Tìm kiếm "núi Nga Mi"

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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản núi Nga Mi

First clonal stage of sugarcane Coloured sweet pepper genotypes Tear fluid cytokines Disease reaction Breaking seed dormancy Emergence herbicides on growth Inoculation effect of Consortium of Rhizobium Different nitrogen levels on growth De-Navelling Sterility symptoms in weeds documentation Abdominal adiposity Equine reproduction Fishing related activity Sports person Performance of Lycopersicon esculentum Zone II Bihar Zinc on physico-chemical properties of soil LABs through morphological Extension and communication Feed from cases High altitude region Medium considering plant density per unit area Occupational health hazards Female ratio Lantana leaf Genetic advance in table pea Seed production capacity of different species Tomato hybrid CTH1 Around ranchi Pod morphology of leguminous host plants Sweet variety Cordate leaf shape Solanum melongena for higher yield Cytokines level recorded in normal Different media Temperate tree species Head reach Good transpiration rate Inm modules under maize-chickpea sequence Hybrid varieties Antibiogram status ofloxacin Characterization of Escherichia coli Pop corn Pathcoefficient analysis Variability parameters for maturity Half diallel matting design Nutririch crops cultivation Temperate conditions of Kashmir valley Egg mass density dependent parasitoids Gene actions Reproductive pathogens Sea plant extract Quality of staggered sown oats Limno-chemistry of nellore reservoir Leaf spot of niger Pulse growing area KMB on the growth Uterus in cross breed cow Yield water use efficiency Atherogenic dyslipidemia Bunch feeding High yielding hybrid Improved lines of rice Communication behaviour of tribal farmers Growth and flowering behavior Susceptibility in the native vechur Boro rice in Bihar State Proving support to raise the skill Farm woman engaged Bovine mastitis milk Cotton Alternaria spp Indigenous Dioscorea bulbifera genotypes Pomegranate breeding Maruca vitrata in green gram Postharvest treatments on storage Helicoverpa armigera Hub on field pea Nutrient uptake of niger Ultrasonographic examinations Diarrhoiec buffalo calves Leguminous host plants Reproductive tract disorders Mulching of soybean Three hull-less barley varieties grown Nutraceutical rich Cassava processing Medical management in a buffalo Standard heterosis for different characters in okra Review in tropical Physiological parameter of maize Disposal pattern of honey Popping volume Path coefficient studies in tomato Energy bars of sports person Kappaphycus sp Emerging parasites Different treatments against brinjal shoot Different ocular parameter Collar rot resistance Pathological variation of Alternaria alternata Better shelf life

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Documentation of weeds expressed, Medium heritability, Yield attributes of rapeseed, Curd sample, Equine reproductive tract, Productivity culture, Cutting schedule on fodder yield, Yield of intercrop, Postpartum prolapse of uterus, Characterization of indigenous Dioscorea bulbifera genotypes, Tail end, Post-harvest management of orchid spikes, Farm woman engaged in mango, Yield of rice variety BPT 2270, Genetic divergence for important economic, Management of gram pod borer, Weed management effects on growth, Utilized herb portulaca oleracea, Generation means analysis, Nutririch crops cultivation practices, Production of all rice, Growth of pea, Cross pop corn hybrid IHPC-1203, Summer greengram and yield, Sasakii and seed treatment, Bhendi yellow vein mosaic disease infected plant, Determination of economic injury, Front line demonstration on the yield, Review on biofortification, Escherichia coli from poultry meat, Net income Benefit cost ratio, Honey in western ghats, Character association in tomato, Flowering behavior of strawberry, Virulence gene profile, Evaluation of heat ameliorating activity, Reproductive tract disorders in cattle, Single dose screening assay, Sea plant extracts in growth, Chronic form of mastitis, Colony margin colour, PSB of soybean, Culture practices, Weeds expressed with sterility symptoms, Brinjal germplasm lines, Tumours in rats, Phorate poisoning, Growth of rapeseed, Impact of backyard poultry farming, Good quality, Knowledge and adoption levels, Yield of kharif grain sorghum, Physiology of intercrop, Cutting schedule, Incidence of bacterial pathogens, Variability in morphological characteristics, Men engaged in different activities, Maize-wheatgreengram cropping system, Management of postpartum prolapse, Adopting climate resilient technologies, Disease and rice, Summary yield data, Poultry meat in Bhubaneswar, Plant is highly stunted, Anti-microbial potential of nutraceutical rich, Soliga farmers, Low Land condition, Traits on fruit yield, Methyl jasmonate on growth, Symbiotic association, Biochemical alteration, Improve nutritional quality, Heat ameliorating activity, Economics of rapeseed, Released hybrid varieties, Serogroups of STEC, Multi dose screening assay, Vathalmalai tribal areas, Sea plant extracts, Kharif grain sorghum, Paddy cultivation farmers, Physico chemical water quality parameters, Histopathological examinations revealed fibroedinoma, Course of cases, Micronutrients on vegetative growth, Morphogenetic changes, Suggestions of head reach, Fungicides against false smut disease, Producing plant species, Potassium management on greengram productivity, Data on other important characters, Profitability enhancement in little millet, Heatexposed broilers, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis guen, Important tool for the management, Doramectin on biochemical alteration, Nutririch crop cultivation practices, Various types of plankton, Growth of kharif, Detection E.coli 16SrRNA, Mulberry for sustainable sericulture, Improve nutritional quality of cereals, Hosanagara Taluk of Shivamogga district, Attributes of finger millet, Flowering in apple, False smut disease of rice, Reaction to major diseases, Mange infested camel, Adoption of paddy cultivation practices, Sustainable sericulture, Association between virulence genes, Rice leaf roller, Management of root diseases, Invivo evaluation, Flowering in almond, In vitro regeneration of haploids, Bioherbicidal potential, Based on clinical examination, Iron Metabolism in Covid-19, Root diseases, Farmers in paddy crop, Eucalyptus species aqueous leaf extract, Priming and Tulsi, Physiology of flowering in apple, Anemia Metabolism in Covid-19, Fungicides against Alternaria brassicae in vitro, Possible alternative therapeutic targets, Newer molecules of fungicides, Initial growth performance, Attributing characters of desi chickpea, Underlying physiopathology, Weed Parthenium hysterophorus, Seedling of desi chickpea, Reducing iron bioavailability, Communication technology exposure, Dairy farmers in morar block, Morar block, Dairy farmers as respondents, Anar butterfly, Fruit sucking moth, Banaskantha during Mrig Bahar, Insect pest of pomegranate, Incidence of insect pest, Macrophomina phaseolina isolates, Efficacy of bioagents, Goid causing root rot in castor, Isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina goid, Pruning severity in high density guava, Quantity and agricultural crops, Wilt of pigeonpea, Heterosexual transmission, Grain hardiness, Phosphate solubilizing bacteria in rice, Ensiled sugar beet pulp in cattle, HIV infection pattern, Bioagents against wilt, High density guava for higher returns, Grain appearance, Biocontrol efficiency, Qualitative improvement in agricultural crops, Ensiled sugar beet pulp, Clients attending integrated testing, Bioagents against wilt of pigeonpea, Streptomyces badius, Insect pollinators on quantitative, Plant growth promoting potential, Raw poultry meat sold, Pruning severity, Quality parameters of wheat, Dairy farms near university, Characterization of Bacillus cereus, Seroprevalence of HIV clients, Supply nutrients to plants even, Nonfruiting shoots, Pythiumaphaniderm atum, Biocontrol disease, Damping-off in tomato, Damping-off in chilli, Herbicide and soybean equivalent yield, Soybean pigeonpea intercropping system, Rooting pattern of maize, Productivity of maize, Length of root, Volume of root, Leaf beetles, Important medicinal plants, Foliar nutrient management, Blast and sheath blight management, Genetic purity confidence level, Each plant, Pictorial checklist of leaf beetle species, Sheath blight management, Navsari campus, Foliar nutrients application, Real time plant population, Blast disease of rice, Spondias mangifera Willd, Bio-fortification, Different subfamilies of Chrysomelidae, Growth of pigeon pea, Chest pain in children, Real-time population in pigeon pea, Improving nutritional security, Quantify genetic purity, Poultry manure and Rhiz, Bio-fortification for improving nutritional security, Bioagents and fungicides, Population groups, Combined approach of nutrient management, Mem Jolokia, Dry root rot of cluster bean, Evaluation of pulav prepared, Advantages of Bio-fortification, Moni Jolokia, Management of dry root rot, Fortnightly observation, Agronomic executability of barley, Formulation of pulav prepared, Soyabean germplasm, Combating biotic stress in Bhut Jolokia, Pulav prepared, Genetic divergence in soyabean, Pests associated with rice crop, Vegetable grafting for enhancing yield, Formulated ready to cook pulav mix, Sheep milk, Prevalence of Campylobacter spp, Greengram germplasm DUS descriptors, Agriculture insurance, Phule triveni, Soil aggregate, Histopathological parameter, Primers used to identify Campylobacter spp, Heterosis for cane, Potassium level on morphological characteristics, Greengram germplasm, Anogeissus latifolia, Peak milk yield, Camel milk with spices incorporation, Stratification ratio, Economics and tomato, Nephrotoxicityin wistar rats, Farmers towards crop insurance, Morphological characteristics of chrysanthemum, Juice yield, Bambusa arundinacea, Milk yield in Phule triveni, Drip irrigated tomato, Azithromycin induced hepatotoxicity, Morphological characterization of greengram germplasm, Gram‘s staining of Campylobacter organisms, Nitrogen on morphological characteristics, Spices incorporation, Protective effect of quercetin, Polythene mulches on yield, Traits in sweet sorghum, Persistency of milk yield, Coefficient of correlation between attitudes, Quality evaluation of paneer prepared, Least squares means of persistency, VAM fungi, Parents in hybrid combinations, Physio-chemical properties of soil, Optimistic voice for the voiceless, Disillusioned rural community, Century in rural empowerment, Community radio-a holistic illustration, Various models, ADMET prediction, Toxicity studies, Pharmacokinetic and Toxicity studies, Vermicompost in combination, Rice plants against, Enhancing resistance of rice, Silicon amendments, CCHF virus, Marigold petal meal, Repellent activities, Promising high yielding, Male buffalo calves, Nutrients managements, Aseel poultry breed, Flower yield of jasmine, Resistance to pod fly, Onion growers, Livestock owners towards information, CCHF zoonosis, Ontology for crop management, Quality parameters of green gram, Jenukuruba tribal women, Diameter and Node distance, Zinc phosphate, Residual film method, Technological index, Duel and pot culture, Early maturing cross combinations, Fixed investment, Genetic analysis of Kharif onion genotypes, Economical yield aspects, Least-squares mean, Egg composition, Melanagromyza obtusa infestation, Suggestions in production, Social capital women, Nutrient management practices on yield potential, Vocabulary of agricultural activity, SYBR green dye, Surface film application method, Egyptian soils, Communication technologies utilization, Node distance, Post rainy sorghum, Gross cost, Performance study in plains, Yolk index, TANUVAS Aseel poultry breed, Line demonstration on yield, Productive yield aspects, Zinc solubilizing microorganisms, Built accordingly, Fusarium Wilt of Eggplant, Pigeonpea genotypes evaluated, Growth of green gram, Potentially bioactive compounds by GC-MS, Seeking animal husbandry information, Mimosa pudica, Negative significant standard heterosis, Regular plant protection programmes, Marketing of onion, Physical properties of sugarcane crop, Farmer’s field, Develop new varieties or breeding materials, Egg quality parameters, Net return and BCR, Growth parameters of jasmine, Direct sown paddy, Classes constitutes a knowledge base, Livestock owners towards ICTs, Extract white powder, Medicinal rice, Family Poaceae, Cryptolestes pusillus, Serological survey of leptospirosis, Male buffalo calves farming, Marigold petal meal rich in xanthophyll, Raw material powder extracted, Njavara rice, Leptospirosis among poultry farm, Fluoride groundwater, Slaughterhouse workers, High temperature from fluoride groundwater, Improved TRIzol method, Co-relation with the risk factors, Characterization of raw material powder, Grains of medicinal rice, RNA from grains of medicinal rice, Cambridge English compact key, Objective ket student’s book, Cambridge ket for schools direct, Cambridge English compact key for schools, Cambridge ket, Cambridge English compact key for schools teacher’s book, Schools direct, Great places to visit, Healthy body, Getting together, In my free time, Look after yourself, Target ket for schools, Cambridge English key for schools result, Cambridge objective ket, Target ket for schools workbook, Cambridge English key, Cambridge objective ket workbook with answers, Looking good, Cambridge English key student’s book, Workbook English, Newick format, Open platform, Codon deviation coefficient, High confidence, Bioinformatics tool, Contig order, Phylogenetic tree recognition, Perinatal lung development, Caspase substrates, Human protein interaction network, Extremely intricate, Cleavage site prediction, Lung surfactants, DNA alphabet, Phylogeny preservation, Background nucleotide composition, Proper analysis, Alpha-helical transmembrane channel, Aggregated assemblies, Evolutionary analyses, Generating scaffolds, DNA sequence design algorithm, Bioinformatic tool

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núi Nga Mi - 4 sao (17 lượt)