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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản nhà phát triển định lượng

Carbapenemase producing genes Blakpc gene Complex geochemical processes Gram-negative pathogens Occurrence of AmpC β-Lactamases AmpC and extended spectrum Non governmental organisations Carbapenems resistance klebsiella species isolated Production of ESBLs Prevalence of ESBL Blandm-1 gene Enterobacteriaceae in a tertiary Water at shallow depths Calcareous colluvium material Enterobacteriaceae in a tertiary care centre Governmental organisations in Nepal Biological database MBL producing gram negative isolates Blaoxa-48gene Accepted NGOs Tertiary care centre in Trivandrum Scutellaria baicalensis Comparison of phenotypic methods Detection of MBL among carbapenem resistant Shikimate pathway Inhibitory effect Isolated Enterobactericiae MBL production Detection of Carbapenamases Chorismate synthase Family Enterobacteriaceae includes operating procedures A Model for Robust Processing Detection of ESBL Non-Fermenting gram negative bacilli A Hierarchical Bayesian MBL producing gram negative bacilli Integrating Viable Fragments* Pseudomonas aeurginosa Pitman-Yor Processes Methicillin resistant coagulase negative ROBUST PROCESSING Isolation and speciation CHARACTERIZING STRUCTURAL Staphylococcus isolated Imipenem EDTA combined disc diffusion test Speciation of candida DESCRIPTIONS PRODUCED Rod Johnson Isolation of enterococcus VARIOUS GRAMMATICAL FORMALISMS Entero cocci fecalis Hichrom agar Various clinical sample isolates Germ tube test Multidrug resistance exhibited Biofilm production status Serious life threatening VRE infections Immuno compromised Bacteriological investigation Candida non - albicans Accounting processing cycle Oracle XSQL Candida species amongst various clinical samples Antimycotic susceptibility Standard Query Language Chromogenic agar Speciation and characterization Anticancer medicines Candida species in clinical isolates Antimycotic susceptibility pattern Originator brand Trademark development Predisposing conditions for candidiasis Lowest price generics Vietnam’s aquatic exports Various clinical specimen Publisher's Announcement Concerning trademark Crosssectional study gourmet;s guide Tertiary care centre Jhalawar Aquatic invertebrate Aquatic fauna Aquatic macrophytes Preliminary results on aquatic ionsects The Me Linh Station for biodiversity Vinh Phuc province Water velocity The functional feeding Surber net and qualitatively Aquatic bryophytes Manual Creation of databas M.B.G. Suranga De Silva Bio-indicator Clinical study Marginal damage function Nematode communities Shirmp farming Health care personnel’s

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Study participation, Organic shrimp farms ponds, Reactions of aromatic compound, Shrimp farm wastes, Fresh garlic juice against, Hepatopancreatic microsporidiosis, Patients’ knowledge, Changing self-care knowledge, Biodegradation of shrimp farm wastes, Simper analysis, Bio-economic modeling, Better management practices, Nucleophilic addition to the carbonyl group, Promote community, The outpatients with Type 2 diabetes, Shrimp farm wastes by using of seaweeds, Shrimp farm water, Enols and enolates, Soil acidification, Shrimp farming development, Penaeus vannamei shrimp farms, Enormous application of chemicals, Yenbai provincal hospital, Patient engagement, Surveillance of hospital acquired infection, Aquatic value, Gender and fisheries, Fresh garlic juice, Ecological shrimp farming, Hospital acquired infection, Type 2 diabetes for outpatient examination, White fecal syndrome, Sự chua hóa của đất, Frequently handled surfaces, Penaeus vannamei farms, Carbon hữu cơ trong đất, Multidrug resistant organisms, Drink Water, Psychological Satisfaction, Decision-making and economics, Increased energy, breathing process, Aquaculture ponds, SharePoint 2010 Field Guide, Fisheries and aquaculture sector, Holistic Guide, Subphrenic abscess, Waste remover, UI design and branding, Aquaculture sector, Resistant subphrenic abscess, visual web parts, Waste remover in aquaculture ponds, Combined intracavitary doxycycline, and PowerShell, Experimental operation, Cyanoacrylate injection, SharePoint 2010 solutions, Multi-drug resistant organism, Glycylcycline-class drug, EU’s environmental, Broad-spectrum antibiotic, Activity against multidrug resistant, MDR Klebsiella pneumoniae, Allozyme, Genotype Methods, Early Wheat development, Homopentameric glycoprotein, Germin synthesis, Mango seedling, Performance of mango, Polyembryonic seedlings, Mitigating salt stress in rice, Cucumber circRNAs, Studies on seed priming, Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. ciceri, Parent genes, GO enrichment, Wild chickpea, Growth-defence tradeoff, Tomato mutant accumulating jasmonate, Ionic repartition, Solar Observation, Plasma Cleaning, chuyến đi chụp ảnh, OmegaCAM CCD, Mosaic Cameras, Fake protein enhancers, Emerging pollutants, Salting-out assisted liquid–liquid extraction, Build the determination process of ammelide, selecting content, High performance liquid chromatography–diode array detector, Les acteurs du canal marketing, Les relations cooperatives marketing, Une etude exploratoire, Stable variety, Critical review on quality testing, Marketing relationnel, Heavy equipment efficiency of coal mine overburden work, Sixdifferent environments, Quality testing of milk, Complexity and ambiguity, Relation coopérative, Productivity of coal mine overburden work, Superior hybrid 2020, Estimated status of quantum losses, Bacterial contamination of milk, Canal marketing, VUCA situation adaptive performance, Water reservoir, Growth-coupled production, Compatibility of coal mine overburden work in east Kalimantan, Quality traits in QPM, Quantum losses other, Dairy producer, Ill-defined problems, International securities market, Bilevel algorithms, Coal mine overburden work, Multi-objective deterministic, Consumption under seed, Context specific term, Small land holder farmers, Stoichiometric modeling, Retention decisions, Feed and wastage, Individual adaptive performance, International banking and money market, Agricultural market information, Direct Liability, Model-guided metabolic engineering, Effects of inflation, Orange juice project, Farm levels study, International banking services, General directions, Call forwarding busy service, Market access etc, Pollution, Optimality principles, Determining profitability, Capital adequacy standards, External connection, Unilateralism, Knowledge empowerment of the farmers, After tax economic analysis, Foreign exchange risks, Institutional foreign exchange spot, Foreign exchange value, Internal connection, Real currency appreciation, Obtaining exchange rates, Transboundary, Index of Industrial production, Loss probability, the Limits, Market variance, Foreign Exchange Reserve, Property Distribution, Telecommunication traffic, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, Adoption of risk, Interbank rate, Nutrient dynamics, Child Custody, International Business: Session 6, Influenced by co-inoculation, Density of weeds, Different bacterial cultures, Nutrient dynamics in blackgram, Profitability of green chilli, Al-Qaeda, the Koran, Politics of Terrorism, Iraq Invasion, Self-defense, Thông tư liên tịch số 79/1997/TTLT-BTCCBCP-BKH-BTC-BGDĐT, đoán sức khỏe, những từ tiếng anh đẹp nhất, tiếng lóng tiếng anh, Bãi bỏ quyết định số 08/2015/QĐ-UBND, Dịch vụ chạy thận nhân tạo, Chứng chuột rút khi bầu bí, cách chữa bị ngứa khi bầu bí, Quyết định Số: 24/2009/QĐ-UBND, Công văn 2250/LĐTBXH-TL, Thực phẩm cần tránh khi mang thai, TCT Xăng dầu, công ty kinh doanh xăng dầu, Quyết định số 1966/QĐ-BTNMT, Quyết định số 1966/2019, Số 1966/QĐ-BTNMT, Đơn giá sản phẩm dịch vụ, Quyết định số 3147/QĐ-UBND, Quyết định số 3022/2006/QĐ-UBND, Nghị quyết số 899/2005/NQ/UBTVQH11, Thông tư số 17/2017/TT-BCT, Số 17/2017/TT-BCT, Thông tư số 17 của bộ công thương, Quyết định số 2770/QĐ-UBND, Quyết định số 16/2006/QĐ-BKHCN, Đệ quy quay lui nhánh cận, Quyết định số 0774/1998/QĐ/BTM, Cấu trúc quay Lui, North Central Vietna, Cấu trúc nhánh cận, Palm Pilots, ways, Bluetooth Demystified, develop, Activities of corporate social responsibility, Bluetooth Wireless, innovator, Philosophy i, Enhancing Corporate Reputation, Bluetooth Stack Architecture., Deficit financing, Assessing Corporate Social Responsibility, JABWT, Employees of the bank, Ways and means, RFCOMM, Consumer finance operations, Primary markets, Money market securities, Project cost, Banking agents, Taiwanese Investment, Taiwanese Investment in Vietnam, Divine Substance, Viet Nam Commercial Banks, Human Renewal, Thông tư 140, Banking competition, Ecological Crisis, Nontraditional banking activities, Philosophical Anthropology, Interbank structure, Open-end fund, Efficient structure, Idiosyncratic volatility, Financing gap, Macau banks, Personal Refl ections, Banking efficiency, Listed commercial banking, Lending values, Structure-conduct-performance, Listed banks, Macau’s economic growth, Incentive compensation, Financial contagion, Individual stock options, Lending values and liquidity risk, Allen-Gale model, Exploring small Ghanaian, Liquidity risk and incentive compensation, Explanatory power, Single stock, Equally fragile, Cost efficiency model, Factors affecting international bank card, Efficiency during, Lombard lending, Multiple currency regime, China’s bank, Zimbabwean commercial banks, Liquidity risk determinants, Single-banking, International business firms, Macro-economic factors, Basel accords, Multiple currencies exchange rate system, International long-term financing, Multiple-banking, Vietnam - Conflicted preferences, Introduction to banking, Foreign bonds, Tunisian exporting companies, Tunisian deposit banks, Hazard moral, International bank loans, Trade credit and bank loan, International banking standards in Vietnam, Bank relationship, 2008 financial crisis, International banking standards, Threat of enterprise liquidation, Burkart and Ellingsen, Factions dominates regulatory decision-making, DEA-SBM analysis, The governing political party, Impact of the financial crisis, AAA-rating banks, Compensation structure, China financial firms, Alignment between management, Vietnamese automobile firms, Lending growth, Inter-temporal analysis, Nigerian banking institutions, Profitability and market capitalization, New Approaches to Parsing, Vietnamese stock exchanges, The statistical mechanics, Link between transparency, Conjunctions Using Prolog, Merger trend between stock exchanges, European central bank, Independence of central banks, Problems of adoption, Kisan credit card scheme, Nonbank thrift institutions, OS strategy, Fong Robert C. Berwick, Capital budgeting analysis, Basic information, Influence stock prices, Exchange-rate policy, Non- Depository institutions, Company related problems, Aims of restructuring, Potential output, Money market funds, Knowledge of the beneficiaries, Central banks positively affects, Allocating resources, 52-week highs strategy, Phân tích trong chứng khoán, The black–scholes theory, Philippines equity market, feminine plural, Appellate Body, Investor’s related problems and government agency related problems, Keywords economic growth, Feasible measure, Quantifying environmental, Seaborne trade, Resource loading, Trading volume strategy, masculine or feminine, Determinants of trade balance, the Hormones Case, Volume-augmented strategies, Seaborne exports, Hundred and twenty respondents, Price momentum strategy, Superficial mycoses, ASEAN-5 countries impacted, Resource leveling, Anti-epileptic drugs, Change of trade balance, theMeaning, masculine plural, Implications of audit office resource allocation shocks, Seaborne imports, CFA designation, ASEAN-5 countries impacted by global, Option volume, Allocating scarce resources, American usage, water allocation, Frequently sub-optimal, BalancingMechanisms, FDI may worsen trade balance, Evidence from late 10-K filings, Stem petiole pigmentation, The volume of Vietnam’s seaborne trade, Impact of the external, Geographical location, Domestic credit risks, Catchment yield, ntegral part o, Multi-therapy, Timely-filing clients, Flower petal colour, Internal factors of bank performance, Foreign trade goods by sea, Analyst performance, Bank competition, Basic Table, Top priority of banking operation, Epilepsy symptoms, Stigma position, Indian commercial banks, Proxy for auditor effort, Vietnam's commercial banking system, Seaborne exports by cargo types, Internal audit activity, Economic studies, Pollen colour, Aggressive lending strategies, Local banks, Local banks in Viet Nam, Auditors’ competence, Local banks under restructuring pressure, Quẻ thất thoát, Quẻ đào tẩu, Quẻ tạp sự

Đánh giá
nhà phát triển định lượng - 4 sao (17 lượt)