Tìm kiếm "Luâṇ văn thac̣ sĩ"

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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Luâṇ văn thac̣ sĩ

Photosystem I Chloroplast-targeted genes Sambucus nigra Guanine nucleotide exchange factors Kernel size Blast fungus Direct defense Phyllospheric microbiota Saccharina japonica Index of absorbance difference Chemical library Fungal disease resistance O-methyltransferase Phaseolus lunatus CSolanum lycopersicum Eragrostis tef SBP-box GA oxidase genes Aquilaria sinensis Stem-loop RT-qPCR Ploidy effect Vaccinium corymbosum Balancing selection Inorganic phosphorus Tobacco TTG2 Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase Internal plant metabolome Analog-sensitive kinase Necrotrophic pathogen First-generation hybrids Silique traits llium cepa Glycerolipidome responses Auxin receptors GAMYB-like GDP-mannose dehydrogenase Detoxification program DEAD box RNA helicase Rainforest refugia Dongxiang wild rice Genome-wide association analyses Flower shedding Cell wall polymers Photosynthesis-related proteins Genotype by environment interactions B chromosome Early GA biosynthesis genes Repetitive sequences Pollen tube Leptosphaeria maculans S-adenosyl-L-methionine dependent Complementation assay U-box Dwarf architecture with down-curved leaf mutant Promoter binding protein Rind penetrometer resistance Arabidopsis transcription activation factor Hydrogen cyanamide Cell cultures Auxin homeostasis Low-phosphate-tolerant Brassica rapa subsp. rapa MATE proteins Geographic distribution models Opposite wood Crop domestication Leaf shape Triose phosphates Metabolomic analysis F-box-Nictaba Modifying genomes OsLPR family Degradome analysis Bio-orthogonal ATPγS Hybrid superiority Tomato leaf mold Re-sequencing Transcriptome Differentially expressed gene Chromatin remodelling Comparative mapping Mineral concentration Viral silencing suppressors Plant gall disease Fragaria vesca Dehydration-induced protein Ethylene cross-talk A. roylei Phosphorylation assay Seed production via Color development Freezingand chilling-induced injurie Rhamnogalacturonan-I ROXY-type glutaredoxins Cytokinin-responsive transcriptome ABA-binding factor Quantitative resistance Protein transparent testa 12 Eukaryotic initiation factor 4AIII Slash-and-burn rye Gossypium anomalum

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Wet Tropics, In vitro dry matter digestion, Citrus depressa, Functional gene, Drought escape, Light reduction, Differential proteomics, Qi319-96, Sequencing total RNA, Induced response, Cup-shaped cotyledon, Transgenic wheat, Leading ornamental species, Fruitlet abscission, Mild compression wood, Dormancy breaking buds, Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase, Guaraní communities, Plant hormone signaling pathways, Gene presence, Satellite sequences, Low phytate seed, DNA-binding activity, Linkage mapping, Nitrogen-containing metabolites, Drought-related NAC genes, Ipomoea trifida, Modulate plant growth, Plant signaling, Pathogenic strain, Phenotypic integration, Tomato genomes, Pyruvate transporters, Oxidative burst, Populus × jrtyschensis, Cell-wall metabolism, Red Suspension cell Cultures, Metabolic oligosaccharide engineering, N-end rule pathway, Sorghum association panel, Cereal spike, Fit knock-out mutant, GAMYB pathway, Antigen-specific antibodies, Glycerolipids plays, G-quadruplexes, A. fistulosum, 5-azacytidine, Segmental duplication, F. picrosperma, Domain homologous, Exon junction complex, Plant photosynthetic apparatus, Monosomic alien addition line, Leaf growth, TGA transcription factors, Haploid population, Stearoyl-ACP desaturase, Molecular biological, DOF proteins, Pollen-pistil interaction, Allelic variation, Anti-pathogenic properties, A chromosome sequences, Protoplast transfection, Varietal diversity, Defense-related proteins, Hybrid effects, Neutral monosaccharide compositions, Putative secondary plant glycosyltransferase, Dehydration avoidance, PIN efflux facilitators, Physiological factors, Phosphorus Starvation Tolerance 1, Resistance to Heterobasidion annosum, Peroxisomes house critical metabolic, Starch metabolic pathway genes, Summer buds, RNA seq-Atlas, Necrosis reaction, Physiological index, Climate zones, Lowland South America, Point phosphatidylglycerol, Quantitative trait variation, High soil boron, PIN1 protein trafficking, Ability enables plants, Principal coordinates analyses, Transplanting rice, Abundance during stress, UDP-glycosyltransferase, Co-expression analysis, Defense induction, Heat stress response, Cell wall invertase, Ubiquitously occurring GRXs, Glycan-binding protein, Malus x domestica Borkh, Fibrous root, Quantitative reverse transcription PCR, PEX proteins, Polar auxin transport, Arabidopsis lyrata, Weedy rice, Detection of mobile mRNAs, Various plants, Seed elemental ratios, Capillary isoelectric focusing, Non-cellulosic polysaccharides, Adequately understood, Grapevine floral buds, Erigeron breviscapus, Cellulose synthase gene superfamily, Mechano-stimulation, Australian barley, Maize landraces, Immunity system, H3K9me2-heterochromatin, Inhibitors of endomembrane trafficking, Botrytis squamosa, Functional compensation, Leaf physiology, UDP-glucosyltransferase, Anti-stress, PEX4 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, Genome-wide, MYB transcript factors, Terpene profiling, Mesocotyl elongation, Nanofluidic immunoassay, Homeodomain proteins, Meta-transcriptomics, JA-isoleucine, Brefeldin A, Marker gene, Energy reserves, B transporters HvBot1, Rubus idaeus, mRNA exchange, Immuno-fluorescence microscopy, Calvin cycle enzymes, Monoterpenol glucosyltransferases, Genomic variation, Mechanized dry seeded rice, Moist-chilling, Adenosine ribosylation factor, Three cDNA libraries, Perennial ryegrass, Pre-reproductive vegetative, Diagnostic SNP, Rubus occidentalis, Aromatic grape variety, Cell cycle genes, Subpopulation differentiation, Plant biotic stress, Oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, BY-2 tobacco cells, Phylogenetically divergent, δ-pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase, Pleasant floral odors, Tomato chromosome 4 exhibits, Dark-induced senescence, Fructan metabolism, Graft genetics, Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes, Tudor domain family, Induce systemic plant, Parsley cell culture, Multipartite structure displaying, Single-stranded non-coding RNAs, Landsberg erecta, NB-LRR based resistance, Dark-induced leaf senescence, Oxygen transfer rate, DUF221 domain, Low-grain-Cd-accumulation, Gas space, Date fruit, Japanese peach cultivars, Respiration activity monitoring system, Plastid division, Electron and fluorescence microscopy, Transcript profiles, Cereal cystatins, MYB10 transcription factor, Maximize sucrose yield, Mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade, 3D high-resolution, Ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, Bin map, Double-membraned plastids, Immuno-labelling, Soft dates varieties, Trichome development, TTG1 manipulation, Disjunt distribution, Salinity–alkalinity stress, Hormonal crosstalk, Endogenous proteolysis, Sorbitol dehydrogenase, X-ray imaging methods, Homoeologue-specific, RING-type Ubiquitin ligase enzymes, Homeodomain leucine zipper protein, Biparental QTL mapping, Primary plastids, Nuclear pore complex, Solanum habrochaites, Highest photosynthetic rates, Ploidy analysis, Biological clock, Dry dates varieties, Chlorophyll precursor, Cyclic electron flow, Trichome patterning and growth, Suaeda maritima, VRN-1 gene, L-idonate-5-dehydrogenase, Maize kernel, Rapidly accumulating RNA-seq datasets, Wheat germ-based protein libraries, High-throughput qPCR, Undergoes obvious alteration, Epistatic interaction, NADH dehydrogenase-like, Endosymbiotic origin, Broad metabolic gene expression changes, LTR retrotransposon, Symbiotic signalling, First intron, Non-destructive, Protoplast assay, Polyploid species, Polyamines protect plants against, Cytosolic GS1, Salinity treatment, Genetic correspondence, Viridiplantae plastids, Tuber sprouting, Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry, Regulatory pathway, Vegetable and fruit preservation, Auxin-resistant, Tartaric acid, Triticum dicoccoides, Microscopy-based manner, Herbivory-induced plant volatile, Analyzes large transcriptomic, Including capsaicin, Cross-species meta-analysis, Genomic region, Gametophytic self-incompatibility, Self-incompatible, Vegetable and fruit shelf life, Phaseolus lunatus L., Capsicum species, Tall fescue, Salt responsive gene, Nine gene ontology, Fg3 gene, Spodoptera littoralis Boisd., S-RNase like genes, Plant-insect interactions, Flavonol 3-O-glucoside, Puccinia emaculata, Growth type, Verticillium wilt-resistant, Thellungiella salsuginea, Nonhost resistance, Vegetation associated, Identification of CaHsfs family, Resistance gene analogues, Glucosinolate biosynthesis, Switchgrass rust, 14 miRNA-target pair, RGA-gene-rich clusters, Lycopene β-cyclase, Cultivated Georgian germplasms, Additive effect, Heat shock factors, Quantitative real-time, Polyunsaturated fatty acid, Verticillium dahliae response loci, Grain length, Grain thickness, Annual oilseed crop, Elymus s. l., St genome, SA transporter EDS5, Chloroplast gene, Genus Vanilla, Transgenic analysis, DA1 gene family, P-hydroxybenzaldehyde, GA 1-oxidase, eEdophytic biotransformation, Manganese stabilizing protein, Panax ginseng, Hordeum spontaneum Reproductive success, Cyanogenic glycoside, Korean ginseng, Oxygen evolving complex, Plants produce, Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer, Aldoxime metabolites, Crude drugs, Land plants, Quercus suber, Pellia endiviifolia, Transcriptional regulators, Response to water, Methylation patterns, Calcineurin B-Like, Metal elements, Cell wall structures, Free ions, OsCBL genes, LRR-extensin, Genomic distribution, Leucine-rich repeat extensins, Eucalyptus genomes, N-terminal leucine-rich repeat, Ethylene receptor, Synteny analysis, Shoot meristem, Negative feedback, Plant embryo, Angiosperm evolution, Recessive resistance, Complex functional redundancy, Arabidopsis thaliana embryos, Complete plastome, O. tenuiflorum, Divergence estimates, Rapid radiation, Eocene-Oligocene Transition, Metabolite synthesis pathways, Tuberous root, Apple latent spherical virus vector, Fruit flesh, Evolutionary cytogenetics, Biological perspectives, Double-flowers, Ambient temperature signaling, Transient activation, Japanese gentian, L-type arrangement, LTR-type retrotransposon, Odd ploidy, MADS-box genes, SbSUTs gene expression, Cell morphogenesis, C1 metabolism, Non-synonymous SNPs, Folate profiling, RNA 5-methylcytosine, Epidermal cell, Cultivated peanut, Plant chronology, Peanut plant, 18 K Infinium chip, Specific metabolites, Basal angiosperms, Picovine x Ugni Blanc flb, Grape berry metabolome, GRAS gene family, Corvina variety, Plants tolerance response, Persea Americana mesocarp, Pyramiding these genes, Arabidopsis abiotic, Caragana intermedia, Neem tree, Vir gene-expressing, Benzylisoquinoline alkaloid-producing plants, Skeletally diverse triterpenoids, Benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, Transcriptomic analysis of bermudagrass, Agrobacterium strains, Model plant species, Neem triterpenoids, Soybean drought, Pollen flow, Somatic homologous recombinations, Facilitate gene discovery, 20 taxonomically, Low temperature tolerance, Serapias lingua, Leaf abscission, Gene regulatory transcripts, Plants accumulating, RNA-Seq platform, Dramatic significance, Mediterranean orchids, Positionally-conserved, Symbiosis dependent accumulation, Vernalization pathway genes, Sexually reproducing individuals, Sequence-diverged

Đánh giá
Luâṇ văn thac̣ sĩ - 4 sao (17 lượt)