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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Phong cách ngôn ngữ khoa học

20β-dihydroxy-4- pregnen-3-one (DHP) Viral infection moderate Macro conidia Rhizobium culture Precise seed metering system Herbicides against Sclerotium oryzae catt incitant Graft-incompatibility in horticultural crops Barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak) PR revealing characteristic signs Peanut interspecific pre-breeding lines resistance Amur carp Weekly assessment of growth performance Blue butterfly Spot card and manure moisture Severe course Betaleikin Animal drawn multi crop planter Pathogenic ability Plain region of Chattisgarh Cost evaluation Yield and quality of summer sesame Gross and morphometrical studies Lentil (Lens culinaris L.) Abdominal cramps L boeticus House fly (Musca domsestica) Multistep gradient Cold arid Ladakh region ERα gene Strawberry in plain region Drone Brood Immuno correction of genital Herpes Effects of coumestrol treatment Coconut nut rot Lime coating Calendar days Peste-des-petitsruminants Hot air oven Physico-chemical character and SDSPAGE Herbicides and rice Yield and economics of lentil Information and Knowledge Himalayan ecosystem Cultivable diversity Multi-step gradient elution technique Chickpea and its pathogenic Different secondary traits Soil fertility assessment Genetic diversity of carambola Modifies system of rice intensification Coumestrol treatment Steneotarsonemus spinki Nonstructural protein C Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Cabinet tray dryer Boon for mango production Genetic polymorphism of estrogen hormone receptor Agriculture and allied sector Few selected wild edible leafy vegetables Genotypic path Biochemistry of grape berry development Rhizobium culture on yield Yield of different pulses grown Coastal plain zone Pauri garhwal Drone brood and bee honey Phenological behaviour Different polyhouses Seed yield in cowpea Bioremediation of zinc Viroid replication Spermatogenesis in dogs Echinochloa colonum Cultar (P333) a boon for mango production Seed traits Fermented fruit mix Life cycle of the pulse blue butterfly Silkworm and trait Carambola (Carambola averrhoa L.) Estrogen hormone receptor Solanum aethiopicum Physiographic land units Canal command area Confirmation of non-structural protein C Phenotypic path Royal jelly adulterated Grape berry development Weed dynamics and productivity Trianthema monogyna Soil born Molybdenum seed treatment Reduce heavy metals- Zinc RNA structural motif Biennial bearing Cucumber through integrated nutrient management practices Coconut germplasm Allied sector Coumestrol treatment on spermatogenesis in dogs Hexanal vapour NBPGR carambola Large extent

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Gene in buffaloes, Characterization of probiotic bacteria, Ground water recharges, Available carbohydrates produced, CO2 and CERES model, Rice-ratoon-green gram production, White finger millet, Market samples, Green gram influenced, Inter cropping in horticultural crops, Agents from chickpea, Fruit yield in cucumber, Characterization of methanol utilizing microorganisms, Pressurized irrigation, Non-surgical fertility control, Mango production, Genotypic path coefficient, Viroids and their mode of parasitism, Alternate hosts of rice, Genetic diversity in kale, Randomised block design, Curcuma angustifolia, Utilizable ground water resources, Polyphenol and antioxidants, Auto antibodies, Million of farmers, Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza, Postharvest treatment, Paramount importance, Harvest mainly depends on water, Quality of peda samples sold, Adaptability of Bt, Wheat crop in eastern India, Seed traits with fruit yield in cucumber, Samrat Ashok sagar project, EST-SSR molecular markers, Target yield, Soybean (Glycine max L. Merril), Finger millet varieties, Nut quality, Mode of parasitism, Sub-tropical and semi-arid conditions, Chickpea (Cicer arietinum linnaeus), Methanol utilizing microorganisms, Extraction method, Prevalence of urinary tract infection, Physicochemical changes, Adaptability of NBt, Medicinal properties, Characteristics of laboratory, Ground water draft, Pre-treated foxtail millet rice, Varying levels of phosphorus, African eggplant, Shading effect, Fermented rice beverage, Kashmir region based, Yield of wheat crop, Phytic acid content, Sulawesi medaka fish, Leguminous crops, Dry-DSR, Crop composted residue, Mono-cropping style production, Biocontrol (Bacterial) agents, Hybrid cultivars, Major nutrient contribution on growth, Yield and attributing traits malwa region, Urinary tract infection causing microorganism, Validation of molecular markers linked, Aliyarnagar condition, Yield attributes of lentil, NBt cotton hybrids, Antibody kinetics, Market peda samples collected, Banana quality, Eberhart and russel model, Watercress (Nasturtium officinale), Nematode and epidemiology, Syzygium cumini, Morphological descriptors, Ground water development, Poplar based agroforestry practice, Selected white finger millet varieties, Extraction machine, Examined parameters, Indirect Immunofluorescence, Nutrient management approaches, Significant problems, Anterior gut, Yeast strains associated, Nutrient content of okra, Bulk segregant analysis, Determination of susceptibility, BLAST programme, Climate change impacts on growth, Time taken, Assessment of major nutrient contribution, Mechanism of benzimidazole, Molecular markers linked, Performance of indigenous, Banana var grand naine, Evaluation of reactivity profile, Acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle), Relative performance of parent, Neem cake and Alkali spreading, Clinicophysiological response, Shading on wheat crop, Colour plastic mulch, Jamun (Syzygium cuminii Skeels), Potential source of nutraceuticals, Fermented rice beverages, Immune disease patients, Seasonal coincidence, Variability of seedling origin jamun, Over exploited zone, Combined inoculation of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza, Review on advances, Physico-chemical variation ontikhur powder extracted, Drip irrigation on yield attributes, Imitation of climate change impacts, Russel model, Resistant genes, Antibiotic among slum women, Counterparties non-Bt, Floristic composition of weeds, Nematodal control strategy, Buccal cavity, Biofertilizers and micronutrients, Growth dynamics, Wheat crop in poplar based agroforestry practice, Post-harvest attributes, Nutrient packages in Chattisgarh, Teak seedlings at coastal Odisha, Rice beverage, Germplasm growing, Rural women regarding nutrition practices, Role of rural women, Exotic coconut germplasm, Pruning to vegetable crops, Mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czen & Coss.], Planktonic cells and biofilm, Stability analysis of maize hybrids, Screening of auto antibodies, Genetic potential, Harvesting cost, Defatted soybean flour, Uptake and chickpea, Clinico-physiological response, Instant noodles, Genetic divergence analysis in potato, Improper use of anthelmintic, Incidence of major insect pest, Sulawesi medaka fish (Oryzias celebensis), Yellow mosaic virus resistance, Highresolution mapping, Rural women in agriculture activities, Bacterial blight pathogen, Jamun (Syzygium cumini L.), Response to different holding solutions, Six panchayat samitis, Dried starter culture, Locations during summer, Canopy volume, Wider row spacing, Weeds management, Opium poppy grown, Chickpea cultivation governing, Palmatine against strains, Detomidine-propofol anaesthesia, Jamun growing areas, Nutri-enriched cookies fortified, Tillage and irrigation, Agriculture activities, Marker-assisted selection (MAS), F2 segregating population derived, Anterior gut of Sulawesi medaka fish, Morphological and nutritional traits, Drumstick leaf powder, Narrow spacing, Phosphorus application, Climatic conditions of Malwa Plateau, Fertility levels on productivity, Bikaner panchayat samiti, Fresh weight of shoot, Seed yield and quality of Okra, Yield traits with different, Avena sativa, Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), Black cotton soil, Elite accessions of rice for morphological, Various agricultural activities, Economics of soybean, Organoleptic evaluation of instant noodles, Micromorphological observation, Growth retardant reduced, Dry weight of shoot and kuliana lime, Quality parameters of cotton, Khadrawy and Zahidi, Evaluation of elite accessions, Enriched biodigested liquid organic manure, Lolium multiflorum, Irrigation scheduling in black cotton soil, Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.), Silkworm waste, Quality of date palm, Mean performance for yield, Hybrid chilli, Mixed cropping, GA3 on fruit yield, Contributing traits in cauliflower, YejF gene, Chilli hybrids in central dry zone, Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L.), Human infection through threading model, Salmonella typhi gene, Greg Secker millionaire forex, Example of informative speech outline, Trader secrets report, Informative speech outline, Report are far greater, The most famous tragedies, Ultimate trading secrets, The commitment with FDI firms of accountants, Disaster to the movie, Psychology and price action, Noi Bai industrial park creative application, Financial depth and economic growth, Sinking of the Titanic remains, Determinants of firm’s capital expenditure, Creative application in economics sociological knowledge, Empirical evidence from ASEAN+3 countries, Bi̇ện pháp ki̇ểm soát nhi̇ễm khuẩn vết mổ, The accountants’ commitment, Long-term economic growth in ASEAN+3 countries, The company’s capital expenditure, Ki̇ểm soát nhi̇ễm khuẩn vết mổ, Microbiological standard (EN) in instruments disinfectant, Cobb-Douglas theoretical framewor, Packaging materials and equipment, Nhi̇ễm khuẩn vết mổ, Stimulated practical conditions, Promote financial development, Đảm bảo chất lượng dụng cụ trong CSSD, The sterilization process, The relationship among ASEAN+3, Ki̇ểm soát nhi̇ễm khuẩn, Quantitative laboratory tests, Chất lượng dụng cụ trong CSSD, The requirements towards sterile packaging material, Handwash and handrub test, Chăm sóc an toàn, Chất lượng dụng cụ, Terminally sterilised medical devices, Mycobactericidal and tuberculocid, Allow aseptic presentation, Kiểm soát diệt khuẩn, Enhanced-ER Model Concepts, Towards sterile packaging material, GROUP BY clause, SQL aggregate functions, restricted groupings, DBMS selection, Purpose of normalization, Classification of entities, Distinguishable strings, Applications of complementing, Myhill Nerode theorem, Prefixes of a language, Pumping lemma version II, Indistinguishable strings, Equivalent machines, Mealy machines, Non regular language, Quotient of a language, IAS framework, Evaluation of mineral resources, Corporate stock, IFRS financial statement, Finance lease, Impairment of assets, Non-current assets, Investments in associates, Hyperinfl ation, Accounting for government grants, Share-based payment, Separate financial statements, Specialized industries, Expected rate of return, Insurance terms, Option greeks, Options trade, Derivative assets, Delta neutrality, Pricing futures options, The futures market, Call options, Swap price, Dynamic hedging, Expenditures processes, Proper professional behavior, Option combinations, Authoritative literature, Market mechanics, Principal option pricing derivatives, Trust services principles perspective, Purchasing processes, Nonstandard spreads, Investment advisors, Uses of derivatives, Off-market swap, Purchase return processes, Combined call writing, Tests of balances, Effective study of derivatives, Identify assets, Bond risks, Margin considerations, Duration matching, Accounting for sole proprietorships, Diagnostic codes, Reception area, Coding with ICD-9, Body organ systems, Obtaining professional certification, Standard of care, Certification qualifications, Components of blood, White blood cells, Hydrotherapy methods, Red tamarind, Batch culture, Livelihood and gap analysis, Greengram livelihood security, pH and temperature, Knowledge index, Red tamarind (Tamarindus indica var rhodocarpha), Paneer incorporated with crude extract, Mycelia growth and spore yield, Vit-E, Health and practices, Production of pulses, Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla Thunb.), Sorghum meal agar, Conventional preservatives like lactic acid, Veterinary varsity, Suppression of Orobanche spp, Nitrogen levels under temperate conditions, Coefficient analysis, Animal husbandry practices in Haryana, Vitamin E and gluthathion, Native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Growth of hydrangea, Pearl millet meal agar, Farmers about animal feed technologies, Response of sweet corn hybrid, Low cost medium, Liquid preservation of semen, Aquatic bodies, Guava (Psidium gujava L.), Adoption level of animal husbandry practices, P and K fertilizes, Skimmed milk, Diara land, Bacillus thuringiensis strain Bt407, Character association analysis, Bunch and berry character, Intestinal bacteriology, Aspartate transaminase, Bacterial bioagents, Cucurbita moschata Duch ex Poir, Estra doublesynch, Pre-antral follicles, Ventilator associated tracheobronchitis, Graft transmissible pathogens, Feeding efficiency, Advances in stress physiology, Fiber from milk byproducts, Co-composting, Generative growth, Banana pulp, Greenhouse grown tomato, Different pumpkin cultivars, Manorial trial, Transformation of kasuti embroidery motifs, Alluvion and ailuvion, Spinosad and imidacloprid, Application stages, Promising varieties, Fertilization and dry land, Polymer coated urea (PCU), Crop field, Proteus vulgaris, Urine sample, Intestine of broilers, Safed musli + pigeonpea intercropping, Cow dung etc, Comparative influence, Post-operative suture line infection, Bacteriological profile of UTI

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Phong cách ngôn ngữ khoa học - 4 sao (17 lượt)