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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Perfect Channel State Information

MMP inactivation Quinone derivative Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 activity Taxane resistance Peripheral blood monocyte Systemic inflammatory response Ectopic meningioma Atypical meningioma Retroperitoneal mass Renal hilum Tumor survival MassARRAY system Nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase Targeting cell metabolism Treat cancer Acyl-CoA synthetase VL3 Thyroid malignancy distinct Cross-calibration Negative neck ultrasonography Metastatic cells disseminated Novel oncogenic kinase Remains controversial Protein tyrosine kinase Molecular contrast-enhanced ultrasonography B-cell lymphoma 6 Late complications Increased morbidity measured Stage IV breast cancer Particular treatment Ovarian carcinogenesis Heterogenous melanoma Accurate staging Online intervention Pathway elucidation remain unclear Estrogen-responsive breast cancer Celecoxib increases Genotoxic drug doxorubicin Mitochondriotoxic Hsp90 Aggressive tumor behavior Hypoxic signalling pathways Splicing isoform Myeloma cells LPA receptors PCR array Myeloma-specific marker Anticancer drug pirarubicin Prostate cancers Image-based gynecological brachytherapy Bayesian framework CT-based gynecological brachytherapy Linear quadratic model Rectal cancers Primary adenocarcinomas Overexpression of cyclooxygenase-2 Favourable prognosis Prostate tumor overexpressed 1 Unfavorable clinical outcome Semliki Forest virus Combined cancer treatment 4 T1 tumor Integrin α3β1 Bortezomib offers Producing rapid control Colon sessile serrated adenoma TP53 codon 72 polymorphism Kinesin family member 2a Canine bladder cancer T-ALL therapy Advanced pancreatic cancer Phase III Platinum therapy Genome-wide linkage Transforming growth factor β receptor 1 Non-manual minus manual Noncanonical Wnt5a Small G protein Macrophage infiltration Tumor mobility Macrophage recruitment Modulating proliferation Nonmammary malignancies Pre-terminal condition Systemic metastases Nerve density Chk1 inhibitors Related neurogenesis Foxp3+ regulatory T cells Tumors’ immune-phenotype Gynecological malignancy worldwide Mechanisms governing hairy-related protein 1 LINE-1 DNA methylation Elevated serum YKL-40 levels Foxp3 RNA interference HCC-activated Tregs Entities existed Transmembrane sialomucin Thyroid lesions Tumour location either proximal Growing evidence exists

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Unfavourable clinicopathological, Thyroid papillary carcinoma, Radio-embolization, Podocalyxin-like 1, Neoplastic stromal cell population, PODXL predicts poor prognosis, Gap junction intercellular communication, TGF-ß, Cell-cell contacts, Microtubules dynamics, Primary and secondary glioblastoma, Hypermethylator phenotype cluster, Grade IV glioblastomas exist, Monetary advantage, Acacia mearnsii, Maintainer (B-) lines, Wheat-lucerne mixed cropping, Shola forest, Restorer (R-) lines, Wheatlucerne mixed cropping system, Drug administration schedule, Acacia mearnsii invasion, Mixed cropping system on yield, Solanum torvum, Physiological seed treatments, Seedling quality parameters, Turkey berry, Seedling quality parameters in turkey berry, Chilli and rhizobacteria, Reproductive stage drought stress, Studies on endophytes isolated, Endophytes isolated from rose, Determination of antimicrobial activity, Removal from the market, Isolation of endophytes, Wheat production technology, Plant protection measures etc, Jiribam district, Zinc gluconate, Wheat production technology adopted, Chemical contraception, Soil color, Buckwheat genotypes, Serum testosterone in dogs, Soil condition etc, Soil physical analysis for reclamation, Soil of Jiribam district, Feed barley, Mungbean improvement, Nonparametric measures, Soil health of pigeonpea, Influence of weed management practices, Ward’s hierarchical clustering, Breeding and molecular markers, Pigeonpea as influenced, Middle indo-gangetic plains, Cervico - vaginal discharge, Stem blight, Cervico-vaginal discharges, Cross bred repeat breeding heifer cows, Horticultural traits in parthenocarpic cucumber, Weed population of chickpea, Gummy stem blight, Temperate rice, Euclidean clustering analysis, Sources of sulphur, Chickpea varieties to seed rate, Systemic review on anti-sciatica plant, Correlation and PCA, Probability of exceedence, Genetic advance and okra, Iron levels, Anthracnose of bean, Systemic review, Arid irrigated western plain zone, An assessment of temperate rice, Genetic analysis in okra, FLOOD software, Genetic divergence analysis in muskmelon, Path coefficient analysis in muskmelon, Anti-sciatica plant, Yield of chickpea varieties, Mahanadi river basin, Bio-agents against Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, Fruit morphological aspects, Prediction of maximum flood discharge, The Mahanadi river system, Table potato, Mulching and ethephon, Genetic advance in Brinjal, Yield and TSS, Brinjal germplasm, Regulation of flowering, Table potato genotypes, Nature or by hybridization, Intercrops in guava orchard, Nineteen characters studied in brinjal, Districts etc, Seed mycoflora of mung bean, Prevalence of seed mycoflora, Identification of seed mycoflora, Early cauliflower, Cajanus scarabaeoides, Evaluation of banana genotypes, Ready to-cook, Organic inorganic assorted customized fertilizer, Curd length, Banana genotypes, Seed protein of pigeonpea genotype, Quality of cotton, Milk based snack, Yield of Phalsa, Curd diameter, Pigeonpea genotype, Cotton under Rainfed vertisols, Foliar feeding of GA3, High yielding genotype, Marketable curd weight, Including one wild species revealed, Cook milk based snack, FYM based nutrient management regime, Nano sensor based irrigation, K content and uptake, Aluminium sulphate, Haemato biochemical alteration, Wildlife trade, Orange red, Maize and yield, Pear millet crop, Tackle global Coronavirus outbreak, Babesia gibsoni infection in dog, Apple green, A defensive shield, Iron treatments on nutrient content, Emerging pathogen Babesia gibsoni, Lemon yellow vase life, Influence of various zinc, Acceptability and Tuberose, Seed tannin, Drug burden, Tamarind kernel powder, Crustose lichens, Anthocorid predators, Farmer groups, Diabetic foot ulcer patients, Tamarind seed, Blaptostethus pallescens, Biodiversity of lichens in Lambasingi, Telangana state and commodity, Tamarind kernel powder yield, Optimization of antimicrobial agents, Xylocoris flavipes, Biodiversity of lichens, Functioning of farmer groups, Hypogymnia physodes, Diabetic foot ulcer patient, Effective functioning of groups, Rice in Assam situation, Families were identified, Groups must formulate appropriate policies, Hypothetical estimate of drug-burden, Direct seeded riceaerobic, Direct seeded rice on FIRB, Virus–free seed production of garlic, Virus–free seed production, Mollisols of Pantnagar, Garlic are reviewed below, Virus–free areas, Paddy ecosystem, S levels, B levels, Cropping cycles, Acetylene reduction assay, Characterization of N2 fixing anaerobic bacteria, Nutrient uptake by chickpea, Pandariya block, NPK on physico-chemical properties, Characterization of soil of pandariya block, Soil of pandariya block, Zinc with NPK, Sulphur is found in soil, Etiological spectrum, Cashew nut, Alternative crops, Shoot and fruit characters, Co-efficient of infection, Screening of Traditional Brinjal, Biofertilizer on nodulation, Statistics and trend, Varieties against cotton leaf hopper, Plant growth regulators on fruit set, Quantitative relationship, Plant growth regulators on flowering, Certain okra genotypes, Viable alternative crops, Integrated phosphorus management practices, Performance of cashew nut production, Summer crop, Amrasca bigutulla bigutulla, Yield of summer crop, Fruit characters of Brinjal plants, Summer crop in acid lime, Southern black soils, Cashew nut production, Injects toxic material into, Trend in production of cashew nut, Cabbage variety golden acre, Genetic analysis of grain yield, Economics of bio-pesticides, Shoot and fruit infestation, Spodoptera litura on Cabbage, Pearl millet growing zones, Green semilooper Chrysodeixis acuta, Details of the treatments, Shoot infestation caused, Soybean crop, Different treatments on Average yield, Label on garment, Branded showroom, Men’s readymade, Brand for male clothing, Branded men’s readymade garments, Genotypic patterns of beta-lactam resistance, Pre- and postemergence, Beta-lactam resistance, Yield of sponge gourd, Genotypic patterns, Yield of cowpea, Assessment of integrated nutrient, Escherichia coli clinical isolates, Genetic determinants responsible, Direct-seeded upland rice, Path analysis and yield, Bio-rational pesticides, Jatiluih brown rice, Ney pooovan, Population dynamics of brinjal fruit, Nutrient-rich beans with benefit, Stored maize, Tissue culture banana, Path analysis in coriander, Yield of rice fallow pulses, Corcyra cephalonica stainton in stored maize, Nutrient-rich beans, PGPR bacterial matrix, Fruit bore, Growth tissue culture banana, Impact of abiotic factors, Potential contribution towards, Growth of brown rice, planting density on growth, Corneal ulcer, Human transcription, Shelflife of carrier biofertilizers, Chronic fibrosed mastitis, Alizarin red, Kabeerdham district, Soil physiochemical properties, Turmeric and ginger, Temporal changes in prices, Livelihood changes, Corneal melanosis, Different production centers, Golovinomyces cichoracearum, Teat fibrosis, Seed rhizobium, Private companies, Few selected human transcription, Resistance characters, Quail embryos, Livelihood assets influence, Variety arka komal, Dahlia variabilis, Homeopathic remedies, Prices of sugar, Characterization of macronutrient, Feed additives in Gramapriya chicks, Production centers, Young age groups, Banana trees, Skeletal development, Spurious seed, Factors sequence analysis, Booming economy pull, Aggregatum onion genotypes, Powdery mildew caused, Macronutrient in soil, Collected from various published, Soil properties of French bean, Dietary supplementation of turmeric, Microbial analysis of biofertilizers, Incidence of corneal ulcer in dogs, Manure etc, Teat fibrosis in cows, Alizarin red technique, Bt cotton growers, Livelihood strategies of farmers, Various published, Carrier based Biofertilizers, Soil of Kabeerdham district, Golovinomyces cichoracearum Dahlia, Corneal ulcer in dogs, Bulky organic manures, Yield attribute of chickpea, Combination as feed additives, Strategies for extension functionaries, German angora, Response of phosphate solubilising inoculants, Boron fraction, Seed setting aggregatum onion, Flowering and corm traits, Phosphate solubilising inoculants, Genetic advance for quantitative characters, Corm traits, Studies on boron fractions, Crop performs differently, Wool yield, Biochemistry and yield of rice, Profitability of gladiolus hybrids, Performance of aggregatum onion cultures, Finger millet germplasm, German Angora Rabbits, Antibody/Antigen, Thrips incidence, Inorganic nutrient management practices, Non genetic factors on wool yields, 3 rd Generation ELISA, Grain characters, 4 th Generation ELISA, Few quality parameters of rice grain, Arly diagnosis of HIV, Soil matric potential, Management and chickpea, Probit analysis, Control in chickpea, MH and LD50 value, Acidic soils of north east India, Fusarium wilt control in chickpea, Irrigation schedule for Brinjal, Operating cost etc, PSB strains on soil microbial, Soil moisture tensiometers, Mechanical harvesting method of sorghum crop, Novel biofilm biofertilizers, Impact of phosphorus levels, Yield attributing traits in dahlia, Identification of putative bacterial endophytes, Plants in hot springs, Vitrofor morphological features, Grains or seeds, Storage insect pests, Nitrogen and root, Black scruf, Synthetic pesticides, Cope stored grain insect pests, Nitrate form of nitrogen, Potato caused by Rhizoctonia solani, Abiotic factors which determine fate, Black scurf disease, Nitrogen interaction effect in rice, Griffing’s method II Model I, Bougainvillea spectabilis, Onion genotypes through RAPD, Changing trends in antibiotic resistance, Rainfed rice crop at Bhubaneswar, Genetic advance in pumpkin, Antibiotic resistance of organism, Inheritance in fieldpea, Studied traits between genotypes, Rainfed rice crop, Genetic diversity remarkably, Urinary tract infections over five years, Genetic analysis of seed yield, Genetic variability PCV, Mungbean yellow mosaic virus MYMV, Level of NPK, An investigation on the etiology, Cold pretreatment, Potential of Trichoderma spp, NBS-LLR marker assisted screening, Yield and Benefit cost ratio, Heritability study in F2 population, Characterization of fungal diseases, Resistance genotypes, Number of branches per plant, Indica rice, Mitigating cadmium uptake, Earliness in bread wheat, Fungal diseases of gerbera, Summer pearlmillet, Nutritional status of school children, Metal stress ecosystem, Mustard varieties, Gossypium Barbadense L cotton for yield, Omission plot technique, Grain and fodder yield, Different NPK levels, School children in Deodar Taluka, Economic status of summer pearlmillet, Yield maximization in vertisols

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Perfect Channel State Information - 4 sao (17 lượt)