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Constraint Violations Differential gene study in pearl millet Agro-land suitability for rice Soil horizons Hazard function Improving English Subcategorization Acquisition Ricinus communis L Manufacturer produces Center Management Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in Bhal area Diathesis Alternations Including Constraints INFORMAL DEFINITIONS Genotypes for morphological traits Intonational Boundaries Trapezoidal type Heuristic Information Referential Integrity Characterization of Castor Speech Repairs Double flower relation instance Discourse Markers Improves Statistical . Cultivated Camellia japonica L. Coating pans Modeling Spoken Dialog coating columns Floral morphological Interspecific Interactions Antirrhinum majus Fixed Length Word Suffix Major Groups Factored Statistical Machine Translation Sarcodina Narges Sharif Razavian Apicomplexa Biogeochemical cycling of silica Lexically-Triggered Hidden Markov Models Force Energy Digenetic Trematodes Decoding Algorithm Rule Markov Models Improving Arabic-to-English Statistical Machine Clinical Document Coding General Morphology Energy Program Translation by Reordering Fast Tree-to-String Translation Ye-Yi Wang and Alex Waibel Svetlana Kiritchenko Integrity or correctness of data Raw Food Parasitic Nematodes Post-verbal Subjects for Alignment On-line Language Model Biasing Ashish Vaswani Integrity or consistency constraints Detox Diet Parasites of Humans Functional redundancy Sankaranarayanan Ananthakrishnan Failure Model State management operation Morphological phenotypes Multilingual Statistical Machine Translation Context of failure model Gholamreza Haffari and Anoop Sarkar A Linguistically Annotated Reordering with Source Language Collocations National standard TCVN ISO 9001:2000 Undesired Unexpected Synonymous Collocation Extraction Efficient Staggered Decoding Reordering Model Sequence Labeling Interacting Address Spaces Parsing without lexicon Translation Information Nobuhiro Kaji Yasuhiro Fujiwara Naoki Yoshinaga Masaru Kitsuregawa BTG-based Statistical Machine Translation the MorP system Hua WU Filtering Syntactic Constraints Acquiring Lexical Generalizations from Corpora Collocation Translation Acquisition Định nghĩa lớp trong C# Hailong Cao and Eiichiro Sumita Monolingual Corpora Bilingual Collocational Concordancer Automatic Acquisition Jia-Yan Jian Adjectival Subcategorization from Corpora Supertagged Phrase-Based Validation of sub-sentential paraphrases acquired Jeremy Yallop Organic fertilizers Extracting Paraphrases Hany Hassan parallel monolingual corpora

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Definition Sentences on the Web, Fertilizers in Cucurbitaceae family, Houda Bouamor, Chikara Hashimoto, Cucurbitaceae family, Financial statement analysis to predict stock returns, Bilingual Sense Similarity, Four Techniques for Online Handling, Use of different types, Listed consumer goods firms in Nigeria, xưy lý nước thải, browsing through Portuguese semantic relations, Negative externalities, Boxing Chen, Angle-of-arrival, Arabic-English Statistical Machine Translation, A Statistical Machine Translation Model, biện pháp công nghệ sinh học, Signal-of-opportunity, Transductive learning, Hugo Goncalo Oliveira, Listed consumer goods firms, Automatic Classification of Verbs, Assisted GPS, George Foster and Roland Kuhn, Synthetic Synchronous Grammar, Boosting Statistical, Cap-and-trade programmes, Dynamic scenarios, Biomedical Texts, Feedback Cleaning of Machine Translation Rules, System-of-Systems, Nicola Ueffing, Conducting fundamental analysis, Position location, Machine Translation by Lemmatization, Hongfei Jiang, Digital video broadcast-terrestrial, Proteus mirabilis, Anna Korhonen, Automatic Evaluation, Self-adaptive RBF, Meta-Systems, Beyond lean simulation in practice, Muyun Yang, A Subcategorization, Youth mental health, Phrase Linguistic Classification, Founding Theory, Single frequency networks positioning, Protein domain, Compound Poisson process, Kenji Imamura, Taylor series expansion, Meta Methodology, Language Issues, Beyond lean, Acquisition System, Generalization, Tiejun Zhao, Gram-negative microbes, Beyond Lexical Units, DVB-T signals are used for positioning, Protein-protein interactions, Periodic review policy, Psychological symptom relief, Management Activities, Enriching Wordnets, Compound Poisson demand, Future Intelligent, Sheng Li and Bo Wang, Domain-domain interactions, Digital application, Macro performance, Modeling random quantities, Head-space, 50 Ways To Reach Your Goals, Managerial Objectives, Phrasets, Residue-residue contacts, Real inventory system, Satellite System, Automatic Construction, Conducting simulation experiments, Youth-specific mental health service, Periprosthetic joint infection, bí quyết đạt thành công, Definition and Context, Business informatics systems, Order-up-to-level inventory policy, Filtering false positive samples, A single workstation, Machine Translation Knowledge, Positive culture intraoperative, cách đạt được mục tiêu, Website designers, Related Theory, Translation Literalness, Antibiotic treatment, Ebook Setting your vision and defining your goals, lời khuyên thực hiện ý tưởng, Preoperative diagnostics, Setting your vision and defining your goals, kỹ năng sống thành công, Knowledge-rich Word Sense, Construction and Environment, Extended list of values, Disambiguation Rivaling Supervised Systems, A Statistical Spoken Dialogue System, Building Rating System, Defining and understanding wants, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Complex User Goals, Seagrass Beds, Clarifying the vision, Rent Seeking, Measuring Complexity, Aquaculture Facilities, Value Directed Compression, Managing Biodiversity, Subjective Constructs, Agricultural Ecosystems, Hypothesis testing searches, USING PLAUSIBLE INFERENCE RULES, How to use this document, Partially backlogged, Good Globalization, Pediatric triage, Pectin fractions, Interpretive searches, The public administration, DESCRIPTION PLANNING, Steps in the action planning process, Replenishment policy, Measurement of Globalization, Water Governance, Seed Systems, Fooling your brain, A CASE FOR RULE-DRIVEN, Higher quality products, Market competition, Abdomen, How the MSC process works, Alison Cawsey, Ridge regression, Protected cultivation in subtropics, reflections, Electrical Energy Demand Forecasting, Globalization Indices, Parallax Scrolling, Supply Management, Shortage cost, SEMANTIC PROCESSING, Pelvis, PostgreSQL 9.0, single market, Quality production, nadmissibility, Actions to Address Standard Requirements, productivity in Japan, Recurrent Neural Network, Parallel Projections, Marcha Palmer, Demand Managemen, Timescale and Milestones, Stepwise regression, Scaling Sprites, Institutional criteria for membership, Lumbar Spine, Non-linear factor, Institutional Setting, autonomy, PostgreSQL deployments, Evaluating Action Plan Progress, Isometric Games, Cervical Vessels, Gregory Smith, Designing Good Games, PEG Nutrition, Some Pragmatic Issues, Measuring demand, Crop regulation, Documenting Behaviour, Sport and Policy, the Planning of Definite, Bahar treatment, Behavioural Management, Indefinite Noun Phrases, Issues and Analysis, Projection methodology, THE PROCESS OF COMMUNICATION IN FACE TO FACE, Baiga tribes, Flowering and fruiting, Effective Design, Thể thao và Chính sách, COMPUTERIZED CONFERENCES; A CONTROL EXPERIMENT, Quality seed production programme, Incident Reports, BALES INTERACTION PROCESS ANALYSIS, State-space search, Higher production of fruit crops, Peak load forecasting, Madhya pradesh, The process of e+e − → µ +µ, Statistical sampling, Quản lý nhà nước về thể thao, Vietnam national power system to 2030, Chính sách thể thao, Phenotypic coefficient of variability, Partial-order planning, Random sample, The randall-sundrum model, New service, Chính sách nhà nước về thể thao, The feed-forward back propagation, Baiga tribes through quality, Planning graphs, Statistical sampling plans, Supersymmetric model and unparticle physics, Bio-fertilizers, Conductors insulators and semiconductors, Low-tier phone, Modified model of neural network, Production programme, Randall Sundrum model, Circuit elements, Analogy method, GDP growth rate, Modifying Beliefs, Supersymmetric and Unparticle physics, Electrical ignition, Combined forecast, Plan-Based Dialogue Model, Process control systems, Telecommunication industry, PLANNING MULTIMODAL DISCOURSE, Selection of food products, Critical care nursing made incredibly easy, Electricity consumption demand, Cathode ray tube, Year book, Colonial Series, Wolfgang, Enhanced accuracy of grey forecasting model case, audio tapes, Satisfaction of product quality, Grey prediction models, Critical care basics, Music centre, Year book of critical care medicine 2013, Edward Stratemeyer, Purchasing of quality products, Fight Against Formality, Tourism industry in Vietnam, Economic growth rates, broadband, Multidisciplinary teamwork, Decision making process of dairy farming, Septic shock, Old Glory Series, Concern of the consumer, Early Ministry, Neurologic system, Grey forecasting model case, the recording process, Essential physiologic concerns, Non traumatic, Improving existingsystems, Theodore Roosevelt, Good quality products, Lay Ministry, The international tourism demand, Holistic care issues, Grafting technique, the frequency standard. audio elecronics, Emergency situations, Army Leading, Trauma and overdose, Adventure Stories, Screening and Prevention of Disease, Technique of grafting, Crop water demand, Revivalism, Optimum inventory policy, Pharmacology sedation analgesia, Shock states, Quality production of nursery plants, Climate change scenario, Pt. Senahoy optika pratama in Indonesia, Salvation in Youth, Sedation analgesia, Nutritional issues, Climate change to water demand, Nursery plants of Dashehari mango, Senahoy optika pratama, Sporulation inhibition, Agriculture in Da Lat city, Indian robusta coffee, Determine demand forecasting, TEM and SEM analysis, Hybrid ARIMA-ANN, E tenella oocyst, Alcoholic Beverages, accession process, Hybrid ARIMA-ANN modelling for forecasting, Quality Technique, Poly-3-Hydroxy butyrate, Alcohol Screening, CEE constitutions, rice of robusta coffee, Software Audit Methods, A preliminary in vitro, working, Controlling Misuse, All-electric multi-terrain transporter, EU membership, Electricity demand, spouse, Softwares CATIA and ANSYS, amendment procedure, Quality Program Concepts, Transforming Alcohol, Ratings of motors, Micro-controller unit, Weather indices, Variable frequency motor, Pay-for-performance, consultation, Stepwise regression method, Performance appraisals, Forecasting of groundnut, Modes of communication, The benefit determination process, Autoregressive integrated moving average method, Channels of communication, Benefit options, cervical, quality meat composition, Leg-length inequality, Salary administration, defining meat quality, Postural balance, International pay systems, analysing meat quality, Digital indicating controller DB1000, Weight bearing, Creating challenging opportunites, Digital indicating controller, Weight distribution, For safe use of the product, Model code list, Conceptual parts of psychological contract, Mounting and wiring, Significance of psychological contract, Name of various parts, Effects of breach and violation, Framework of Semantic Role Assignment, Fulfillment and non-fulfillment of organizational relationships, Extended Lexical Conceptual Structure: Comparison with VerbNet, Working of organizations, FrameNet, the Mekong Basin, A history of the relationship, The Christian and Missionary alliance, The Vietnam evangelical church, Specific IgM, Limited sources of bibliography, Torch screening in women, The process of evangelizing, Webcam-based laser dot detection technique, Women with bad obstetric history, cách giảng dạy, Power Supply Concepts, Forensic Intake, Computer remote control, Causation of bad obstetric history, Lead acid bipolar battery assembled, Driverless Industrial Trucks, activities for a specific, Charge Sheet, The laser pointer, Herpes simplex virus are benign, Primary chemically formed lead dioxide, 501 challenging logic reasoning problems, traction batteries, Sepsis, Agreement Letter, Asymmetry in Parsing, Frames transferred to the computer, Ebook challenging logic reasoning problems, optimization of temperature, Ongoing, Generating with Unification Grammars, Engagement Contract, Integrated model, Working on your own, Case Studies From ELU, Significant Challenge, Case Chronology, Minmax distribution free approach

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