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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Nền tảng bảo mật

Real-life anaphylactic management Child cognitive and language development Low- middle-income Intellectual developmental disorder Still births Birthweight percentiles Possibly infections Chippaux-Smirak index Parental views Predictors of mortality Distributing nutrition Preceding trauma Idiopathic generalized Isotope ratio mass spectrometry Lysosomal enzyme beta galactocerebrosidase Lifelong neurological morbidity Temporal-spatial parameters Parenting support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Neonatal assessment Subcutaneous fat necrosis Threshold level Bronchogenic cyst Rectal swabs Mid-level practitioners Adolescents worldwide iatrogenic damage Childhood morbidity Massey Street Children Hospital Triplet repeat primed Delivery room management Psychosocial concerns Premature rupture Anti-infective drugs Pediatric risk Bio-psychosocial model Discrete choice experiments Migrant adolescents Adult mental disorders originate Congenital disorder Preterm resuscitation Demographic health survey Trans fatty acids Young Child Feeding Questionnaire Hemolytic uremic syndrome Genetic abnormality Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 Multicomponent intervention Clinical microbiology laboratory Injury severity score Treatment dose Negative health consequences Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome Glucose transporter type I deficiency Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasisectodermal dystrophy Atopic diseases Infant Feeding Questionnaire Muscular ventricular septal defect Early developmental intervention Neonatal bloodstream BMI-for-age z scores Asthmatic disease Antioxidant intake Sleep questionnaire Primary Care Triple P SLC2A1 gene Chronic idiopathic hypoparathyroidism Behavior modification Chiari I malformation Diet counseling Trauma injury severity score Hermeneutic lifeworld approach Follow-up practices Non-CF bronchiectasis Shiga toxin-producing E.coli Perceived stigma Acute respiratory tract infection Standardised formulation Early preterm Premature newborn infant Health hazard Bovine milk-derived oligosaccharides Oropharyngeal dysfunction Institutional care While cystic fibrosis Coenzyme Q10 HIV-related stigma diminishes Full-term infant Complement factor H Pre-consensus cohort Intensive training Joint laxity Multiple logistic regression analyses Parental experience Mineral intakes Very low weight newborn infant Abnormal movements Sustaining fractures during growth Royal Hospital for Women Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Bronchial injury, Therapeutic plasma exchange, Non-milk extrinsic sugars, Physical health care, Mother’s employment status, Functional skills, Hypersensitivity syndromes, AO Comprehensive Injury Automatic Classifier, Parent perceptions, Placement change, Children’s mean age, Placement disruption, Toxi-food infections, Cysticercuscellulos ae, Phenol coefficient, Detection of porcine cysticercosis, Food insalubrity, AWD- alternate wetting and drying, Agar well diffusion test, Tuta absoluta, Percent yield, Cumbu Napier, Salty bread, TBR primers yielded products, Clinicopathological study, Irrigation frequency, Soy cheese, White mould, Five commercially available, Mungbean (Vigna radiate L.), Proportionate population, Ovine mesenchymal stem cells, Meat inspection, Cut corms, Irrigation on growth and yield, Periodic dry matter accumulation, Response to tomato pinworm, Pollination efficiency, Cabbage plants, Infesting guava in western, Gram-negative obligatory, Surface drip, Three yogurt varieties sold, Pesticide usage patterns, Different sources of adipose tissue, Conducted during the kharif season, Nodulation and yield, Carbendazim and mancozeb, Back cross introgression lines, Puddled soil, Influence of different date, Biogas reactors, Locality was found, Tuta absoluta meyrick, Rice cultivars under different methods, Intercropping systems, Microbiological characterization, Microscopical examination, Enhancement of plant growth, Moderate and low use situations, Improved samaba mashuri, Summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.), Species complex of fruit flies, Ceratocystis fimbriata, Tillage operation, Influenced by preharvest application of GA3, High category of IADL, Plasmodiophora brassicae, Cytokinin induction, Water salinity levels on tomato, Different breeds of dogs, Beneficial arthropods, Degradation ability, Gene specific and allele specific marker, Technological & socio-economic, Root characters, Canine microfilariosis, Dimethoate and Population dynamics, Gladiolus spikes, Evaluation of pollination efficiency, Performance of rice cultivars, Antagonist microbes, Study on bio-efficacy, Newly emerging pomegranate wilt caused, Damage on tomato leaves, Non-target biota as influenced, Bhudargad tehsil, Codominant marker, Terrace gardening, Pulse cultivation perceived, Zinc fortified SSP in soybean, Grain quality assessment, Dirofilaria repens, Ceratocystis fimbriata ellis, Club root disease, GPS-GIS based soil fertility maps, Major insect pollinators, Athalia lugens proxima, Moisture deficit stress, Web mites, Farmers of Tal land, Culm diameter, Standardization of production technology, Digestible crude protein, Zinc fortified SSP, Major pomegranate growing regions, Based soil fertility maps, Around mangalore, Insectides against mustard sawfly, Schizotetranychus lespedezae beglyarov, Maize hybrid germplasm lines, Milled rice, Millimeters and µm, Nutritional quality of different strains, Coastal region of Karnataka, Population dynamics and efficacy, Evaluation of novel insecticides, Gene conferring resistance to rust, Milletia pinnata, Spotted ladybird beetle, Production technology for strawberry, Nisplin essential oils emulsion, Surgical excision, Ring spot virus, City compost, Non-scented rice, Prevalence was found higher in males, Rust (Melampsora lini), Mungbean resistance genotypes, Terrance gardening, Control rice Weevil, Dioecious gynodioecious, Enhancement of shelf life, Flumioxazin on microflora, Charcoal rot of sorghum, Paravaginal lipoma, Growth and yield of spinach, Maize seeds, Acyrthosiphon pisum, HF cow, Gene conferring resistance, Their supernatants for control, Microflora and yield of groundnut, Cercospora diseases under natural condition, Changing the crop nature, NPK fertilization, Studies on combining ability, Impetigo and their resistance pattern, Labrador retriever bitch, Conducted to evaluate, Soil enzyme l-asparaginase activity, Ventral hernia, Cercospora and anthracnose, In vivo analysis of rhizobacteria, Melamspora lini, IDM modules with some fungicides, Papaya from perennial to annual, Selective combination, Persistence of acephate, Surgically excised successfully, Traumatic ventral herniorrhaphy, Fungicides for rice false smut disease, Chlorpyriphos and decontamination, Lignocaine hydrochloride, Fungal profile of otitis media, Amravati districtmicrolevel analysis, Rice false smut disease, Various culinary practices, Xylazine hydrochloride, Vietnam: Decentralization amidst fragmentation, Crop diversification in selected tahsils, High benefit compare, Various culinary practices in cucumber, Cross-cutting issues, The different dimensions of decentralization, Lack of synchronization between central ministries, Decentralization in Vietnam since Doi Moi, Scalar fields in the 3-3-1 model with CKM mechanism, Correlation between 137Cs in soil, Quasi three parametric R-matrix, Spectrum of scalar fields, Radiometric calibration for earh observation satellite optical instrument, Beam transport line for nuclear physics research, Mobility edges in one dimensional disordered Aharonov-Bohm rings, Quantum supergroups GLp, 40K concentration in soil, Hybrid integrated nanophotonic silicon based - structures, Extensions of electroweak gauge sector, Human rights of the accused in the process of criminal investigation, Study of elemental depth distribution, Beam transport line, Earh observation satellite optical instrument, One dimensional disordered Aharonov-Bohm rings, q(1/1) and Up, 40K concentration in tea tree in Luong My farm, Extensions of electroweak Higgs sector, The process of criminal investigation, Studying socio economic in Vietnam, Socio-ecological transformation for sustainable development, Civil associations the draft law on associations, Minimum momentum spread, Elemental depth distribution in the material TiO2/SiO2/Si, Demonstrated for VNREDSat-1 data, The limit of detection, Delocalization-localization transition, Accountability of the court, q[gl(1/1)], The private nature of civil associations, Ethnic minorities’ migration trends in central highland, Electroweak radiative corrections, The connectedness between organizational time space, The human rights guarantee, Ecological transformations in Vietnam, Comments on the draft law on associations, The context of hybrid War, Modeling 3D optical elements, Soil-plant transfer factor, Minimize the radiometric non-uniformity of individual pixel, Polymer-sorted method, Some theoretical and legal situations, Aharonov-Bohm flux, Drinfel’d-Jimbo deformation, The multilayer structures of TiO2/SiO2/Si, Thông tư 04/2018/TT-BGDĐT, Affect in expressive speech acts, Ethnic minorities’ migration trends, Experienced time space from the perspective, International Standards and Experiences from Some Countries, An interdisciplinary approach, The scientific legal aspects, Socio-ecological transformation, Civil society in Vietnam, Minimize the radiometric non-uniformity, Beam dynamics analysis, The draft law on associations, Thông tư 03/2020/TT-BGDĐT, Obedience to the law, Multi- parametric quantum deformation, Quy chế thi trung học phổ thông quốc gia, The strong disorder regime, The multilayer structures, Online distance student, The judges of the voice UK versus the voice Vietnam, The ethnic minorities’ policymaking, International Standards from Some Countries, Socio-ecological research, Sustainable development of mankind, Justice protection through publicizing, Two-parametric R-matrix, Finite time stability for nonlinear fractional order large scale systems, The distance learners, The voice UK versus the voice Vietnam, Socioeconomic and ecological transformations, Experiences from Some Countries, Rigorously researched and clarified, Estimate the migration trend, People double effort, The other state agencies, Attitudes of Vietnamese college students towards English acquisition, R-matrix satisfying, Large scale systems with time varying delay and interconnections, The learners’ perspective, The voice UK versus, the mechanisms and forms of judicial accountability, The social researchers, Vietnamese college students towards English acquisition, The Mittag-Leffler function, Enhancing management measures on students self study activities, The sub-types, Develop a number of standards, Significant impact of migrants’ education, English-speaking country, Drug utilisation study, The factors both externally, The awareness of English, Students' awareness on self-study, Severely injured, Non-infection caused urticaria, Decay of weak solutions, Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, Prescription rate, Paediatric intensive care unit, Parent impact, Teaching method and administration, The navier stokes equations in general domains, Electronic healthcare database, Sequential MR studies, Revised trauma score, Clinicoradiologic syndrome, Family impact, Home visitation, Human chorionic gonadotrophin, Newborn and nitrogen wash out, Norwood procedures, Non-urticarial control, The homogeneous Stokes system, Coagulopathy management, Adequate dietary intake, Brain water content, Unique clinical presentation, MIC-values, Referral criteria, Gitelman syndrome, Long-lasting metabolic, Permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus, Pediatric neurological conditions, Disruptive behaviour disorders, Pulmonary surfactants, Estrogenic endocrine disruptor chemical, Little evidence exists regarding, Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, MLS syndrome, Polish children, Specialist diagnostic, Audiovisual materials, Preschoolers’ screen-viewing, Bacterial pathogens identification, Behavioral consequences, Regional cerebral oxygen saturation, During decompensation episodes, Mitochondrial mutation, Pre-term infants, Term neonates, Prescribing antimicrobials, Pediatric disabilities, Parent-infant interactions, Refractive error, Staphylococcal sepsis, Uniqueness of solution, ABCC8 genetic mutations, Modifiable risk factors, Intraclass Correlation, Intervention during, Rotavirus immunization, Multiplex real-time fluorescence quantitative, Child development disorders, Paraspinal cord, Care-seeking behavior, Sunlight exposure, Aminoglycoside antibiotics, Post-infectious bronchiolitis obliterans, Musculo-skeletal, Spontaneous pneumothorax, Acute disease, Xp deletion, Therapeutic initial, Mellow Parenting Observation System, Discontinuing empiric antimicrobials, Arba Minch, Parents’ knowledge about immunization, TV viewing, Uncorrected amteropia, Identify risk factors, Bed sharing, Positive parenting, Parenting programs, Stunting remains, Postnatal growth failure, Hypotonic infant, Oral sulfonylurea therapy, Extrarenal nephroblastomatosis, MABC-2, Routine infant immunization program, Computerized wheeze detection, Crigler-Najjar syndrome type II, X-linked agammaglobulinemia, Infantile orbital tumors, Final height, Co-sleeping, Aminoglycoside plasma, Multiplex PCR based-reverse line blot hybridization, Starting Infants Growing on Healthy Trajectories, Pediatric setting, RSV-related hospitalizations, Social and life-course epidemiology, Intensive inpatient treatment, Universal developmental surveillance programs aimed, Negative parenting, Radiological features, X-inactivation, Internet-based interventions, Muscle relaxant, Nephrogenic rests, Mandibuloacral dysplasia type A, KTK test, Child death review, National Hospital of Pediatrics, Methicillin-sensitive, Anti-bacterial agents, Household factors, Isolated enophthalmos, Children hospitalized, Ischemic disease, Bruton tyrosine kinase, Idiopathic systemic capillary leak syndrome, Pre-term formula, Partial palivizumab prophylaxis, Congenital grouped skin lesions, Paediatric chronic pain, Several respiratory diseases

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Nền tảng bảo mật - 4 sao (17 lượt)