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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Nhân với số có 1 chữ số

Total ash Major temples Phosphorus fractionation F1 diallel crosses for nitrogen Physical and chemical characteristics Chest infection Yield contributing characters viz Agricultural infrastructure Zinc and iron as influenced Phosphorus levels and yield Chapramari watershed Solution to develop quality snacks Onion crop to drought stress Prediction and validation Chemical characteristics of mango Egyptians patients Soils of agricultural botany research farm Varying salinity levels Maximum flowering characters Chickpea (Cicer aritinum L.) Influenced on flowering Blackgram production technology Participatory management of watershed Physiological and biochemical responses Isolation of lipase-producing yeasts Develop quality snacks Validation of three cross hybrids Flowers per Integral system yeast plus P fractions Evaluation of genetic variability Pradhan mantri Krishi senchaya yojona Seed length With-holding irrigation Malnourished generation Botanical pesticides against Three cross hybrids in maize Lipase-producing yeasts Phosphorus levels on growth Dermatophytic infection Fan branches Genetic variability in tomato Sucking insects pests Seed width Industrial oily residues Clinico-mycologic profile Fungicides on lesion expansion Farmer‟s satisfaction Crop oil equivalent yield Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. Mill) Characters association Pests in Brinjal Okra pests Principle component Spices plant Esterification activity Pubertal and Peripubertal buffalo heifers Genotypes using microsatellite markers Path analysis among CMS Lycopersicum esculantum Kharif and Abiotic factors Each spraying Based inter-cropping system Lesion expansion North-western zone of Rajasthan Peripubertal buffalo heifers Different genotype Nitrogen and leaf nutrient SI based cabbage hybrids Comparative effect of different fertilizers Sowing on productivity of black cumin Per cent change Botanical products against Citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus) Sucking pests and temperature Various growth parameters Ovsynch protocol and mineral supplementation Bt cotton in Buldana district Quality attributes of the crop Fruits per plant were recorded High yield potential Rejuvenation pruning Inducible resistance Green gram and quantitative traits Fertility in pubertal Vermicompost exhibited best overall growth Fortification and rice cultivars Nitrogen levels on leaf nutrient status Detection of inducible clindamycin resistance Knowledge level of apple growers F4 progenies of green gram Rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars Senile apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Erythromycin in clinical isolates Recommended apple spray schedule Arid zone Prevalence among methicillin resistant Potash and phosphate solubilizing bacteria Postharvest studies Cluster and PCA analysis

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Upland irrigated rice, PGPR consortia, Grewia villosa, Rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.), Seismogenic nodes, Native plant growth, Hairy-leaf cross berry (Grewia villosa Willd), GIS based frequency ratio method, Yield and post-harvest studies, Seismogenic zones, Giant crocodile skull from Can Tho, Conservative valuation, Seismic hazard at regional scale, Gastric disease, Frequency ratio, Saltwater crocodile, Bacillus subtilis DKT, Nano mineral, Identification of potential compounds, Neo deterministic seismic hazard assessment, Saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), Proper land use management, Non-use value, Comamonas testosterone KT5, Sow productivity, Application terrasar-X data, Diboson production, Landslide susceptibility map produced, Optional value, Nano mineral-supplemented diet, KT5 AND Bacillus subtilis DKT, Atterberg’s limits, Next-to-leading-Order corrections, Land subsidenc, Volcanic ecosystem, Graph based method, Existence value, Immobilized bacteria, Hierarchical aggregation, Newborn piglets, Titrimetric method, Cyclic shear, Modeling effects of abiotic, Terrasar-X data, Graphene-gold, Edible bovine byproducts, Higher-order effects, Livestock farmer, Merging operator, Hipposideros Griffini from lava caves, Ambient dose equivalent, Anthropogenic factors, PSInSAR for determining, Semi-supervised graph based clustering, Peanut bud necrosis virus, Heterogeneous composite photocatalysts, Post-cyclic settlement, Pulse wonder, Impossibility distribution, Evaluation of private, Threats to its conservation in Vietnam, Alternaria macrospora causing leaf, Seeded rice (Oryza sativa L.), Resilience status, Germplasm etc, Different virginia-type groundnut varieties suitable, Heat adaptive traits, Yields traits, Conversion coefficients, Cationic micronutrient status, Camel skin, Osmotolerant plant growth, Edible bovine by-products, Gastro-intestinal helminths, Cassava mosaic disease, Diversity in tannin, Comparative seed yield stability, Central area of Hanoi, Interspecific derivatives, Multi-directional cyclic shear, Antiviral prospective, Anthropogenic factors to rice production, M tuberculosis, Backcross inbred lines, Symbolic possibilistic logic, Private and public maize hybrids, Major Apis species, Pomegranate garden, Socio-personal conditions, Coronopus didymus L, Rotated component matrix, Chilli and thrips, Major abiotic stresses of rice, Conservation in Vietnam, Earhead worm, Some soils under different cropping system, Bacterial inoculation, Influence of nitrogen, Photocatalytic activity of TiO2, Different sources of nutrients, Neem leaf, Fiber content in Areca nut, Rauvolfia serpentina, Determinate and indeterminate RILs, Resistance and late blight disease, Total enterobacteriacae count, Survey on natural occurrence, Alternaria helianthi, Tinospora cordifolia on HSV-1, Aonla [(Emblica officinalis Gaertn.) cv. Chakaiya], Kymore plateau, Sapa district, Atterbergs limits subjected, NPK and bio-inoculants, Backcross inbred lines of IR64 rice, Tropical maize, Hot spot and mechanical inoculation, Value added composite flour Sev, Sheep tissue samples, Major Apis species on coriander, Public maize hybrids, Suitable tomato-cucurbit polyculture, Phytotoxicity of Fipronil, Human consumption, Postulate point of view, Non aromatic genotypes, Botanical fertilizer, Simulated workplace neutron standard field, Role perception, Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate, Cationic micronutrient status of some soils, Helminth epidemiology, Developing one resilience scale, Characterization in West Bengal, Graphene-gold nanocomposites, Weed suppression, Management of Anoestrus murrah buffaloes, Green leaf hopper, Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina Benth.), Health practices, Regional inequality, Irrigation conditions, Late blight disease, Profitable cropping systems, Camel (Camelus dromedarius), Germplasm under tarai conditions, Borewells water used, Indeterminate RILs, Turmeric rhizome sizes, Microbial biocontrol agents, Meal supplementation, Animal sciences undergraduates, Near isogenic lines developed, Mechanical inoculation, Foraging rate, Keeping quality characteristics, Nutrients ongrowth and yield, Antioxidant enzyme levels, IR64 rice (Oryza sativa L.), Different management modules, Protein rich meal for livestock’s, Biology of pearl millet ear head worm, Raised bed with drip system, Their potential yield, Sero-diagnosis study, Herb yield, GI helminths in goats, Against pest complex, Farm facilitators, Maize (Zea mays L.) ecosystem, Dimensions affecting resilience status, Polyethylene spheres, Tomato advanced lines, Continuous ultraviolet, Yield of crop, Blackgram under stress condition, Seedling vigour in rice, Nodulation behaviour, Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.), Naturally transmitted, Anoestrus murrah buffaloes, Weed growth, Staphylococcus aureus of camel, Bikaner district, Banana cv Rajapuri, Pseudo limon, Cultivation of pomegranate crop, Fungicides against alternaria helianthi, Correlation between socio-personal variables, Enterocytozoon hepatopenaeis, Necrosis disease, Growth and yield of aonla, Variation in lysine content, Investigate the foraging behavior, Northern transition, Introgressed with drought QTLs, Influenced by seed treatment, Inter characters associations, Leaf curl disease of chilli, Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L. Sweet), Quality of basil (Ocimum canum L.), Virus titration, Organized sheep farm, Buffaloes in Armori tehsil, Important protein crops, Yield of turmeric var, Age wise prevalence, Flemingia semialata, Role perception of farm facilitators, Livestock farmer against extreme weather, Tribal dominating areas, Non target invertebrates in chilli, Rhizobacteria on growth, Surgical wards, Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.), Theils entropy coefficient, Chemical weed control, Maize and phenophase, Plant and total yield, Rural women regarding health practices, Two different hormonal approaches, Scatter plot, Leaf blight of sunflowers, Related morphological traits, Neem leaf meal supplementation, Germination on physico-chemical properties, Basil (Ocimum canum L.), Varied moisture regimes, Virucidal assay, Corchorus acutangulus Lam, SSIs incidence, Nursery condition, Hisar to find, Bhoochetana programme of KSDA, Gini ratio and lorenz curve, Proper nutritional management, Chilli during June, Hepatopancreatic microsporidiasis in shrimp culture, Village was selected, Morphological and pathogenic variability, Linseed (Linum usitatisimum L.), Species collected, Surgical hospital wards in Bulgaria, Freshly harvested sea-weed, Bacterial count in broiler chickens, Pecan nut, Basis of random sampling technique, DCCBs in Maharashtra, Economic losses to shrimp culture, Poor role perception category, Rhizoctonia bataticola isolates associated, Physico-chemical diversity analysis, Maize during Kharif season, Rice varieties on germination, Chench (Corchorus acutangulus Lam.), Tree vigour, Microsporidians especially, Lime [C. aurantiifolia (Christm.) Swingle], Most important food crops, Pecan nut (Carya illinoensis K.), Leafy vegetable, Lemon (C. limon Burm. f.), Tree growing habit, Growth and yield of maize during, Natural population of pecan nut, Next-generation digital broadcasting, DVB-NGH for next-generation digital, Generation digital broadcasting, Adding new features to DVB-T2, Dependency between securities, Turkish football league, Independent factor order distance, Match fixing, Factor model, Relative hamming distance, Kolmogorovsmirnov (k-s) test, Banking bubbles, Economic divergence, Exorbitant global imbalances, Aggressive lending, Recommended cultivation, Livestock extension services, Nonparametric measures of G x E interaction, Biofertilizer and auxin, Cultural media, Monetary framework, Post-bubble lending, Farm mechanization level, Heterosis and inbreeding depression, Growth across countries, Brushing date, A niger, Auxin on growth, Yield and nitrogen content, Promising potato varieties, Investor’s sentiments, Dispersion degree, Mena Islamic banks, Terminal heat tolerance, Animal husbandry department, Sucrose hydrolysis, Dual purpose barley genotypes evaluated, M phaseolina, Cell membrane damage, Diatomaceous earth, Liquidity constraints explain, Congenial weather, Post Bretton Woods world evolved, Wheel hoe, Rooting of pomegranate, Eepae culture, Diethyline triamine pentaacetic acid, Data was collected, Tulsi oil, Intercropping in rainfed little millet, Agronomic fortification with zinc, Investors sentiments for dividends, Healthcare management practices adopted, LER (Land Equivalent Ratio), Centralized tendency, Grain smut, FYM and urea, High degree of heterosis, Parametric vis-à-vis, N-myristoyl transferase, Neem leaf extact, Rice hull ash, Blackgram and quantitative traits, Problems perceived, Aonla (Phyllanthus emblica L.), Silicon and nitrogen, Castor root rot, Maize cultivation, Cell death type, Pest outbreak etc, Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cuttings, DNS method, Late blight disease tolerance, Postural stress shoulder deviation, Quality and acceptability, Genetic dissection, Blackgram growers, Dominant power, Fungicides and antibiotics, Iron to enhancing micronutrient concentration, Iron and boron, Impact catering effect, Fusarium oxysporum f sp ciceri, Sigatoka leaf spot complex, Area time equivalent ratio, Sheep farmers, Rainfed little millet, Volume index, Mainly due to high cost, Dietary supplementation of ajwain, Water table, Biocides resistance profiles, Partial root zone drying, Death type in eukaryotes, Pharmacophore modeling, Weather based forewarning, Storage and cultivars, Media and temperature, Elbow deviation, Southern dry zone of Karnataka, Juice extraction, Sweet corn grain, Management of storage diseases, Effect of macroalgae supplementation, Chandel Hill district, Costs and income analysis, Restructured spent hen meat nuggets prepared, Livestock farmers in utilization, Source germplasm, Global reserve system adopting, Seed production and quality, Scirpophaga incertulas, ITS – rDNA, Economical parameters, Competition index, Such marginalis environments, Little millet (Panicum sumatrense), Poultry house environment, Earias spp, Jasmine flower, Guava cheese, Microbial inoculum, Wilt disease in chickpea, Wrist deviation, Predators in Tasar silkworm, Phytoplasma effectors, Biofilm forming bacteria, Different cultivars of mango, Growth and sclerotial formation, Antimalarial drug discovery, Colony morphology, Cricula trifenestrata, Flowering and fruiting in peach, Macroalgae supplementation, Essential oil from tulsi plant

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Nhân với số có 1 chữ số - 4 sao (17 lượt)