Tìm kiếm "Paraphrase Identification"

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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Paraphrase Identification

Q8 prediction Metabolic modelling Local block Node betweenness Orphan reactions Network compression Co-fitness Priority-lasso Bacterial genome Ligand-protein docking Candidate-selection Bi-level optimization Software tool Orthogonal technology Metagenomic approaches Technology-driven biases Mean partition Molecular diagrams Microscopy images Computational histopathology Metagenomic datasets Hi-C sequencing technology Partition distance 2-D cells segmentation Pooling strategy Bayesian clustering Nuclear segmentation Random subspace method Haplotype reconstruction Pooling techniques Edge interactions Variant annotation Sequence annotation Mouse genetics Protein similarity Homology databases K-mer Node embeddings EEG signals classification Clinico-genomic model Mock community Protein sequence activity relationship Overlapping group Epidemiological analyses Antibiotic resistance mechanisms Spatial-frequency-sequential relationships Protein spectrum Whole-genome sequences Supervised learning method Deep recurrent neural networks MG-RAST service Rational screening Annotated classes Metagenomic sequencing Empirical bayes Assembly correction Human samples Testing mean and variance Genome sequence assembly Bayesian logistic regression Competing pathways Assessment metrics Pathway ranking Trumpet R package DNA hybridization Biomedical data integration Multi-gene models Ploidy estimation Pseudouridine site Oligonucleotide signatures Single-gene models Allele dosage Position specific nucleotide propensity Regulated pathogens Semantic tools Error suppression Nonlinear dependence Survival models Nucleotide composition Domain terminologies Multi-gene biomarkers Dinucleotide composition One continuous variable Fundamental linguistic One binary dependent variable Numerous genes Variants of unknown significance Synchronous network visualization Cancer subtyping Database curation Protein–protein interface prediction 3D Zernike Descriptors Multiple solutions Rational drug design Inheritance model Live environment Assembling metagenomic datasets Antigenic cartography Increasingly deeper sequencing Metagenomic assembly

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Influenza hemagglutinin, Genomic information, GC-rich genomes, Promoter elements, Critical significance, Recall rate, Nuclear export signals, Variable length motif model, API interoperability, Alternating hydrophobic, Nonhydrophobic amino acid, Variants of uncertain significance, Easily interpreted, Linking APIs, Conformational diversity, Co-crystallized, Metabolic-model development, Require library installation, Related individuals, Correlated observation, Protein conserved region, Protein domain families, Genomic island, Horizontal transfer, Nearest neighbor model, Fungal strains, Genome synteny, Validation biomarkers, Linear modeling, Multilocus approach, Intrinsic evaluation, Dye decolorisation, Functional residue, Assembly quality, Hybrid error correction, Technical variability, Disease-related metabolomic phenotypes, Random forest-based approach, Low-dimensional setting, Conserved positions, Downstream tasks, Putative metabolite biomarkers, Linkage disequilibrium modeling, Nematode genomes, FM-Index, Family-dependent conserved position, Q-value method, Variance component analysis, Human similarity judgements, Forest of latent tree models, Reproducible framework, Specificity-determining position, Functional subfamily, Ising model, Literature curation, Literature search engine, Ion distribution, Model organism databases, High resolution structures, Physicochemical interactions, Hash index, RBP binding preference, Co-evolution, Kernel density estimation, Leishmaniasis represents, Motif optimization, Genotype-tissue expression project, Eukaryotic species, Systematic analysis, Contact zone, Interaction fingerprints, Interacting proteins, Including coiled-coil, DNA shape features, Elucidate disease mechanisms, Multilinear principal component analysis, Pocket-string, Disconnected protein interaction network, Network evolution, Regularized Laplacian, Unsupervised analysis, General-purpose clustering algorithms, Data standards, Paraconsistent logic, Spatial registration, Neuron morphology, Identifying regulons, Invertebrate neurons, Spontaneous reporting system, Disproportionality methods, Proportional reporting ratio, High throughput genomic assays, Emerging genomic, Immunological infiltrate, Epigenomic segmentation problems, Site-specific model, Somatic cancer mutations, Mutational mechanisms, Bioactive peptide discovery, Including biological, Immune receptor profiling, MiRNA-disease association predictions, Distance correlation set, Disease-lncRNA-miRNA network, Ortholog detection, Pairwise protein similarity measures, β-β pairing, Residue contact prediction, Contact map, Accessory genome, Flexible genome, Non-conserved accessory genome, Genetic algorithm-based, Heuristic search procedure, Multi-level K-means, PDZ-domain, PDZ-proteins, Zonula occludens-1 protein, Large-scale cancer genome, Recent cancer genome, Human cancer types, Flexible analysis queries, Plasmid-encoded proteins, Rapid fluctuations, Plasmidal proteins, Visualization strategies, Live phylogeny, Large phylogenetic trees, Redundancy reduction, Sampling bias, Clone elimination, Circular permutation, Iterative reconstruction, Tandem duplication random loss, Split Bregman, Limited-data tomography, Joint score tests, Recently differential variability, Multilinear discriminant analysis, Stiefel manifold, Heuristic optimisation, Tucker structure, High-throughput sequencing methods, Microbial gene, Location-based, Spatio-temporal context, Transcriptional networks, Homology-based gene prediction, Transcription factor binding motifs, Occurrence prediction, Transcriptome sequencing data, Plant distribution, Subtype community, Reconciliation methods, Low coverage, Local search heuristics, Deletion library, Venn intersection, Genome-wide biological, Subsequent biological, Bài giảng Mixers, Ngõ insert cho từng kênh, Núm chỉnh pan, Nút chọn PFL, Các bước cân chỉnh âm thanh, Qui trình cân chỉnh mixer, Cân chỉnh mixer, Chỉnh chất tiếng, Chỉnh loa kiểm tra, Chỉnh gain trong mixer, Chỉnh volume trong mixer, Variant filtering, Variant database, Quantile-based approach, Short read homology search, Small protein complex, Modification critical, Profile homology search, Large protein complex, Transgenerational inheritance, Paired-end read alignment, Target selection, Protein domain analysis, Single-nucleotide resolution, Protein complex prediction, N-dimensional, Emerging imaging paradigms, Recordable macro language, Genomic structural variants, Significant role, Bisulfite mapping, Abnormally mapped read pairs, Visual alignment, Bisulfite treatment, Co-fractionation, Protein correlation profiling, Binary quadratic programming, PPI prediction, Employing sequence homology, Subcellular localization information, Human splicing branchpoint, Modified PageRank algorithm, Monte Carlo tree search, RNA inverse folding, Local update, Pseudoknotted structure, Template-based modeling, Information-theoretic features, Largely habitual, Optimal Bayesian classification, Skin lesion, Orthologous analysis, Prior construction, Level set, Conserved lncRNAs, Probabilistic Boolean networks, Contour contraction, Human pathogen, Abrupt cutoff, Piwi-interacting RNAs, Intelligent health risk prediction, Medical health records, Comparative network analysis, Network querying, Genome quality score, Genome sequencing technologies, Varying qualities, Non-commercial purpose, Bacteria detection, Low-complexity, RNA structure prediction, Reference-guided, RNA ensembles, De novo, Conformational space, Related species, Assembly evaluation, Single-linkage clustering, Large scale bacterial sequencing, Widely distributed, Quantile normalization, Public microarray datasets, Assembly reconciliation, Breakpoint graph, DNA base pairs, Phylogenetic likelihood, Bayesian prior, Regularization term, Molecular fingerprints, Clonality assessment, Minimal residual disease monitoring, Hash-based algorithm, Disease-associated microRNAs, Pathological initiation, Structural and numerical variations, Visualizing gene, Tabix indexing, Topologically associated domain, Chromosome conformation capturing, Genome structure, Chromosome organization, TF clusters, Genome regulation, Time course experiment, Protein-DNA binding kinetics, Genomic feature correlations, Sequencing errors, Accurate structural, Gene prediction programs, Chosen randomly, High-quality genes, Genomic data analysis, Ancestral genome, Interactive and visual analytics, Transformation of chromosome structures, Parsimony principle, Mutational models, Random individuals, Flaviviral NS3 proteases, DENV NS3 protease, Pharmacophore anchor models, Core and specific anchors, Integrated anchor-based virtual screening, Ligand charge state, ATP mimic, SAR modeling, Extended connectivity fingerprint, Target fishing server, Dependency tree, Data imbalance, Differential co-expression, Multi-factor analysis, Simulated data analysis demonstrates, Association prediction, Network consistency projection, Disease diagnostic, Disease pathology, Contig coverage, Contig composition, DBSCAN algorithm, Uncultivable microbial organisms, Feature matrix, Cell ontology, Cell line ontology, Human cell atlas, Laboratories working, Catalytic residue prediction, Meta-approach, Active site residues, Region analysis, Subsequent data-analysis, Regulates gene, Spatial genetic patterns, Variant calling strategies, Ion Reporter, Number of clusters, Von Mises-Fisher mixture model, Biological context, Gap statistics, Silhouette width, Bioinformatics pipelines, Quickly genotype, Bioluminescent proteins, Sequence-derived, Parallel biological computing, Feature analysis, UpSet plots, Lineage-specific, Transitive closure, Heat maps, Ribosomal protein, Loop skewing, Proteins recognize, RNA-proteins interactions, Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins, Double-stranded DNA-binding proteins, Pathogen detection, Binding specificity, Relative expression analysis, Meta algorithms, Drastically reduced feature set, Feature reduction, Wing morphometrics, Knowledge extraction, Disease heterogeneity, Automated detection, Pathway-based distance, Drosophila wings, Cancer-related transcriptomics, Coordination framework, Similarity analysis, Spark framework, Center star alignment, Biological datasets, MSA parallelization, Read filtering, Cell membrane segmentation, Colorectal carcinoma evolves, Read normalization, Viral vectors, Singe cell sequencing, K-mers, Human genetic variation, Simulate gene, Post-hoc corrections, Mendelian disorders, Stochastic simulation algorithm, Optimal α, Second generation sequencing, Drosophila metamorphosis, Restriction enzyme cut site, Probabilistic assessments, Myonuclear localization, Optical map, Reference genome assemblies, Nuclear tracking, Controlling agricultural, Feature generation, Base-calling, Integrative genomics, Empirical discrimination power, Transposon sequencing, HLA imputation software, Differential test, Whole-genome assembly, Tn-Seq, Annotation of differences, CD function, Mediated effects, Unmeasured confounding, Python package, Quantitative properties, Quantitative recurrence analysis, Protein-ligand binding affinity, Bioinformatics skills, Non-coding variants, Epigenetic dynamics, Alignment-free protein analysis, Sequence-composition-based, Genome functional annotation

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Paraphrase Identification - 4 sao (17 lượt)