba RD3, Dry root rot of chickpea caused, Steinernema glaseri, Productivity of late sown wheat, Different insecticides, Different Bush Pepper varieties, Basavanapura and Hejjige Village, HPT and chitinase genes, Naphthalene through Nocardiopsis alba RD3, Growth parameter studies in different varieties, Lentil crop before, Meet household requirements for fuel wood, Bioefficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes, Cultured tissues of lettuce, Yield attributing parameters of different varieties, Healthy environment to work, Mixed-infection of papaya ring spot virus, Tomato leaf curl new delhi virus, Bioefficacy of newer, Earias spp on Okra, Insect growth performence indices, Spodoptera litura due to climate change, Minimum per cent infestation of shoot, Yield attributing of rice, Ebb and flow technique, Leaf cutting, Rice wheat Ecosystem, Okra yellow vein mosaic virus, Host mediated effect, Diversity analysis based upon yield, Periodical changes in soil, Tributyrin Agar, Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria pseudomonas, Rice fallow conditions, Higher phenols, Stability analysis for grain iron, Plant Defensin gene (PDF1.2), Effect of rhizobium inoculation, Infecting okra, Contributing traits in fennel, Leaf micronutrients, Expanded clay pellets, Vegetative growth to yield, Zinc concentrations in rice, Net monetary returns, Biological characterization, Different leaf cutting management, Hydroponic cultivation of tomato, Periodical nutrients, Sixty genotypes of fennel, Linseed (Linum usitatissimum), Alternaria brassicae infection in Arabidopsis, Horticulture crops inoculated, Graft transmission study, Seed quality of fenugreek, Tulsi and curi leaf extract, Certain PGPR strains, Navsari during late winter, Resistant sources, Alphonso mango orchards of ratnagiri, Curi leaf extract, Chemical in wilt management of linseed caused, Nodulation in blackgram seeds, Comparative efficacy of biological components, Effect of different priming methods, Growth and flowering of marigold, Linseed (Linum usitatissimum) wilt, Optimization of groundnut, Flowering of marigold, Field efficacy of Trichoderma harzianum, Marigold as influenced by pinching, Various resource constraints, Rhizobium against, Resistance genotypes against wilt of linseed, Spraying of nitrogen, Complex of chickpea, Flowering in marigold, Complex relative permittivity, Multiple signal classification, Histone H3K27 demethylase, Modulate gene, Abnormal H3K27, Tissue tolerable plasma, Maintenance Bevacizumab, Plasma medicine, Adjuvant online, Antiangiogenic agents, OPN polymorphisms, Sorafenib modulated, Increased cancer risk, Neoplasm frequently relapses, Control epidemiological, Pathologic subgroups, Luciferase gene, Reduced FEV1, Conventional central chondrosarcoma, Phase Ib clinical trial, Peptidylarginine deiminase, Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome, Androgen response elements, ERBB3 binding protein 1, Prostate bed, Organised cervical screening, Apolipoprotein E, CRC survival, Hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy, Bioreductive pre-prodrug, Cl-amidine represents, Bone morphogenic proteins, Metastatic mouse model, Reductase inhibitors, Chromatin recruitment, Annual percent change, Threatening adverse, Advanced solid tumours, Extracerebral activity, Mevalonic acid, PCa cells during, Lean sustainable construction, Toward a holistic view, Challenges to lean construction implementation, Flexible use of airspace manual, Notices to airmen domestic/international, Lean construction implementation, Introduction to flight training, Based on Airspace requests, Airmen domestic, Ground operations, Successful implementation of LC, Airspace use plan, Flight prohibitions, Basic flight maneuvers, Background to lean construction, Publication criteria, Tactical management, Maintaining aircraft control upset prevention, International notices to airmen, Graphic notices, Instrument flight procedures construction manual, RNAV procedures and satellite-based procedures, Percentage gradient to slope, Straight missed approach, Conversion between coordinate systems, Đề thi cuối học kỳ môn Cơ học, Physics 2, Solutions of Physics 2, Final exam of Physics 2, Keys of Physics 2, English for mechanical engineering, Đề thi English for mechanical engineering, Bài tập English for mechanical engineering, Đề thi Đại số đại cương, Ôn tập Đại số đại cương, Thiết kế và tạo khuôn ép nhựa, Tạo khuôn ép nhựa, Đề thi Thiết kế và tạo khuôn ép nhựa, Sinh học có cấu trúc, Mathematical statistics for engineers, Đề thi Sinh học có cấu trúc, Đề thi Sinh học phát triển, Final examination semester 2 Principles of physics 2, Final examination semester 2 Mathematical statistics for engineers, Bài tập Sinh học phát triển, Bài tập Sinh học có cấu trúc, Ôn tập Sinh học phát triển, Đề thi Proteomics, Đề thi học kỳ Sinh học phát triển, Bài tập Proteomics, Managing Microsoft server 2003, Health inequities, Implementing Microsoft server 2003, Health inequities in the South-East Asia region, Microsoft server 2003, Special chapters of the state of food, Microsoft exchange server 2003 infrastructure, Health inequities magnitude and trends, Identifying determinants of health inequities, Migrating from microsoft exchange server, Determinants of health inequities, Thay khớp háng thì đầu, Bệnh nhân gãy ổ cối phức tạp, Tổn thương khớp háng, Đứt hoàn toàn gân Achilles do chấn thương, Chức năng gân Achilles sau mổ, Đặc điểm mảnh ghép gân đồng loại, Phương pháp thay khớp háng, Bệnh nhân gãy liên mấu chuyển không vững, Phẫu thuật tạo hình dây chằng chéo, Thay khớp háng loại spiron, Giả u do mảnh vật liệu mòn, Biến chứng do gãy xương gây ra, Bệnh nhân trẻ tuổi, Phản ứng mô tại chỗ, Viêm hoại tử chỏm xương đùi, Bộ luật Hình sự, Trách nhiệm hình sự của pháp nhân, Trách nhiệm hình sự, Phòng chống tội phạm, Pháp luật hình sự nước ngoài, Quyền trẻ em, Therapeutic efficacies, Self-formulated antioxidant, Standard specification for chromium, Self-formulated anti-oxidant trace minerals formulation, Zinc corrosion protective coatings, Self-formulated anti-oxidant mineral formulation, Mastitic animals, Coatings are applied by conventional dip-spin, Mastitis management in dairy cattle, Classification of coatings, Specified go-gauge binds on the bolt, Day’s postpartum, Supplementation of anti-oxidant, Soybean and relay cropping, Mineral formulation, Postpartum subclinical endometritis, Castor in legume crops, DCC in bovine mastitis, Relay cropping of castor, Milk SCC in bovine mastitis, Recorded maximum seed yield, Anti-oxidant mineral formulation, Supplementation of anti-oxidant mineral formulation, Performance of Murrah buffalo, Their calves under weaning, Suckling system, HVS (high vaginal swab), Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, Socio-economic back ground

Đánh giá
thạc sỹ kinh doanh - 4 sao (17 lượt)