Tìm kiếm "MAPK signalling pathway-plant"

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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản MAPK signalling pathway-plant

Peripartum nutritional supplemented Jaffarabadi buffaloes Seed sowing Aenasius bambawalei hayat Bioactive natural products Ketamine alone Gastrointestinal parasites of cattle Flower blight of marigold Nonhierarchical euclidean cluster analysis Indigenous sesame genotypes Herbicide oxadiargyl Acidic soil Prevalence of cutaneous leishmaniasis Pigeonpea equivalent yield BPH resistance Anoestrum treatment in cattle Brassinolide in mitigating Rabi crops during winter season Agro-climatic indices Scarification methods Cattle of Puducherry region Combination with dexmedetomidine Vinca alkaloids Breeds of cattle present Flower blight Entrapped preceding rice crop D2 values Critical limit deficiency Certain identified elite rice genotypes Ghungroo pig Adverse effect of drought Ethno veterinary medicines Rabi season crops were taken Germination and growth of Chironji Hand refractometer Butorphanol in Atropinized dogs Lymph node aspiration smear examination Infection of parasites Microbial indicator Recharge estimation Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) Yield of succeeding bhendi Late sown rice Soils of Jajpur district Hepatic artery Fecundity test Yield attributes in fenugreek Traditional dairy farming Indicator of soil quality Comparison of methods Succeeding bhendi Portal vein Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn) genotypes Varietal characterization Structured teaching Beal genotypes for biochemical characters Cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) Extracellular proteases Hepatic artery in Ghungroo pig Sirumugai area of coimbatore Total microbial activity Ecto-mycorrhiza Biofilm degradation produced Ramification of portal vein Groundwater recharge estimation Compositional changes in milk In vitro phosphate solubilization PhosphateSolubilizing Bacteria (PSB) Edible mushroom Single plant yield morphological characterization Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas mendocina Quality in cherry tomato Mastitis cows Mapping population against chickpea wilt Distribution of boleteceous mushrooms Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) Economics and varietal performance Rhizosphere soil of rice Calllus induction Records from sal forest Characterization of phosphate solublizing bacteria Vascular tumours Root stock Suitable conditions were Estimation and influencing Boleteceous mushrooms reported Clones 2008T42 Farmer’s perception on economics Canine haemangiopericytoma Capsicum production Scion-stick Yield losses in wheat Immunohistochemical diagnosis Histopathological and immunohistohemical Capsicum economics Different mutagenic chemicals Dirofilaria immitis Micro-nutrient enriched vermicompost Production efficiency of capsicum Canine fibrosarcoma Variability of yield losses

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Immunohistohemical study of canine melanoma, Economic analysis of capsicum production, Umbilical region, Survival percentage of softwood grafts, Cytological identification, Canine melanoma, Coconut coir waste, Rhizobium meliloti, Confirmed as fibrosarcoma, Microfilaria in an aberrant location, Screening antimicrobial potential, Pain on palpation, Revealed pleomorphic fibrocytes, Carrier and liquid-based Rhizobium cultures, Aberrant location, Utilizing epigeic earthworm species, Revealed spindle shaped, Labrador dog was presented, Dog by clinical examination, Antimicrobial ability, Phosphorus levels on productivity, Northern leaf blight in tropical maize, Soybean (Glycine max) seed inoculation, Mapping QTLs for resistance, Harvested rainwater for potato production, Malassezia pachydermatis, Nitrogen and phosphorus levels, Effect of planting dates, Hendecasis duplifascialis, Thiamethoxam on capsicum under field, Biological study of jasmine bud worm, Cultivars on floral characters, Modified Dixon’s agar, Dissipation studies, Crop biofortification, Genetic action studies, Atherigona soccata (Diptera: Muscidae), Hendecasis duplifascialis Hampsn, Floral characters of gladiolus, Dissipation studies of thiamethoxam, Related traits in maize, Longer compared to the male, Against sucking pests of vegetables, Gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus), Brinjal caused by phomopsis vexans, Zinc solubilization, Splendid role, Face validity, Recurrent gouty arthritis, LncRNA AFAP1-AS1, Test validation, Etoricoxib prevents progression, Public university in Vietnam, Socio-cultural analysis, Hepatocarcinoma cells, Blood mRNA, Repeated intra-articular monosodium, Status of English, Plasmodium yoelii, Metastatic abilities of hepatocarcinoma cells, Faecal immunochemical test, Tandem mass, Urate-induced gouty arthritis, Geometrical axis, Dapoxetine hydrochloride, COVID-19 infection, Thermotolerance and plasticity, Gut butyrate-producing organisms correlate, CRKL accelerates, Circulatory miRNA-484, Faecal immunochemical test negative subjects, Bioanalytical method, Progressive osteolysis, Corneal apex, Plasticity of camel somatic cells exposed, Pre-erythrocytic stage, Far infrared, Characteristics of human coronaviruses, Synthetic bulky NS4A peptide variants bind, Alpha-synuclein, Bidirectional interaction of lncRNA AFAP1-AS1, Microenvironmental pH, Egyptian patients, Assessment of CEACAM6, Placenta Specific 8 protein, Bulky NS4A peptide variants bind, Camel somatic cells exposed, Inhibit HCV NS3 protease, IP3R/Ca2+/NFjB/IL-6 signaling pathway, Patellar dislocation, Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose E5, Swiss mice model, 16S amplicon sequencing, Pooled-sequencing, Staging of hepatic cirrhosis, Minimum corneal thickness point, Colorectal cancer progression, Genomic analysis revealed, Chronic heat stress, Trochlea dysplasia, Catalytic triad arrangements, In vivo mouth dissolving time, TMEM16A Ca2+-activated Cl channel, Plasmodium yoelii pre-erythrocytic stages, Bio-analytical LC-MS/ MS method, State administration for innovation, Activates GPCRs in mice, Spatial localization, Activating NS3 upon, SH-SY5Y cells, Search of technologies, Far infrared radiation induces changes, IP3R-mediated Ca2+ release, Femoral osteotomy, Non-structural multi-tasking small peptide, Morphogeometric analysis, Eco-innovation, Identification of technologies, Achieves certain success, Trabecular microarchitectural changes, Viet Lien Company operation, Geotechnical characteristic, Selection of technologies, Conserving natural resources, Road gravel, Typical granular materials, Municipal solid waste incineration, PEI-impregnated mesoporous silica, Freshwater habitats, 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane, Evolving adrenal dysfunction, Several genera dominated, APTES impregnated mesoporous silica, Bilateral adrenal infarction, Nesidioblastosis in an adult, Neotobrilus indicated, Boys with prader-willi syndrome, Bioavailability enhancement, Pharmacogenomic biomarkers, Adrenal function over time, Four-dimensional computed tomography, Coincident suppurative thyroiditis, Amorphous solid dispersion, Initial gastric volume, Blood level, Iron kinetics, Jet nebulizer, D-β-hydroxybutyrate, Drug hypersensitivity, Recurrent hyperparathyroidism localized, Drug nanoparticles, Hemorrhage resulting, JB6 P+ Cell transformation, D4 T cells, Commonly occurs post-Rouxen-Y gastric bypass, Graves diseas, Amodiaquine dihydrochloride, Ezetimibe–HPBCD, Developed central precocious puberty, Novel spectinamide antibiotic, Extrusion/spheronization, Flory–Huggins interaction parameter, Chemical enhancer, Biological product labeling, Cyclodextrin inclusion complexes, Rare manifestation, Iron-restricted erythropoiesis, Laser diffraction, Cadaver skin, Rat paw oedema, Borderline features, Localize parathyromatosis, HLA-B alleles, Pediatric biopharmaceutical classification system, Oral bioavailability of erlotinib, Exogenous ketosis, Small-scale dissolution, Buffer species, Tissue Penetration, Epigenetic reactivation, Hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal axis, Histologic findings, Ezetimibe–HPBCD–AA2G, CONWIP card setting, Infected branchial cleft cyst, Post-prandial hypoglycemia, Ilex paraguariensis, Hydrocortisone butyrate, Cynomolgus monkeys, Vibratory milling, Graves disease in joints, White cell disorders, Palpable breast mass, Felbinac-triethylamine, Oral bioavailability enhancement via, Age-appropriate initial gastric volume, Thyroid storm, Solid self-emulsifying formulation, Xpert MTB/RIF, Solidstate characterization, Biopharmaceutics drug disposition classification system, Ketone monoester, Nanosize dispersion, Nervous system-central, Flow-shop system with a batch production machine, Scintillation counting, Concepts of transfusion, Nrf2-mediated anti-oxidative, Ezetimibe–HPBCD–TPGS, Utilization in biological product labeling, Female reproductive, Embryology of the gut, HIV-negative patients, Myeloid neoplasia, Enlargement of the fingers, Graves disease in a patient, Renal syndromes, Classification of leukemia and lymphoma, Scheduling algorithm with controllable train speeds, Spray-dried powder, White cell disorder, Brain ischemia, Molecular basis of biliary neoplasia, Drug nanosuspensions, Comparison with NGI, Types of breast neoplasia, In vitro/in vivo correlation, Improved dissolution, Pathology employment, Mechanical disorders of bowel, Pharmaceutical cocrystals, Testing for toxins, TB diagnostic, HLAB gene, Pharmacodynamic model, Pediatric populations, Gastrointestinal neoplasia, Thermosensitive gel, Weakly basic BCS class II drug, Pharmacokinetics in rats, Brain tumor classification, Population models, Small lymphocytic lymphoma, Classification of stroke, Departure times to decrease the total train tardiness, Spray-dried extract, Batch production machine, Permeation enhancement, Soft tissue edema progressing, HepG2-C8 cells, Immune-mediated renal disease, Phase solubility, Ovarian neoplasia, Solid-state interconversion, Typically euthyroid, Humidity on laser diffraction measurements, Pathology graduates, High-grade lymphoma, Intestinal efflux, Intestinal atresia, Pediatric biopharmaceutics, Ion-pair, Dissolution behavior, Small-scale assays, The total train tardiness, Infectious esophagitis, Hydrophilic auxiliary substances, Clustering fuzzy objects using ant colony optimization, Ilex paraguariensis pellets, Topical administration, Stroke treatment, D-β-hydroxybutyrate following administration, Batch processing machine, Serum osmolality, In vivo studies, Aliphatic monohydric alcohols, Granulocyte transfusion, Pathology job market, pH-dependent solubility, Myelodysplastic syndromes, Compliance to patients, Tuberculosis improve diagnostic yield, Richter’s transformation, Barrett esophagus, Studying dissolution, Clustering fuzzy objects, candida esophagitis, The DR-algorithm, Comprehensive review concerning, Improved skin penetration, Immune complex–mediated glomerulonephritis, Pathology residency, Schiller-Duval body, The pre-schedule, Herpes simplex virus esophagitis, Minimum sum-of-squares, Pathology workforce, A revision on EOQ/JIT indifference points, Ordered heuristic for the allocation, EOQ/JIT indifference points, The allocation of resources in unrelated parallel-machines, Novel robust chance constrained possibilistic programming model, The minimum sum-of-squares clustering problem, Greenhouse gas penalty and incentive policies, From cost perspective, Unrelated parallel-machines, GRASP-based approach to the multi activity combined timetabling, Disaster relief logistics under uncertainty, Joint economic lot size model, Switch the inventory system, The MS index, Crew scheduling problem considering a heterogeneous workforce, Multi-objective robust possibilistic programming model, Industrial and transport emissions, Solving a bi-objective mathematical programming model, Both EOQ model, The MCT heuristic, Relief distribution minimizing, Harvesting to optimise biomass supply chain, Single manufacturer-a single buyer, Robust design hybrid metamodeling, The Multi-activity Combined Timetabling, Bloodmobiles location routing problem, Modified Ordered Minimum Completion Time, Transport operations to optimise biomass supply chain, Truckload and lessthan-truckload shipments, Advanced methodology in process optimization under uncertainty, Fuzzy multi objective, Improving effectiveness of parallel machine scheduling with earliness, Process optimization under uncertainty, Comprehensive grouping efficacy, Optimise biomass supply chain, Improving effectiveness of parallel machine scheduling witht ardiness costs, Tailored Simulated Annealing, Robust approach for solving a vehicle routing problem, Evaluating block-diagonal forms in group technology, Design combining with metamodel methods, Industrial biorefinery processes, The bloodmobiles locations, The Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Adult-onset immunoglobulin, Manufacturing runtime problem with an expedited fabrication rate, Discrete Jaya algorithm, Decrease computational complexity, Evaluating block-diagonal forms, The developed scheduling transport algorithms, Measuring the manufacturing productivity, Uncertain service and travel times, Endoscopic resection, Adult-onset immunoglobulin a vasculitis, Manufacturing runtime problem with random failures, Microforceps in the diagnosis, Permutation flow-shop scheduling problem, Training in bariatric endoscopy, Ischemic duodenal ulceration, Undigested gum found during colonoscopy, Eosinophilic enterocolitis, Miliary liver metastasis, Challenges in its management, Hepatitis E infection, Measuring advanced, Post-treatment ulceration, Autoimmune hepatitis associated, Increased mortality, Giant duodenal lipoma, Lumen-apposing metal stent, Cholestatic hepatitis, Measures of robustness, Diagnosis of IgAV, Undigested gum, Axial spondyloarthritis experience high, Thoracic endovascular aortic repair, Bariatric endoscopy, Pancreatic bronchogenic cyst, The CGE formula, Hepatocellular carcinoma adjacent, Role of environmental distractions, Manufacturing runtime problem with scrap, Very early onset, Extended practice roles, Particularly in early stages, Bleeding after cyanoacrylate injection, Treat malignant esophageal stricture, Gastric outlet obstruction, Idiopathic adulthood ductopenia, Possible paraneoplastic syndrome, Increasing immunosuppression, Patient remained asymptomatic, Asians with systemic sclerosis, Turmeric consumption, High-intensity exercise, The drawbacks of these measures, Unexplained iron deficiency anemia, Endoscopic ultrasound guidance, Bariatric endoscopy training program, Cultivars/genotypes, Arthritis and musculoskeletal care, Endemic regions, Bile duct via intraductal cooling, Manufacturing runtime problem

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MAPK signalling pathway-plant - 4 sao (17 lượt)