Tìm kiếm "Kỹ thuật MLPA"

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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Kỹ thuật MLPA

Tree fruit production Current methodology Indole acetic acid producing bacteria Chelated Ca Squares for different characters in pigeonpea Ion torrent sequencing Hybrid seed production Novel cancer driver genes Spectral karyotyping Physiological functions Hybrid development in bread wheat Pseudostem length Hormonal cross talk Coasts of Ben Tre Application method Plant hormone Pollen fertility status recordrd for female Oncogenes specifically Mutations responsible Method of application on vegetative growth Plant hormone jasmonate NF2 gene Flexible software package Ebook Plants Male sterile and fertile lines Neck thick Utilization in vegetable crops Combining calls Tra Vinh provinces Cotton diseases Nitrogen time of application Mutational clustering Arabidopsis AtMYB80 Male sterile Ferulate 5-hydroxylase2 Method of application Utilizing protein structure Jasmonate signalling Spikelet fertility Plants life science Producing bacteria could naturally stimulate Systematically outperforms Maize rhizosperic phosphate solubilizing isolates Mutational signatures TIBA and tuberose Nitrogen method of application Growth of pearlmillet Germline mutation analysis Growth of Kharif onion Polymer coated urea Anther cuticle Comparative evaluation of visual and colorimetric methods of teeth color determination Wheat seedling Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase2 Growth of quality protein maize Non-random somatic mutations Short grain aromatic rice hybrids Different fertilizer levels First decade Mutational patterns Plant growth promoting characteristics Based on pollen fertility Time nitrogen fertilizer application Origanum onites L. Normal urea Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase6 Visual and colorimetric methods of teeth color determination Vegetative growth and spike yield Multiple primary melanomas Lipid polymers Hydrogen cyanide production Traditional method Development of medium slender Slow releasing fertilizer Growth and yield of grain sorghum Multiple cancer Spike yield of tuberose Biological discoveries Origanum onites Both germline Teeth color determination Cutaneous malignant melanoma Recombinant adenovirus coding Indole acetic acid production Identification of maintainers Polyphenol oxidases Mechanism underlying Pediatric anesthesia Mutations during carcinogenesis Ionic toxicity Visual and colorimetric methods Mutations observed Origanum minutiflorum In vitro biosolubilization The human IL-12 protein Mean performance of fifty genotypes Sporadic harbouring Solanum incanum Chemicals and yield Anesthetic implications

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Flower yield and vase life, CDKN2A germline mutation, Fifty genotypes of fennel, Foliar response, Loose flower production, IL-12 protein on mice, Understanding the pediatric chest radiograph, Container and deterioration, Sambamahsuri derivatives of rice, White wine, Anatolian black pine, Callistephus chinensis, Wheat landraces, Path coefficient analysis and yield, Foeniculum vulgare Mill, Mice during the experiment, Pediatric electrocardiogram, Chemicals on yield, Levels on floral yield, Planting dates in China aster, Seed deterioration pattern, Turkish white wine grape varieties, Banana inflorescence, Dry weight fraction, Yieldattributes and yield, Foliar nutrients and biostimulants, China aster cultivation, Yield attributing characters of rice, China aster during storage, Enzymatic glutathione, Vase life of China aster, Standardization of drying techniques, Blast disease, Crossability studies in China aster, Osmotic potential, Weed dynamics and yield attributes, Acidic polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Chikkaballapura district of Karnataka, Path analysis in China aster, Bulb quality, Path co-efficient analysis studies, Flower quality, Nectarine tissue, Phenotypic coefficients of variation, Different herbicides, Gene optimization, Root growth potential, Cost returns and input use pattern, Magnaporthe grisea isolates of finger millet, Callistephus hortensis, Sowing dates on yield, Foliar spray of boron, Develop ready to cook banana inflorescence, Williams pear trees Pyrus communis L., Genotypic coefficients of variation, Universal abiotic stress, Phenological conditions, Phosphorous on growth, Cook banana inflorescence, Yield and yield, Relative heterosis, Yield of Kharif greengram, Genetic advance as percentage of mean, Valencia orange, Their parents for qualitative, Cathepsin B, Chelate foliar fertilizers, Absolute quantification, Economics of linseed, Attributing traits against stemphylium blight, Callistephus chinensis Nees, Kharif greengram (Vigna radiata), Growth of China aster, Codon usage bias, China aster varieties, Plant spacing on fruit quality, Economics of China Aster, Qualitative and quantitative characters, Evaluation of China Aster, Iron and zinc enriched organics, Garlic genotypes, Total yield, Recorded in plants, Highly expressed gene, Nonconventional area, Biologically synthesised nano, Flowering characters, Physiological utilization efficiency, Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis var. Valencia late), Zinc enriched organics on growth, Hormonal-receptor positive, Bioregulators on growth, Yield per trunk cross, Fruit quality of sweet orange, Parents for growth, Loose flower, Varietal evaluation of China-aster, In vitro shoot regeneration, Bài giảng Rối loạn trí tuệ, Nano fertilizer, Plant growth and fruit quality, ZnO nanoparticle improves maize growth, Rice cultivars of Manipur, Fruit morphology, IL-6 augments invasion, Gramineae family, Yield parameters in tomato, Poly wrapper, Sub-tropical region of west Bengal, Linum usitatissimum, Yield of potato in loamy sand, Fruit quality characters, Rootstock on plant growth, Nano polymer, Seed zinc, Cathepsin B expression, Comparison of nitrogen, Khái niệm rối loạn trí tuệ, Vermicompost and zinc application, Different levels of chemical, Economics and air layering, Influence of pre harvest application, Gujarat Aonla-1, Potato in loamy sand, Pretreatment application, High soil pH condition, Efficiency and its variation, Phân loại rối loạn trí tuệ, Bulb yield attributes of rabi onion, Air layring of guava, Growth and yield attribute, Pre harvest application of calcium, Nano nitrogenous fertilizers, Nano fertilizer enhances efficacy, Hội chứng rối loạn trí tuệ, Fruit yield and quality, L-1 naphthalene acetic acid, Colour poly wrappers, Fruit quality of mango, Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Biofertilizers on growth, Pant growth regulators, Mango to micronutrients through soil, Impact of early cropping, Fruit quality of wood apple, Sorghum crop, Survival and economics, Embryogenic mass, Yield and economics of onion, Quality attributes of onion, Mango to micronutrients, Grape hyacinths, Supplemented irrigation on growth, Fruit quality of guava, Micronutrient uptake, Foliar applications on fruit quality, Growth of onion, Yield quality of guava, Return bloom, Yield and nutrient uptake of onion, Muscari armeniacum, Tư tưởng triết học về nhân sinh, Gibberellic acid application, Diyarbakir watermelon, Growth of strawberry, Crop yield with better quality, Performance of nutrients of onion, Vegetative development, Flowering production, Vigour of strawberry, Braeburn apple trees, Flowering of strawberry, Pre and post emeregence herbicide, Quality of strawberry, Crimean juniper, Sub-tropical condition of Jammu, Yield attributes and yield of onion, Sub-tropical condition, Post emergence herbicides against weeds, Influence of weed management practice, Economics of kharif onion, Weed management practice, Pulp recovery, Loamy sand soils, Fruit retention, Sorghum genotypes, Quality of onion, Seed content, Gerbera jamesonii cv. red gem, Assisted pollination on fruit characters, Ber (Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk), Pre harvest treatments on growth, SPAD value, Economics of African marigold, Additive gene, Total chlorophyll, Application mode, Magnesium sulphate, Human tissue, Global grain, Medium soil, Full blooming, Cardiac muscle cells, Gladiolus hybridus, Membrane damage, Flowering parameters of Ber, Fertilization enhances growth, Qualitative and morphometric characters, Green synthesized PLA/silver nanoparticle probe for sensing, Influence of PGR’s, Seed coating, RHS color, Cytokinin on growth, Cocopeat on growth, Yield of African marigold, Genetic advance in cucumber, Seed soaking in different chemicals, Seed image analyser, Proline treatment, Green synthesized PLA/silver, Effects of PH soaking solutions, Xanthophyll contents of marigold, Cultivars on flower yield, Leaf temperature, Xanthophyll content of african marigold, Sexual secondary characters, Dry mass, Konkan condition, Morphometric and phytochemical, Exogenous proline, Seed morphometric characters, Hydrogen peroxide in biological samples, Albizia lebbeck, Aseel male chicken, Side-shoot production, Growth of African marigold, Hypoxia anaerobic treament, Annual flowers, Identification of heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Kinetin on yield of African marigold, Management of Meloidogyne incognita, Flowering parameter of marigold, Lower gangetic plain of India, Red sea, Poultry science, Morphometric traits, Acalypha hispida, X-ray photo electron spectroscopy, Tea plantation of Assam, Seed cubes, Yield of marigold, Specialty cut flowers, Gaba accumulation in germinated Mung bean, Seed priming on plant, Sudanese red sea coast, Silver nanoplate, Morphometric variations, Homozygous plants, Wetting time, Ancestral character state reconstruction, Sucrose content, Madras Veterinary College, Phytochemical composition, PLA with silver nanoparticles, Tea plantation, Tagetes spp., Rapid propagation in fallow lands, Length-weight relationship, Seed drying temperature, Seed-mediated, Net photosynthetic rate, Sugarcane juice quality evaluation, Characterization of tamarind accessions, Organic manure etc, Crocus sativus L, Waterlogged sugarcane, Root-knot nematode(s) of Assam, Silver nano, Detection of Mn(II) ions, Sugarcane ratoon crop, Hydroxylamine hydrochloride, Naga chilli (Capsicum chinense Jacq.), Geometric morphometrics, Extend up to yield, 28-homobrassinolide, Plasmon resonance, Breakage percentage, Component analysis in saffron, FT-NIR spectrometer, Economics of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), Economical synthesis, Cane yield, Morphological characters showed similarities, Chemical and parameters, Early generation sugarcane clones, Crop for Chhattisgarh plains, Callus mediated in vitro regeneration, Plasmonic photothermal therapy, Different yield, Promising sugarcane genotypes, Triticum estivum, Graded levels of hydrogel application, Fenugreek (Methi) Seed, Hydrothermal pre-treatment, Saffron for floral, Pathogen rhizoctonia solani kuhn, Different morphological, Cytozyme products over yield, Advance agro- techniques, Coconut inflorescence sap, Antimicrobial activity (Fungi and Bacteria), Medium duration varieties and economics, Influence of sodium chloride induce salinity, Hydrogel application, Promising midlate maturing sugarcane varieties, Biogenic silver nanoparticles against rice, Waterlogged condition, Sodium chloride induce salinity on growth, Sap yield, Morphological attributes one hundred, Zinc and iron on yield, Nagpur mandarin coating, Medium duration rice varieties, Crop growth parameters and yield, Characterization of silver nanoparticles, Midlate maturing sugarcane clones, Duration of pulsing, Economics of sunflower, Yield and quality of coconut inflorescence sap, Influence of nitrogen on economics, Nutrient module, Herbicides weed management effect, Genetic advance at percent mean, Helianthus annus L, Organoleptic analysis, Nitrogen on economics, Season on yield, Peroxidative changes, Varieties and maize, Foliar feeding of brassinosteriod, Influence of genotype, Economic and fibre characters, Pineapple and Sapota, Yogurt fortification, NPK content in plant, Physalis peruviana, Yield in rice, During vase life period, Tagets erecta, Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa willd.), Economics of beet root, Potential tool to improve growth, Fluorescence microscopy studies, Yield of maize varieties, Quality wine production, Economics of banana, Noni juice, Surface methods, Cut Rose cv ‘First Red’, Pulsing treatment, Vegetatitive growth, Broad spectrum herbicides, Gujarat coriander 3, Genetic diversity of coriander, Pointed gourd, Cell surface morphology studies, Benzyl adenine in curcuma aromatica salisb, Maize varieties (Zea mays L.), Yeast and its comparative performance, Shivaji gold, Role of different sources, Weed dynamic, Complete package, Sucrose for in vitro microrhizome production in curcuma aromatica salisb, Sprout management, Plant growth regulators on yield, Yield and its attributing characters, Studies on isolation of yeast, Product while pH, Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana Linn), Tribal hills area, Nutrient modules on yield, Cold storage duration, High seed yield and aroma, Evaluation of coriander, Trichosanthes dioica Roxb, Southern telangana, Attributing characters, Certain micronutrients, Evaluation of coriander varieties, Paclobutrazol coupled, Mean germination time, Sex manipulation in cucurbitaceous vegetables, Coccinia grandis, Yield of pointed Gourd, Oil yield in coriander, Contributory parameters, Coriander varieties for growth, Broad spectrum herbicides on weed dynamic, Linalool content

Đánh giá
Kỹ thuật MLPA - 4 sao (17 lượt)