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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Lý thuyết cổ điển và tân cổ điển

Ophthalmic emergency The biology of sex and gender Pharmacy calculations The diaphragm Thermal modifications Monitoring the ECMO Granulomatous diseases Internal states Orthopedic appliances Ascitic fluids Voice impairment Both simple Microbial pathogenicity Trophic structure Extraordinary therapies Negative emotions Severe traumatic brain injury Liver enzyme guess tests Liaison consultancy Teaching medical mycology Safety of MR imaging in pregnancy Respiratory toxicology Malignant lung neoplasms The mouth Reactive changes Acute visual field impairment Medicines management Pediatric integrative medicine The fetal extremities War injuries Gastrointestinal radiology Medical terminology incredibly easy Tendon techniques The global health community Early differentiation Feminist spirituality Drug dissection Handling food safely Imaging findings Operative management Integrative intake Chemistry review Cultural needs Elbow disorders Complex behavior The radial nerve High-speed digital imaging Cutting for the stone Orofacial syndromes Volatile anaesthesia Teeth malocclusion The ENT manifestations Pursue radiologic specialties Lethal effects Postoperative appearance Laryngeal papilloma Normal abdominal The vestibular system Cross-infection control Spiritual healing Trending longitudinal agreement between parent Transport under ECMO General guideline Major depressive disor der Ethnic hair care products Fixed appliances for malocclusion Paediatric nursing in Australia Cosmetic problems Life – changing foods Conséquences physiopathologiques The liver’s immune system MR imaging of normal brain Ecosystem processes Needling techniques Acute pain in the eye A national mycoses reporting system Unusual and metastatic lesions The oesophagus Conditions associated Benign lung lesions Spinal surgery Understanding genetics Indian religion Clinical drug monitoring Pharmacology in ENT Radiology clerkship Biliary surgery General science review Hip disorders Intravenous anaesthesia The clinical voice laboratory Synthetic antimicrobial agents Congenital toxoplasmosis Promote healthy eating behaviors Sublethal effects Body structure General medical student awards Orthodontic learning Craniofacial deformities Neuronal survival

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Australia’s children, Physiopathology in venovenous, Weaning process, Under pressure, Child perceptions, Verbal ability, Ethnic hairstyling practices, Changing foods, Infectious lung lesions, Suivi postopératoire, Birth trauma, Open-globe injuries, Physics related, Fetal surgery, Mystery hunger, Metastatic lesions, Descriptive approaches, Patient care process, Practice exam II, Severe acute respiratory distress syndrome, The movement sensing perspective, Public health microbiology, Class II malocclusion, Pediatric radiology, Take out the trash, The ayurvedic tradition, Including variants, Pediatric palliative care patients, Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, Lemon balm, Chemical injuries, Résultats et évolution des pratiques, The delivery room, Fobotic surgery, Ocular emergency, Sensory system, Research in the paediatric setting, Essential roles, Practice exam III, Argentinian ambulatory integral model, Musculoskeletal radiology, Sweet potatoes, Encountered on radiography, Initial training of nurses, Licorice root, The western humanist tradition, A retrospective review, Emergency of ocular adnexa, Acute disturbance, Biology review, Tntegrative approaches, Treat autism spectrum disorders, Sprouts & microgreens, Raspberry leaf, Technical skills training, Indigenous spiritualties, Practice exam I, Supporting parent caregivers, Atlantic sea vegetables, Leafy greens, Translating evidence into practice, That make life challenging, Nursing assessments, Learning activity, Evidence-based care, A chronic illness, Tế bào mô xốp, Kiểu hướng động, Các loại giao tử, Đimetyl xeton, Phản ứng trùng hợp monome, Trắc nghiệm môn tiếng Anh năm 2019, Tính quy định phổ biến, Hội nghị Thường vụ Trung ương Đảng, International trade and employment, A quantile regression approach, International trade and firm employment, Xoắn thùy gan trên chó con, Điều trị xoắn thùy gan trên chó con, Giống Golden Retriever, Tình trạng acid huyết ở chó, Thú mắc bệnh xoắn gan, Formulation and applications in decision making, Access to rural credit, Decision-making procedure, Efect on living standard, Afterward the operational rules, Case study about poor households in northwest, Households in northwest, Giáo trình Kiểm toán báo cáo tài chính, Kiểm toán chu kỳ huy động vốn, Đặng Đức Siêu, Khả thể tiếp nhận, Người đọc tiềm ẩn, Văn tế của Đặng Đức Siêu, Rectangular patch array antenna, Liquid crystal substrate, Techniques and programs used in bidding, Nonlinear filtering in ECG signal enhancement, Ka and Q band applications, Playing phases of imperfect information game – an overview, ECG signal enhancement, Commercial Ansoft HFSS software, Imperfect information game, Various filtering techniques, Enhance reusing product discovery mechanism, Image encryption using parallel RSA algorithm on cuda, Bridge bidding and playing phases, Static clustering based multi - hop routing, Packet sniffer – A comparative study, Mobile adaptive e-commerce webapps, Parallel RSA algorithm on cuda, Eloba chaotic keystream cipher, Management of confidentiality of cryptosystems, The new method, Well-known WeabApps, Network monitoring tools, Resource constraint smart-card, Parallel algorithm implementation, Linear codes - a bird’s eye view, Enhanced discovery mechanism, Synthesis and catalytic properties of MIL-100(Fe), The network data, ELoBa against several cryptographic system, Better encryption decryption efficiency, The original scheme, Characteristic behaviour and quantitative parameter, Synthesis and catalytic properties of iron(III) carboxylate with large pores, Ứng dụng tích phân trong kinh tế, The higher notions of security, Iron(III) carboxylate with large pores, Tích phân trong kinh tế, X-ray powder diffraction data, Hàm cận biên, Electivity for MIL-100(Fe), Hàm quỹ vốn dựa vào hàm đầu tư, Tính thặng dư, Time dependent finite state machine, Empowerment of tora protocol to deal, Method for intrusion detection in mobile ad hoc networks, Tora protocol to deal, A fault tolerant approach for WSN chain, The elimination of data packets by intruder nodes, WSN chain based routing protocols, Malicious behavior in AODV, Data packets by intruder nodes, Chain-based protocols, Energy depletion and mobility of nodes, Latency of data transmission, ECDLP for constructing a new certificate based digital signature, ECDLP for constructing a new certificate, Centralized identification system of subscribers with mobile networks, Existing pairing-free certificate, The case of senegal, Secure query processing in cloud with privacy homomorphism, Algorithm for object learning production, Lower computational cost, Centralized identification integrating advanced technologies, Privacy Homomorphism Technique, Object learning production, Media storage efficiency, Firewall-based solution, The best regulation of subscribers, Towards a multi-platform development based on MDA approach, Leverage performance parameter, Optimally produce the learning objects, Preventing privilege escalation attacks in android, Level fingerprint similarity, Multi-platform development, Several scenarios depending, Evaluation of security function of flipora plug-in on browsers, Maintaining water surface coverage by mobile sensor nodes, Network forensic analysis, Preventing privilege escalation attacks, MPLS recovery schemes, Beyond current approaches, Flipora plug-in on browsers, Winnowing multihashing method, Mobile sensor nodes with energy harvesting, Privilege escalation attack, A review of DNA based block cipher, An experimental evaluatio, RC4 enrichment algorithm approach for selective image encryption, Plug-in in upon, Schedule node condition, Synthetic network topology, DNA based block cipher, Enrichment algorithm approach, Zend: Survey on the examination system, Flipora plug-in, Attention deficit hyperactive disorder using decision tree, DRID- A new merging approach, The cryptography algorithm of DNA-Based cryptographic, MPLS-based recovery schemes, The selective image encryption, Survey on the examination system, New merging approach, DNA-Based cryptographic, Optimize the code, The dataset availibity, A modified ACO algorithm for image edge detection, Fuzzy inspired hybrid genetic approach, The cryptography algorithm, Running the compiler, Suppression of multidimensional data using k-anonymity, Modified ACO algorithm, Examining a pipelined approach, Optimize travelling salesman problem, Multidimensional data using k-anonymity, Crosstalk and crosstalk delay minimization, The heuristic function, Information extraction with respect to machine learning, Computing a security architecture anonymity, Runtime checking using static analysis, Evaluation of parallel application’s performance dependency, The existing genetic algorithm results, Domain hierarchy trees, Study on different approaches of selective encryption technique, Information extraction with respect, Chip DSM VLSI interconnects, Traceability in network layer, Run Time checking in C, Modified the heuristic function, Implementing a web annotation system, Ram using parallel virtual machine, A survey of avoidance of bottleneck in PCS network, The define approach, Selective encryption technique, Coupled RLC modeled interconnects, Static analysis for Instrumentation of Code, Supporting cooperative works using tablet devices, Data leakage detection, Bottleneck in PCS network, Parallel virtual machine, The full encryption, The proposed architecture, Cluster based hierarchical approach, Reduce inductance dominant crosstalk, Static analysis for Instrumentation, Automatic word sense disambiguation using wikipedia link structure, Supporting cooperative works, The original distributor’s data, Home Location Register, Multimodal biometric personal, Guaranteeing fundamental security requirements, The communication delays, The recognition of bengali handwritten character, The speed of encryption, Comparative analysis of various clustering techniques, Automatic word sense disambiguation, A study on author identification through stylometry, Data recipient is malicious, Entretian model for software maintenance, Personal Communication Service, Identification system based on iris & fingerprint, Bengali handwritten character, Survey of methods and strategies, HDFS safety measures construction of secret storage cloud, Various clustering techniques used for very large datasets, Wikipedia link structure, Author identification through stylometry, Objects or records, The Maintenance Support Team, Online bengali handwritten word recognition, Bengali text segmentation, Existing data show, Various clustering techniques, HDFS safety measures construction, The gender of the human, Integration of spatial fuzzy clustering, Techniques for detecting leakage, The ERP package, Density based Methods, Key frame extraction from videos - a survey, IRIS and Fingerprint, Data Isolation Service, The OCR process, Maintenance activities systematically, Level set for efficient image segmentation, Three custom security policies, Current video retrieval application, Spatial fuzzy clustering, Process huge amount of information, Locally regularized evolution, Genus Cyclotrichium, Scilla autumnalis, Onosma beyazoglui Kandemir, Macrofungi of Derebucak district, Genus Peperomia, East-Mediterranean, Genus Micromeria Benth., Moltkiopsis ciliata, Phylogenetic evaluation of Cyclotrichium, S. autumnalis, Entoloma politum, Cortinarius calochrous var. coniferarum, Macrofungi taxa, Nemrut Mountain, Allium dentiferum, Morphological revision, Morphological character analysis, Pollination behaviour, Genus Onosma, Cytochemical features, Fritillaria persica L., Image Analysis System, Giant chloroplast, Floral dimorphism, Genus Fritillaria L., Arrhenia acerosa, Coprinoid macrofungi, Historical-national park, Balık Lake, New lichen records, Cymularia Boiss., Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA, Linum aretioides Boiss., Onosma beyazoglui, Nucellar epidermal cells, Femalesterile sexual systems, Trigonella L., Calocera pallidospathulata, A. dodecanesii, Cytogenetic properties, Muscari mirum, Coprinellus heterothrix, Geomorphological constructions, Braun-Blanquet’s method, Epipelic algal flora, Anthemis L., Detailed pollen morphological, Floral polymorphism, Papaver accessions, Flowering plants, P. metallica leaf tissues, Plants’ life cycles, Genus Malcolmia, Pseudomelissa Benth., Cylindricae Boiss., Macrofungi of Turkey, Primula L., Chenopodium botrys L., Calcareous rocks, Vashlovani Protected Areas, Morchella esculenta var. umbrina, Botanic agent, Coprinopsis stercorea Fr., Floristic structure of Turkey, New variety, Rugulate reticulate, Allium fuscum, Quercus cerris L. var. cerris, Oxytona species, Genus Seseli L., Genus Teucrium L., Genera Strigosella Boiss., T. velutina, Silene araratica Schischk, Craticula cuspidata, Genus Clinopodium, Lichen species, Genus Juniperus L., Ebenus L. species, Megaspore mother cell, Hydnellum aurantiacum, Genus Coprinus, Invasive species, Aspicilia esculenta, Bulb scale, Steppe vegetation, Wild Primula, Psilate-perforate, Substantial rhytidome, Fumaria L. species, T. strangulata, Unbranched multicellular trichomes, Taxonomically problematic, Closterium strigosum, Silene gevasica, Genus Alstroemeria, Anthemis pauciloba Boiss., E. plumosa var. speciosa, Caloplaca lobulata, Silene hamzaoglui, Epiphytic lichen, Traditional Braun-Blanquet method, Morphologically quite similar, Surface ornamentations, Ascomycetous macrofungi, Numerous crystals, Plastid DNA, Naturally distributed Juniperus L., Scape explants, Psilate-perforate at pole, Genus Bomarea, Completely glandular-hairy, New species of Minuartia, Cladonia caespiticia, Genus Anthemis, E. laguroides var. laguroides

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Lý thuyết cổ điển và tân cổ điển - 4 sao (17 lượt)