Tìm kiếm "Monsoon circulations"

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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Monsoon circulations

Several constraints Psychological coercion Neurodevelopmental profile Social behaviour assessed Early posterior negativity Implicit bias International Personality Item Pool Remote Australia Rural Bangladesh Post-natal depression Toronto Alexithymia Scale Testing effect Poor social outcome Case formulations Symptom validity testing Chủ nghĩa nhân hóa Participants’ panic symptom Mental disabilities Mother-child relationship Specific treatment situation Configural processing Child externalising problems Developmental language disorder Social functioning Global Assessment Tools Multi-tasking scenarios Resilience Scale 11 Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale Stress reactions Prenatal alcohol exposure Prevention system Historically plagued Nature-nurture split Emotional neglect Positive states of mind Drinking behaviour Anxiety and depression Optimization of nitrogen content Dispositional mindfulness Early life factors DASS-21 Attachment Stories Completion Task Dog attributes Differential item functioning Measure alexithymia Thematic analyses Psychodynamic case formulations Snake detection Production effect Perceived Stress Scale Unconscious bias Adjustment processes Adolescent sleep Clinical depression Visuospatial function Psychosocial needs Internal scale validity Proximal social environments Sequential bilingualism Reducing externalising problems Child exposure to intimate partner violence Population study Multi-tasking paradigms Feigned neurocognitive FertiQoL scores Depersonalisation disorder Assess reliability Null findings Periodic screening Perceived health Singaporean Chinese adults Metric invariance while scalar Social cognition model IES-r Ventral stream functions Unhealthy behaviours Drinking patterns Nonword learning Cat attributes Caregiver burden Size and emotion effect Rural Malawi Cognitive bias Narrative review Wide age range Australian Aboriginal communities Increasingly prevalent Cancer during pregnancy Phylogenetic fear Sleep promotion Pain frequency Culturally tailored Ethnic comparison Neurophysiological mechanisms Linear regression analyses European adults Technical language Resilience Scale 5 Psychological training programs Promoting sense of coherence

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Emotional support, Physical injury, Alcohol-related issues, Derealisation disorder, Week following training, Social relationships, Long- term perspective, Scientific practice mean, False negatives during, Psychological functioning, Children’s drawings, Rasch model, Schizophrenia spectrum disorders, Human-animal interaction, Pain presence, Thermal grill illusion of pain, LGBT smokers, SOC during patient education, Positive and negative affect, Rapid serial visual presentation, International health statistics, Depersonalisation-derealisation disorder, Sleep restriction, Limited scientific value, Brief intervention, Illness Invalidation Inventory, Psychology literature, Type D personality, Quick Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment, Satisfaction with life, Controlled Oral Word Association Test, Polygenic sensitivity scores, Free sugar intake, Parents’ perceptions, Severe physical injuries, Modifying internal cognitions, Multiple mediation modeling, Water collection, Encounter depression, Climate therapy, Adaptive pacing therapy, PANSS across six geo-cultural regions, Depersonalisation syndrome, Indicate emotional charge, Family resilience, Invalidation includes responses, Snake detection theory, Case Formulation Content Coding Method, Psychosocial outcomes, Parental socioeconomic, Afflicting researchers, Perinatal death, Self-administered PANAS scales, Attachment-oriented psychological, Offspring risk, Avoidant coping, Sleep behaviour, Gene–by-environment interaction, Individual’s help-seeking intention, Gay men, Psychosocial variables, Evidence-based psychotherapy, Symptomatic outcomes, Specific geographical regions, Service use, Biological stress, Probing techniques, Derealisation syndrome, Transportation and storage, Paradoxical pain experiences, Targeted parenting programmes, Parental grief, Psychosocial vulnerability, Hierarchical regression analyses, Childhood chronic illness, Preoccupied coping, Physical closeness, Promote well-being, Early maladaptive schemas, Abducted girls, Eysenck personality questionnaire, Negative surgical outcomes, Multilevel statistical analyses, CogBIAS longitudinal, Developing anxiety, HPA-axis activity, Chronic sorrow, Illness representations, Direct aggression, Bereavement photography, Child-rearing, Methadone treatment, Depersonalisation-derealisation syndrome, Psychotherapeutic competencies, Behavioral health, Universal parenting programmes, Psycho-educational intervention, Emotional experiences, Maternal cognitions, Housing interventions, Psychotic symptoms, Collectivism orientations, Cancer-specific distress, Neutral charge, Lie-scale, Family intervention, Activation Likelihood Estimation, Dynamic therapy, Prevention programs, Indirect aggression, Mid-adolescence, Cohort profile, Reasoned action, Causal beliefs, Multi-family group treatment, Köhler effect, Realist synthesis, CANparent Trial, Comorbid chronic pain, Maternal-fetal bonding, HIV-positive gay men, Social isolation, Child related strains, Low income country, Postmortem memento photography, Daily functioning, Cortisol measurement, Child’s growing autonomy, Procedural deficit hypothesis, Recurrent pain, Children’s symptomatology, Relational agent, MultiFamily Group, ANterior cingulate cortex, Parental wellbeing, Direct victimization, Considerable social, Birth length, Resettled refugees, Maternal-fetal attachment, Peer relations, Chronic illnesses, Cross-cultural validation, Aggressive behaviour, Self-reported health, Joint physical custody, Softwaregenerated partner, Psycho-education, Client-centered, Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, Nonverbal materials, Community mental health, Growth curve analysis, Parental couple relationships, Patient’s cultural beliefs, Indirect victimization, Fusiform gyrus, Physiological development, Directing behaviour, Antenatal depression, Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, Birth head-circumference, Medicine as a career, Established formula, Experience economic, General psychological wellbeing, Surrogate decision-making, Complex nonverbal sounds, Dynamic psychotherapies, HSCL-25, Cingulate cortex, Parental dissolution, Full term adults, Learning New Skills Early, Traumatized refugees, Peer difficulties, Attachment-based intervention, 11-year olds, Habit-intention interactions, Positive relationships, Pro-social skills, Investigate psychological, Tourette’s syndrome, Specific risk factors, Nonverbal paired-associate task, Trials participants, Non-conscious perception, Primary disease, Community cognitive-behavioural therapy, Social-psychological functioning, Immigrant background, Metacognitive monitoring, Longitudinal design, Multimodal pain therapy, Therapeutic alliance, Snack intake, Somatic Distortion Theory, Self-sufficiency, Possible career, Children’s social, Mindfulness-based sleep intervention, Agreeableness facilitated friendships, Expressive writing, Recurrent melanoma, Parent–childrelationship, Late pregnancy, Everyday activities, Self-focussed attention, Bidirectional associations, Primary to secondary school, Risk-as-feeling hypothesis, Improve cardiac health, Self-sufficiency matrix, Multimodal treatment program, Pathologic subjective halitosis, Experiences in the family, Cortisol rhythms, Multilevel models, Control beliefs, Stressful life events, Individual’s functional strengths, Attachment Questionnaire for Children, Psycho-social adjustment to stress, Therapeutic outcome, Startle habituation, Non-judging stance towards, Olfactory reference syndrome, Native Hawaiian, Postmenopausal hormone therapy, Adult Attachment Scale – Revised, Mediator analysis, Cannabis misuse, Non-judgmental, CFS diagnosis, Adjustment disorder, Elucidating modifiable factors, Health behaviours Ghana, Disordered eating, School registration system, Brief psychotherapy, Ambulatory assessment, P-hacking, Short Evaluation of Eating Disorders, Influence health behaviours, Rural-urban migrants, Kidney dysfunction, Children at risk, Cannabis use disorders, Ethnographic interview, Health volunteers, Job crafting, Interpersonal emotion regulation, Accretion phase, Shared meals, Culture ascribes, Basic human values, Physiological bases, Co-brooding, Key informant, SCOFF questionnaire, Anxious symptoms, Symptom interpretation, Dispositional optimism, Parent-child proximity, Work engagement, Co-reappraisal, Urban residents in India, Ails psychology, Indoor tanning, Emotion regulation scale, Ambiguous social signals, Universal prevention, Japanese employees, Post-publication peer, Melanoma prevention, Termed hostile, International border gate, Dominance analysis, Civil procedure law, Ethnic-cultural characteristics, Incredible years, Skin cancer prevention, Military advisor, Causes and conditions, Domestic workers, Newspaper headlines, Attribution bias, Civil case, Medieval Vietnam, Anxiety-avoidance, Volunteer soldiers, Southeast region of Vietnam, Censuring themselves, Mindfulness training, Undertake international duties, Right to institute civil cases, Create lean substance, Multi-variant code in communication, Thematic data analysis method, Economic power, Humanitarian literature, Functional agencies, Multiple orchestrated, Linguistic creative activity, Civil affairs, Party’s guidelines, Technology-supported MT, Reflecting great progress, Belt and Road, Prevent smuggling crimes, Well-publicised replication initiatives, Regulating civil lawsuit rights, Laos full fill, Improve emotion regulation, Literary genres reached, Semantic mediator hypothesis, China's economic power, Political culture, Participation right, N-tsMT system, Whig history of psychology., Elaborative retrieval, World's second-largest GDP value, Endogenous power, Legislative activities, Stemona tuberosa, Skilled labour shortage, Neurotic participants, Mechanical Turk, Phototatalytic activity, Bhabha scattering, Longitudinal optical phonon, Ensuring democracy, National governance, Technology infrastructure, Cue-target pairs, Bipolar electrolysis, Ni and Fe doped TiO2 nanorods, Photon pair production, Trade union, Dispersion expression, 5-hydroxymetylfurfural, Possible signatures, Political participation, People’s participation right, Rhopalocnemis phalloides junghun, School-going adolescents, Controlled joint remote state preparation, Nguyen Dynasty, Ensuring social, PVP concentration, Turkish-speaking migrants, Mixture containing neotuberostemonin, Dark matters, White-collar workers, Tich duong mushrooms, Amphetamine use, Polarized semiconductor, Cultural exchange policies, Four-particle partially entangled channel, Violence against children, Chinese college students, Thereby ensuring social justice, Turkish migration background, Higher photocatalytic activity, 2- dimensional, Randall – Sundrum, Mushrooms fungi contain, Cultural diplomacy, Hamilton's interaction, Agar plates, Unhealthy mental states, Controller’s power, Austrian peers, Neuro-psychological test, Constant fux, Economic struggles, Equivalence relations, Gauge hierarchy problem, Ameliorate psychological, Inhibit HIV, Magnetic resonance spectroscopy methods, Especially cultural tasks, Child protection policy making, Gender-specific substance, Health-related behaviours, Child mental illness, Cost-efectiveness, KABC-II, Socio-economic reality, The application of equivalence relations, Major psychological, Cytotoxic cells, Psycho-educational development scale, Violence victimization, Longitudinal follow-up study, Economic strengthening intervention, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, CCT-1, Teaching fractions in Primary

Đánh giá
Monsoon circulations - 4 sao (17 lượt)