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Asphyxia neonatorum Avoidable readmission Skill drills Behavioral feeding Pediatric cerebral malaria Life-threating hemorrhage Claudin proteins Motor learning Incontinentia pigmenti Anthropometric measures Oxygenation index Macular scar European Centre for Disease Control Glutaric aciduria type 1 Family background Tobacco use Visible congenital malformations Body mass index distribution Infections in intensive care units Gastrocnemius equinus Neurological symptoms Airway spasm Mitochondrial 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA syntha Simulated setting Basic hematology data BMI-for-age Splenic embolization Pediatric environmental enteropathy Brain hypoxia ischemia Extremely atypical tumor shape Biotin tracer molecules Motor training Clinical neonatal sepsis Endocrine diseases in childhood Physiological jaundice VEGF-inhibitor Phenobarbital risks Chronic metabolic Metabolic condition Influencing cigarette Pregnancy and delivery Antibiotic stewardship programmes Describing vancomycin serum levels Pain scales Poor socio-economic status Food neophobia Age- and sex-specific z-scores Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis Brain hemorrhage Extreme reromicrogenia Dynamic imaging findings Enteral levetiracetam BMI z-scores Induce severe metabolic crisis Panretinal laser coagulation Diagnose bacterial infections remains Inadequate microbiological services Epithelial barrier function Glycemic outcomes Modified sport Neurological outcome Abdominal circumference Gram-positive microorganisms Paediatric-early warning systems Postnatal factors Tanzania demographic Discontinued levothyroxine Cardiometabolic indicators Diet variety Possibly leading to death Basic haematological findings Gross motor Child growth trajectories Child’s pain Cardiac function and fetal brain MR Non-adolescent specific estimates Preterm neonates Continuous hemofiltration Track-and-trigger tools Parental feeding practices Mother-neonate pairs in Kampala Late preterm and term births Lesch-Nyhan Infantile or toddler onset IBD Entry points HIV-seropositive children Pre-pregnancy School aged Transposition of great arteries Rural Sri Lanka Disease outbreak Bacterial sepsis with liver dysfunction Special Care Baby Unit Cerebro spinal fluid Children aged below 5 years Multiorgan failure Sapere method Medicaid retention Paris classification Task-specific training

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Mother and Infant Cohort Study, Weight regulation, Rural Zambia, Factor V Leiden, Coxsackievirus A6, Acute poisoning, Worldwide problem, Liver dysfunction, NRG1 variant, Sensory education, Post hemorrhagic hydrocephalus, Identifying factors associated, Pediatric acute-liver failure, Plasma mitochondrial DNA, Short normal stature, Clinical manifestations of CVA6 outbreak, Nigist Eleni Mohammed memorial hospital, Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, Enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase, Mortality especially, Goal-directed, Transcription factor binding motif, Extremely low birthweight, Selective deworming, Assuring children’s health access, Possible causes of death, Cerebral edema, Mosaicism trisomy 10, parent’s program, South Ethiopia, Determining disease severit, Leptinergic-melanocortinergic system, Laser placental photocoagulation, Medicaid-based public insurance plans, Acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity, Intestinal aganglionosis, Geo-helminthes, ELBW infants, Unilateral cerebral palsy, Non-synonymous, Multiple fetuses share, Dandy–Walker syndrome, Acute hepatic failure, Massage therapy by the mother, X-linked disorder, Predicting clinical outcomes, Basic parasitological techniques, Intensive therapy, Transfusion-related necrotizing enterocolitis, Skin-to-skin care, Etiological pathways, Political connections, Pre-reading skills, Private listed company, Bruininks-Oseretsky-Test-of-Motor-Proficiency, CEO Equity-based compensation, Long-term growth, Banking system in Australia, Company self-rationing, Option compensation, Prudential banking policy, The Souss-Massa region, Restricted stock compensation, Equity premium puzzle, Self-rationing, SEO issuance, Joint prudential banking policy, Spirit of capitalism, Unconditional conservatism, Credit self-rationing, Preferred stock issuance, Oil-based economy, Socially responsible investments, Discouraged companies, Debt issuance, Volatility garch, Jump-diffusion model, Long run risks, Forecast errors, Oil exporting economy, Equity premium puzzle based, Portfolio rebalancing, Dynamic conditional correlation, GDP in the long run, Abnormal accruals, Rebalancing return, West african monetary zone, Stock prices and GDP, The Brexit shock, Buy-and-hold, The Ecowas zone, Stochastic trend, Difference-in-difference, Diversification ratio, Arab spring revolution, Return to risk ratio, Mena countries' banks before, Utility value, Portfolio concentration, A-DCC model, Exchange controls regime, Modelling approaches, BSE Sensex, Stock prices and currency contagion, Bonds issuance, Exchange policy, Nikkei 225 index, Qualitative easing, Cash flows expected, Morocco can adopt full convertibility, Taiex index, Risk-based pricing, Obligors according, Quality affect FDI, Last mile logistics in Mega-Cities for perishable fruits, Exchange control regime, Continuous improvement enablers, Hang Seng index, Challenges lying ahead, Multi-period PD calibration framework, Joint determination of preventive maintenance, Mega-Cities for perishable fruits, Key issues on partial least squares (PLS) in operations management research, Defining a new construct, Singapore strait times index, Moroccan economy, Buffer stock for a production unit under lease, Last mile logistics, The CI field, Shanghai composite index, Exchange regulation in Morocco, A guide to submissions, Production unit under lease, The main enablers according to managers’ opinions, The art demonstrates, Analysis tool via, Mathematical model for simultaneously determining, The specific characteristics, The implementation process, Analyse statistical power, Buffer stock for a production unit, Characteristics of perishable foods, Hierarchy of priority, Té ngã trong bệnh viện, Tai biến trong tiêm truyền, Thực trạng té ngã trong bệnh viện, Các loại tai biến thường gặp, Nguyên nhân té ngã trong bệnh viện, Hạn chế té ngã trong bệnh viện, Can thiệp tai biến, Vấn đề sức khỏe người bệnh, Triệu chứng tai biến trong tiêm truyền, Quản lý truyền thông trong Y tế, The contribution of labelling, Truyền thông trong Y tế, Safe medication administration, Truyền thông trong cơ sở y tế, Labelling to safe medication administration, Các kênh truyền thông, Anaesthetic practice, Drug error, Thực trạng tổ chức căng tin, Căng tin trong các trường học, Tổ chức căng tin, Infinite square potential, Magneto-optical absorption coefficient, cyclotron - phonon resonance, Full-width at half maximum, Medication error incident reports, Reporting medication errors, Marine economy, Polymer lining, Coastal economy, Semi conductor, Hung Hoa commune, Coastal areas of Quang Binh Province, Biotechnology industries, Mangrove vegetation, Non-mangrove species, Socio-economic criteria achieving, Ethylene tetrafluoroethylene, Fickian diffusion type, Hydrological regime, Co-benefits, Climate analog, Administrative structure, Disappearing climate, The Khmer culture, Gia Dinh Department, Regional climate model, The Khmer in Binh Duong, World’s education, Non-combustible hydrocarbons, Hoa Anh kingdom, Prehistory and protohistory, Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling, Vietnam higher education quality assurance, Da Bia mountain, Southeast region, Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment, Historical approach, Theravada Buddhist culture, Dong Nai archeological culture, Maha Ban La Tra Duyet, Post-Champa, Response of nitrogen, Floral calendar and Bee forage, Tillage practices on runoff, Delineated territory, Earias vittella (Fab.) in okra, Nutrient loss, Rich foraging source for little, Dose of fertilizers, Maintain crop yield, Yield losses due to, Dwarf bee apis florea fabricius, Bodi block organic carbon, Mummified Fetus, Effect of insecticides, Critical stages, Department of Horticulture, Important agricultural, Studies of foliar nutrients, Cultivar and fertilizer doses, Haematic mummification, Soil fertilty status, Fungicides and herbicides, Colletotricum capsici, Wheat seed, Biofertilizer bacteria, Fertility indices of bodi block, Keratinophilic fungus, Fetal mummification in doe, Fertility indices, Their consortium, Storability of petunia seeds, The etiological agents, With live fetus, Relation to phenology, Lower gangetic alluvial soils, Common crop management practices, Yield and economics of Kodo millet, Staphylococcal isolates, Sorage containers on storability, Patients attending dermatology clinics, Decomposed material, Yield of rice genotype, Barcode sign in diagnosis, Cultural practices on growth, Maize and wheat, Suburban tertiary care-centre, Small millet varieties, Baiting technique, Pneumothorax associated, Tillage and cultural practices, Dermatophytic filamentous fungi, Prevalence of intestinal parasites, Physical characteristics of grains, Trichoderma and pseudomonas fluorescens, Degradation of pine needles, Different microhabitats, Kufri Jyoti, Different white rot fungi, Sensory characteristics of porridge, Flora of azerbaijan, Different growth habits, G pallida on potato, Natural and artificial regeneration, Formol ether concentration technique, Effect of graded levels, Textural properties of Kalakand sold, Soil borne disease in lentil, Best variety screening, Basal salt media, Essential oil plants, Potato cyst nematode, Giardia and entamoeba, Family wise, Kalakand sold, Sclorotinia sclerotiorum, Screening of small millet varieties, Tree leaves, NPK fertilizers on pests incidence, Fungicide feature, Rice pest, Habitat wise, Organic matter etc, Globodera rostochiensis, Characterize textural attributes, Bt cotton in alfisol, Occurrence of fumonisin B1, Toxigenic fungi, Humidity etc, Germination percent, Magra rams, Semi-arid uttar Pradesh, Diversity analysis of sesame lignans, Mineral mixture supplementation, Pests incidence of Bt cotton, Market and laboratory, Maize shelling, Soil of Baseri khadar village, Rice in Faizabad, Avoidable yield losses, Fumonisin B1 in maize kernels, Non additive, Tuber dressing, Fertility status of soil, Ongole cows, Sesame lignans, White stem borer, Psycho-physical characteristics, Serum glucose level in magra rams, Poultry and livestock feeds, Goat kids, Fertilization of potassium, Reduced-fat paneer, Sesame collections, Hyperparasite of grapevine, Germination and growth, Postpartum anestrous ongole cows treated, Termites as protein source, Developed pedal, Date of planting, Fumonisin B1 in maize, Screening of groundnut varieties, Feeding and utilization, Develop superior sesame genotypes, Synthetic insecticides, Evaluation of genetic diversity, Poultry farm and retail shops, Treatment groups, Beneficiary and non-beneficiary, Operated rotary maize sheller, Genomic selection in crop improvement, RBD with factorial, Germplasm against collar rot, Oilseed crop possessing medicinal values, Coffee yield, Different activities implemented, Different fungicides against leaf blight, Supplementary protein source, Pedal operated rotary maize, Non-conceived cows, Dry root rot diseases, Mahalanobis D2 statistics, Multiplex PCR assay, máy rửa mặt Lumispa tại nhà, Genetic gain from selection, Uniform managemental practices, Ovulation hormonal protocols Heatsynch, IWDP programme in Nagaland, Bacillus strains against M grisea, False smut, Sick plot condition at MARS, Flutted roller, Fowl typhoid, Haemato-biochemical changes associated, Magnaporthe grisea and bio-efficacy, Watersheds areas were selected, Different landscapes, Ustilaginoidea virens, Genetic diversity in bread wheat, Comparison of intra ocular Lens, Rapid diagnosis of fowl typhoid, False smut of rice, Otomycosis-clinical, Non-beneficiary, Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd, Rice cultivars against false Smut, Almond scab, Haulm cutting, Seed damage, Ethnobotanical survey of wild edible plants, Without capsular tension ring, Q5 Polymerase, Mycological spectrum, Isozyme activity, Salmonella plasmid virulence gene, Highly susceptible, nr DNA, Myths and restrictions, Eucalyptus tereticornis based agrisilviculture system, Fodder cowpea, Placement following Phacoemulsification, Emamectin benzoate, Gall weevil, Different landscapes of Kodagu, Salt induced modulation, Truncated antiviral protein gene, Menarche and menstruation, Predominant risk factors for otomycosis, False smut disease, Food consumption expenditure, Semi-arid region of Haryana, Growth and yield of fodder cowpea, Against chilli thrips, Physio-biochemical attributes, Against root-knot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola, Pigeonpea gall weevil alcidodes collaris

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không cần đăng nhập Yahoo - 4 sao (17 lượt)