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Imipenem EDTA combined disk test Boron from different sources Location of hot spots Symbiotic traits Potato clone Lichenic extracts against Summer bajra Resource use productivity Chemical load Methane emission by ruminants Choline in dairy cows Chromogenic bacterial strain BRTSI-1 Promising tool for plant growth promotion Catheter associated blood stream infection Available boron was highest Black Scurf Groundwater contamination Seed crop Terminalia superba Pre harvest treatments Disadvantages none of them is perfect Distribution of traits Kharif Vis-a-Vis rabi onion Control the microorganisms Second stage juvenile (J2) Meloidogyne incognita Flood and furrow irrigation Economics of mustard Improved management practices Methionine in dairy cows Bacillus subtilis BRTSI-3 Isolated Influenced by irrigation Production of nucleus seed Various methods Variability and correlation studies Brinjal fruit rot Chemigation reduces extra chemical load Microbial activity in chickpea crop Indian white shrimp Farmer through a questionnaire F2 intervarietal populations of rice Pea (Pisum sativumL.) Collar rot of chilli Multivariate analysis of sesame genotypes Lysine in dairy cows Surface soils Temperate agroclimatic conditions Onion seed production Radiation induced mutation Soft rot disease Vegetable cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] Vase life attributes Diels (Combretaceae) bark extracts Soil and foliar sprays of micronutrients Heliothermal unit Excess deposition of chemicals Mutation in marigold Estimating methane emissions Correlation studies for vegetative Grain quality attributes Recalcitrant textile azo dye Genotypic level Brassica compestris Wout’s medium Growth survival Cerebralmucormyc osis Multiplication of root-knot nematode Black scurf of potato Mikania micrantha Kunth Secretion of milk Incremental benefit cost ratio Studies on genotypic Induced drought conditions Bacillus subtilis isolates against sclerotium rolfsii Different insecticides against onion thrips Fruit rot of brinjal Resistance against dry root rot Fixed irrigation interval Gladiolus primulinus Respect to plant growth Phosphorus status in the soils Terminalia superba Engl Fungicides against rice blast Intercropping system on growth Upland cotton (G. hirsutum) Soft rot disease of potato tubers Unpuddled transplanting Foliar sprays of micronutrients Temperature on penetration Plant surface Storage life of fruits Cells (Biology) Connective tissue fibers Anti helminthis Tagetes erect Maxillary sinusitis Onion thrips Protein source Foliar blight of onion Tropical Tasar silkworm host plants Fruiting behavior

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Hichrome Bacillus agar medium, Given at ten days interval, Clones of eucalyptus, Indigenous and exotic coconut genotypes, Shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus), Sowing time and seed rate, In vitro solid media, Crop stage under poly house, Proline and low pH, Yield and competition indices, Uptake and use efficiency, Imphal West district, Excluding reciprocals, Ascorbic acid application, Momordica dioica, Phomopsis vexans (Sacc. & Syd.), Characterization of bacterial pathogen, Necrotising fasciitis, Iron fertilization, Healthy spinach (Spinacia oleracea), Flow chamber, Rhizosphere of tropical Tasar silkworm host plants, Kisspeptin in reproduction of livestock, Blue sticky trap, Soyabeal meal, Pathogens associated, Onion bulb size, Different salinities levels on growth, Diverse geographic origin, Different plant establishment techniques, Mass multiplication of entomopathogenic nematodes, Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm), Goat (Capra hircus), Efficiency of onion (Allium cepa L.), Fixed irrigation intervals, Bollworm complex, Antioxidants amongst selected nostoc strains, Diallel fashion, Kaparada forest, Marker-aided selection, Diabetic patient, Paddy through nitrogen, Biotechnological applications of halophilic pigments, Laminar flow, LWY pigs, Indoplanorbis exustus, Pathogens varied during the cropping season, Longitudinal cut, Reproduction of livestock, Yield components of rice, Volume contributing characters, Pancreas of prenatal stages of goat, Influence of low pH stress on growth, Breeding lines of MTU1010, Fifteen characters viz, Rhinocerebral mucormycosis in a diabetic patient, Different PGR and urea, Traditional healers of kaprada forest, Insecticide combination, Response of gladiolus growth, Halophilic pigments, Canopy temperature depression, Sources and time of application, Application on nutrient uptake, Momordica dioica against pheretima posthumous, Produced chiefly, Connective tissue fibres, Cage system, Bollworm complex in cotton, Resistance against bacterial blight, Yield of Assam lemon, Flowering to trichoderma and varieties, Kaprada forest (Valsad District), SCA effect and component traits, Insecticide mixtures, Minimizing mother bulb requirement, Extreme halophiles, Prebiotic source to augment health, Therapeutic assessment, D2 and diversity, Membrane thermostability, Pollution tolerance level, Economic evaluation of hydrogel application, Varietal evaluation of gladiolus, Bipolaris sorghicola, Drechslera and bipolaris, Budding success Growth, Indigenous barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants, Storage life of onion, Slight halophiles, Newer insecticide combination, Insecticide mixtures against larval population, Mechanical option, Cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.), Date of sowing triticum aestivum, Phyllosphere associated bacterial strain, Dried rumen liquor preparations, Flowering to trichoderma, Furrow and broad bed furrow, Noyyal river basin, Improving the yield of fruits, Poisoned food method, Maruca vitrata in cowpea, Stool microscopy, Rainfed castor grown on Alfisols, Normalizes difference vegetation index, Patch budded jackfruit, Nanotechnology in agriculture, B sorokiniana, Carcass characteristics of Desi chicken, Efficacy of various fungicides against phomopsis vexans, Ramsar site, Broad bed furrow, Indigenous cattle, Gladiolus growth, Biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles, Variability and diversity studies, Simple indigestion in buffaloes, C/N storage and metabolism, Germination count, Dyeing pollution, Component traits in cotton, Coccidiodomycosis dod, Spotted pod borer, Coal field, Plant growth regulators etc, Flowering characters studied, Aroma chemicals against graminicolous, Seedlings rice, Rainfed castor grown, Bone meal, East Kolkata Wetlands, Reproductive herd management, Seed infected with seed borne fungi, Root stock on budding success, Various fungicides against phomopsis vexans, TNP2 gene, Redgram under rainfed ecosystem, Paprika (capsicum annum L.), Diversity studies in exotic, Drechslera tetramera, Simple indigestion, Remobilization and translocation, Disseminated form, Pollution tolerance level of farmers, Coal field area, Threats and Conservation status, Conidial structure, Inoculum density, Moisture on the viability, Land use system, Effect of packaging materials, Dairy cattles, Arobic rice, Growth parameters of guava, Growth and yield character, Low GCV values were displayed, Phenological effects, Relation with nitrogen use efficiency, Agro-climatic characterization, Seedlings on growth, Disseminated cooccidiomycosis in dogs, PCR-RFLP analysis of TNP2 Gene, Blue mould rot, Prevalence of giardia lamblia infection, Enhanced accordingly, Farmers in the Noyyal River Bain, Influence of soil pH, Spore morphology, Reproductive herd management in dairy cattles, Temperature on post-harvest life, Rice fallow maize, Pan evaporimeter, Post global warming, Histochemical method, Pruning on growth parameters, Captive wild birds, Cauvery delta region of Tamilnadu, Bathua genotypes (Chenopodium album L.), Fertility in a dairy farms, Nopodding syndrome, Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Goerth.), Giardia lamblia infection in children, Influence of soil moisture, Foliar application of iron, Huge population the food grain production, Plum cultivars, Assessment of soil microbial status, Japonica rice, Tropical America, Kength of growing period, Extra-cardiac diseases, Arobic rice (Oryza sativa L.), Identify genetic polymorphisms, Corm regeneration, Prevalence of ectoparasites, Bipolaris sorokiniana infecting wheat, Yield attribution of soybean, Constraints and Job card, Sphagnum moss, Year reproductive management, Zoonotic concern, Genotypic correlation coefficients, Black aromatic rice, Rice fallow situation, DAC-ELISA, Soil microbial status, Subtropical plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.), Bacterial endophytes against pythium sp, Cold pre-treatment, Preparatory phase, Urinary tract diseases, Localization of iron in grains, Identification in captive wild birds, Floral traits and shelf life, Guava botanically Psidium guajava, Ascochyta phaseolorum, Air layers, Different planting geometry patterns, Implementing agencies about the planning, TSV and GBNV, Ginger in Meghalaya, Rapeseed production, Extra-cardiac affections in dogs, Floral morphology of subtropical plum, Insecticides and bio-efficacy, Retinoid signalling, Performance under rice fallow condition, Black aromatic rice (Chak-hao), Banana blossom, Ethylene estimation, Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv Allahabad Safeda, Fly in Psittaciformes, North western zone of Kashmir, Bacteriophage therapy, Physiological parameters of crop, Implementing agencies, Japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.), corm regeneration of saffron, Soft rot of ginger, Studies on floral morphology, Insecticides against insect-pests of rice, Desirable horticultural traits, Extra-cardiac affections, Clarias magur (Hamilton 1822), Gastro-intestinal helminthic infection, Colletotrichum arbiculare, Vigna anguiculata (L.) Walp, BBP laddu, Air layering of guava, Yield of saffron, Asymptomatic plants, Quorum sensing inhibition, Evaluation of chrysanthemum, Effective dose of combination, Proximate principles, In vitro efficacy, Dumping yard, Jabalpur colour, Healthy dogs, Influence of phosphorus, Reproductive phase in clarias magur, Herbivore safari, Storage conditions on biochemical parameters, Anthracnose in cucumber, Fertiliser prescription equations, Effect of sodicity on RWC, Polyclonal antisera, Flowering traits during both years, Feeds and fodders, Nandankanan zoological park, Nutrient analysis, Complex vertebral malformation, Adult laying birds, First report of colletotrichum arbiculare, Households near dumping yard, Bla genes, Sodicity on RWC, Spotted deer, Tocher‘s method of clustering, Potato virus Y, Proximate principles of feeds, Ranchi having acidic pH, Pinkish masses of conidia, Panchayat members, Greenhouse tomato, Modified atmosphere, Paddy crop eco-system, Chickpea equivalent yield, Path coefficient Gossypium hirsutum, Tamil Nadu through soil test based, Sulphate production, Solenopsis mealybug parasitoid, Rooting media and polythene, Different rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes, Phosphorus on growth, Anoestrous cows, Cultural characterization, In planta, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), Soybean straw contained more protein, Antisera specificity through DAS-ELISA, Agronomic and genetic superiority, Salmonella species, Moth bean, Calcium pentothenate, Gram Panchayat members of manipur, Seeds of chickpea, Distill stalk end feeding, Clonal multiplication, Paprika (Capsicum annuum L., Leafhopper funa associated, PstI restriction enzyme, Aenasius arizonesis (Girault), Rhizosphere soils of groundnut, Plant nutrition system, Cercospora leaf spot of pigeon pea, Flowering stage of observation, Yield of promising varieties, Insecticide usage pattern against, Chemical composition indicated, Yield of greenhouse tomato, Azospirillum isolated, Fertility levels in chickpea, Effect of row spacing, Polyclonal antisera production, Nitrogen and vitamins, Market margin, Farmer suicide, Sulphur on growth attributes, LER and ATER, Effect of exogenous HSP70, Indian tertiary care centre, Feeding (bunch feeding), Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv L-49, Ipomoea asarifolia, Galma dam, Compared to the healthy control, Sucker activation techniques, Aceria pongamiae, Cooling rates, Amsacta albistriga, PCR-RFLP analysis, Other alternate host plants, Maize kernel storage, Rhizospheric soils of various non-leguminous crops, Characterization of sulphur oxidizing bacteria, Chilli (Haveri), Promising varieties of lentil, Nephotettix nigropictus, Coconut dehusker, Socioeconomic Status scale-Rural constructed, Sources of carbon, Semi-arid climate on Alfisols, Linseed intercropping, Suppurative cystitis, Efficacy of fungicides, Growth stimulants, Plant cane, Deceased farmer, Yield of mungbean, Role of procalcitonin in diagnosis, Rooting media influenced survival, Critical temperature range, Shika dam, Leaf galls, Cushioning materials, Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cv VRI-2, Terminalia chebula (Retz.), Quality suckers, Summer groundnut in Hingoli district, Expression kinetics of HSP70, Different host crops growing areas, In paddy crop ecosystem fourteen leafhopper species, Output capacity, Storage and seed quality, Screening of bacteria, Lentil (Lens culinaris L. Medik), Sugarcane based intercropping system, Sclerotia formation as well, Terai region of Uttarakhand, Consequences of farmer suicides, Waxing during storage, Kubanni dam, AICRP on Agrometeorology, Soil test based nutrient management, Mothbean germplasm, Flower galls, Genotypic correlation coefficients among growth, Effect of germinated maize, Rooting behavior of stem cuttings, Different cooling rates, IL6 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, Corneal trauma, Synthetic cry1AcF gene imparts resistance, Sandy soils of hyper arid western plains, Cystic calculi induced cystitis, Bacillus cereus AG1

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Kiểm soát giá các bon - 4 sao (17 lượt)