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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Lựa chọn kênh truyền thông

Lactuca L. in Turkey Xanthagaricus pakistanicus sp. nov. Genus Cota J.Gay Species distribution modeling Chromosome features Inner Anatolia Cymbocarpum species Cyperus noeanus Boiss. Stirtonia ghattensis Acanthocephalus Kar. & Kir. Phytosociological method of Braun-Blanquet Cherry Prunus avium L. Genus Hygrophorus O. ayliniae Lactuca leucoclada Rech.f. European S. virgaurea Roselliniella lecideae sp. nov. Achene morphology Mushroom phylogeny Gypsophila species Yellowish pileus Allied species C. anethoides Morphological characters of C. noeanus Transgenic peas Pertusaria coccodes Land rehabilitation Pennate diatoms Scaligeria DC. species Ecological adaptability Salicetum albae Conserved precursor microRNA Sticky basidioma Micromorphological features MAXENT modeling approach Interesting lichenicolous fungi Globose basidiospores Taxonomic significance Endemic Cyperus noeanus Lactuca viminea Callipeltis cucullaris L. In vitro proliferation Cortinarius conicoumbonatus Plants overcome abiotic stresses Chrysanthemum plants C. wiedemannii Ekimia ozcan-secmenii Vitamin E biosynthesis Lichenized Ascomycota Facilitate biologists Freshwater centric diatom taxonomy Leaf photosynthesis Gypsogenin 3-O-glucuronide Morphochemical characteristics Typhetum angustifoliae Pancratium maritimum Callus production Systematics value of micromorphological Prickly pear Noncoding regulatory RNAs Erysimum croceum Popov Roselliniella microthelia Cyperaceae monograph Hygrophorus yadigarii Lactuca quercina L. Pileal squamules Prospero seisumsianum Cortinarius subgen. Telamonia sect. Hinnulei Beet Beta vulgaris Sordariomycete species Thlaspi L. Hemithecium scariosum Rare taxa Multivariate environmental index Rebaudioside-A Hyrcanian forests Anthemis marschalliana Willd. Sea daffodil Globularia trichosantha subsp. trichosantha Nonea turcomanica Popov Palynological characters Synonym of C. glaber Lichenostigma dimelaenae E. bornmuelleri Seed surface Lactuca macrophylla Lactophenol cotton blue Leptochloa digitata Cytological criteria Micromorphological illustrations Genera Coccomyces Gynogenic haploid explants Sensu lato Tocopherol biosynthesis genes Tatar Dam Reservoir Boraginaceae Juss. Algerian steppes Genus Quercus L. in Iran Pri-miRNA self-hybridizes Biologically active substances Hybridization in breeding programs

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Mountain environment, Bulbous plant, Piper malgassicum, Brassicaceae species, Stenocephalum Sch.Bip., S. stygnospilum, Fruit and seed-set, Bracteole morphology, Seed morphology, Inflorescence size, Genus Frondaria, Synthesized in plants, Prospero autumnale, Trichloris species, Turkish freshwater algal flora, Micromorphological descriptions, Dicotyledonous plant, Phytomelan layer, Genus Heliotropium L., Character count procedure, Quantitative morphological, Arid area, Ardabil province, Piper tsarasotrae, Thlaspi rosulare, Pronectria xanthoriae, Palynological features of Stenocephalum, Genus Astragalus L., Mericarp features, Nearest neighbor distance, Neotropical orchid genus Frondaria, Authentic collections, Seed dormancy systems, Ascomycota biodiversity, Polyploid complex, Seed structure of some taxa, Heliotropium taxa, Shade avoidance, Erigeron hybrid, Trichosantha seeds, Taxa described by Djavanchir Khoie, Taxonomic composition, Structure of selected organs, Including leaf shape, Genus Piper L., Japanese morning glory, Plantago sect. Maritima, T. tatianae, Frondaria species, Noccaea ali-atahanii, Micromorphological characters of seeds, Female reproductive success, Historical collections, Boletus s. str., Trifolium repens, Scanning electron microscopy micrographs, Plant microtechnique, Heliotropium species, Trifolium pratense, Borago officinalis L., ITS secondary structure, Ipomoea nil, Epipelic diatom flora, Plantago subulata, Seed shapes include reniform–globose, Octomeria tenuis, Micromorphological seed, Morphological intermediacy, Orchis punctulata, Including Euploca Nutt., Astragalus borysthenicus, Flora across virtual herbaria, Nitzschia inconspicua, Plantago species, Boletus himalayensis, Hybrid origin, P. graminea, Micronutrient homeostasis, Planothidium lanceolatum, P. sarda, Current taxonomy, P. subulata var. atlantis, Amphora pediculus, Glass-fiber filtration, P. subulata var. granatensis, Thói quen chăm sóc răng miệng, Chẩn đoán ung thư đường mật, Crilin and nanocurcumin’s synergistic effect, Tiêm tĩnh mạch chậm, Treatment for 7.12 dimethylbenz[a]anthracene, Induced breast cancer mice, The DMBA-induced mice’s body weight, Crilin and nanocucumin, The Gly972Arg polymorphism in IRS1 gene, The risk of prediabetes among vietnamese women, Lfestyle and clinical factors, Natural radioactivity in soil samples around gold mining area, Adjusted for socio-economic, Quantum dots sensitized solar cells, Gamma ray spectrometer with NaI (Tl) detector, Bohl perron theorem for differential algebraic equations, Cu2ZnSnS4 nanomaterial synthesized by hydrothermal approach, The studies of energy transfer between Sm3+ ions, Raman spectroscopy of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics revisited, The bhabha scattering in Randall-sundrum Model, Cu2ZnSnS4 nanomaterial synthesized, TiO2/CdS:Mn2+/CdSe photoanode, CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics revisited, Convergence for martingale sequences of random bounded linear operators, Energy transfer between Sm3+ ions, Substituted concentration on structure, Synthesis and electrochemical properties of Fe2O3@C composite, Cu doped ZnS microstructures synthesized by thermal evaporation, Photoanode light-harvesting capacity, Well-defined double-perovskite type crystalline structure, Solar absorber layer fabrication, Lead sodium telluroborate glasses, Random bounded linear operators, Magnetic properties of Y3Fe5-xInxO12, Cu doped ZnS microstructures, Iron-air battery, Thickness of the films, The imprints of Raman spectroscopy, Inokuti hirayama model, Products of random bounded linear operators, The finite size effect on properties, Scanning electron microcopy, The Fe2O3@C electrode, The reduction of intersublattice interaction, The UV-Vis spectra shifted toward longer, Martingales of random bounded linear operators, The energy transfer probability, A weakly interacting bose G, Doping of Cu2+ ion, Commercial Fe2O3 and AB, The synthesis of bio-polyol from epoxidized soybean oil, The luminescence spectra, In improved hatree-fock approximation, The synthesis of bio-polyol, Hatree-Fock approximation, Synthesis and characterization of bioglass 45s doped with Ag, Epoxidized soybean oil, One-loop approximation of quantum field theory, Bioglass 45s doped with Ag, Epoxide ring-opening, XRD and SEM, A new record for the flora of Vietnam, Kinetic study of epoxidation of rubber seed oil, The flora of Vietnam, Study on selectivity of tungstate based catalyst, Determination of phthalate diesters, An extent description, Epoxidation reaction of modified, Distribution of phthalate diesters, Tungstate based catalyst, Non modified rubber seed oil, Beverage collected from Hanoi, Epoxidized rubber seed oil, Maximum residual level according, Preliminary data on species composition, A monitoring solution for basic behaviors, The scolopendromorph centipedes, Basic behaviors of objects in distributed systems, Kon Ka Kinh National Park, Compound Gaussian clutter, Model basic operations, Kon Chu Rang nature reserve, Monitor communication operations, Point-like target detection, Normalized adaptive filter, Semi-definite programming, Linear subspace, Conic class, Steering vector, Phòng dưỡng nhi, Ca sanh thường, Phòng khám nhi, Dịch vụ nhi khoa, Ca sanh mổ, Điều trị đau sau phẫu thuật ở trẻ em, Chăm sóc sức khỏe bệnh nhi, Chăm sóc trẻ em sau mổ, Bệnh hô hấp cao nhất, Hình thái glôcôm trẻ em, Nguyên gây mù lòa, Kisspeptin neurons, Cucurbita pepo subsp. pepo var. styriaca, Biolistic transformation, Peripheral administration of kisspeptin, Glyphosate-tolerant gene, Senna rugosa, Rhodotorula glutinis, Ca2+ efflux, Bacterial transformation, Kisspeptin antagonist, Cytogenetic analysis, 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, Pollen diameter, Estradiol receptors, Rhesus monkey, Optimization of E. coli, N-alkanes, Polyembryony frequency, Agrobacterium transformation, Escherichia coli Rosetta, Haploid induction, Atriplex halimus, Synaptosomal mitochondria, Hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal, SIRT3 knockout liver cells, Crucian carp, Kremen-1, Soft wheat, Origanum majorana L., Efficient DNA uptake, Oryza sativa. L cv IR64, Precancerous stem cells, ATP-sensitive potassium channels, Dehydrin AhDHN, Oil-polluted soil, Dkk-3 functions, Very small embryonic-like stem cells, Wheat wild relatives, Green fluorescent proteins, Dormant period, Brain stem, API 20C AUX system, Mediterranean saltbush, Rat uterus cells, Bos taurus, Hepatoma cells in vitro, ADP-ribosyltransferases, Total chlorophyll retention, Whole cell biosensors, Plant abiotic stresses, Transformed roots, Explant collection date, Histoanatomical changes, Multiple immunomodulatory properties, Aquaporin 2, Soft hydrogel, ROS-sensitive fluorescent probe, Gamma carboxylase, Puroindoline genes, Mycorrhizal colonization, LTR retrotransposons, Cyclin-dependent kinases, Metallic nanoparticles, High-resolution melting, Biosensing techniques, Y-specific microsatellites, Seed maturation, Wild boars, Hypodermic cell walls, Neuronal gene, Industrially polluted soil, Rootstock breeding program, Intron splicing, Cell-cycle machinery, Wild barley, Western diet, Althaea officinalis, Anoxybacillus kestanbolensis AC26Sari, Immunomodulatory activity, Conyza blinii H.Lév., Transformed BL21, histopathological and biochemical, Colicin N, Y-chromosomal microsatellites, Biomarkers of oxidative stress, Mammalian aquaporins, Arnica montana L., RTAP markers, Small intron, Hordeum spontaneum, DXS gene, Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitopes, E. coli BL21, Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside, Polish autochthonous breeds, Cancer statistics, Mentha pulegium, ABC transporters, Anesthetics during surgical operations, Fluidtransporting epithelial cells, Polyamine oxidase, Proteolytic feet of cancer cells, Mobile genetic elements, Membrane fatty acids, cDNA ends, Mutation screening, Redox gene, Inducible T7 promoter, Clinicopathological factors, Immunological cells, MerR gene, Ceramidase inhibitor, Zataria multiflora, Colicin N translocates across, Drosophila gamma carboxylase, Usnea filipendula, Anxiolytic properties, Manganese superoxide dismutase, Sus scrofa kidneys, Progress in cancer, GC regulation, Aspergillus japonicus, Apoptosis inhibitor protein, In vitro antiproliferative, Anticancer drug transport, Mammary carcinogenesis, Vaccine design, Poly-LacNAc, Underlying basement membrane, Saturated fat, Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, Salicylic acid on A549, Thermophilic ribulokinase, Eradicate tumor, N-terminal domain, Small noncoding RNAs, D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase, Survivin gene promoter polymorphism, Exit blood vessels, Colon tumorigenesis, Cross-species transferable markers, Cancer publications, Philadelphia chromosome-positive, Galectin-3, Mitogen-activated protein kinases, D-ribulose activity, Human lung adenocarcinoma, Lymphoid cells, C6 cell line, Selective estrogen receptor antagonists, Ammonium sulfate precipitation, Circular dichroism spectroscopy, Amiprophos-methyl, HeLa cells, Cell-free filtrate, Vaccinium myrtillus, Organism’s immune system, Datura metel, Blood circulation, LdMNPV IAP-3 gene, Porcine FTO, DNA functionality, Cancer cell genome’s numeric, Antiapoptotic proteins, Adhesion and signal molecules, Mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, Biosurfactant-producing, Genetically modified feed, Steinernema websteri, Myeloid cells, Polymorphonuclear elastase, Xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes, HeLa cell line, Potential fungicide against pathogens, Include biologically, Cell cycle synchronization, BIR and RING domains, ATP viability assays, Caco-2, Ornithine decarboxylase, GC-induced candidate genes, Micropropagate Vaccinium myrtillus L., Arabian Sea coast of Karachi, Growth factor receptors, Novel food, Cancer diagnoses, Bcr-abl fusion protein, Acid ceramidases, Polymorphonuclear leukocyte, HT29 cell line, Posttranscriptional silencing, Parasympathetic agent, Achromobacter insolitus, Genus Thymus, DNA fragmentation analysis, Oxygen-dependent, Postmarketing biosafety assessment, DNA insecticides, Human colon carcinoma, Fruits worldwide, Skoog medium, Industrial biotechnology, Caspase-3-enzyme activity assays, Oxygen-independent mechanisms, Onosma malatyana, Microtubule inhibitory, Including biochemical, Dichoropetalum alanyensis, Hellenocarum H.Wolf, Anderson’s rhododendron medium, New macrofungi records, Plastic responses, Ecologic wood anatomy, Stalked puffballs, Cryptogramma crispa L.

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Lựa chọn kênh truyền thông - 4 sao (17 lượt)