Tìm kiếm "Kháng thể đơn dòng mAb"

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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Kháng thể đơn dòng mAb

Draft genome sequence Interesting information Soil microbial activities Effect of irrigation scheduling Nitrogen application on yield Survey on Indian grapes Indian grapes at Sangli Production parameters revealed Production in Maharashtra Tonnages of export General Egyptian population Helicobacter pylori antibodies Helicobacter pylori antibodies in Egyptians Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura Post-harvest profile Post-harvest profile of sweet potato Processed food product Problems associated with improper curing Xanthophyll yield Parameters in marigold Phosphorus levels was initiated Different P levels Inoculation with vam fungi Agro-morphological features Patient morbiditiy Often overlooked Bio-fertilizers on yield Developmental programmes Their livelihood security Participation of tribal women Studies on effect of month Iba concentration Air layering in Guava Different fertigation levels on growth Quality in French bean Seed pelleting on seed yield Influence of seed pelleting Metabolomics for functional genomics Seed rate and berseem Important ecological function Performance of Makhangrass Directly played role in growth Various seed rate Seed rate on plant population Fodder yield of makhangrass Kitchen gardening Adoption constraints of improved techniques Improved techniques Improved techniques for kitchen gardening Adoption of the technology F1 seedlings F1 seedlings of cassava Constraints perceived by farmers Adoption of recommended production technology Recommended production technology of mungbean Critical sterility point Two line hybrid Critical sterility temperature Two line hybrid production Antimicrobial drug discovery Marine bioprospecting Marine drug discovery Characterization of rhizobium isolates Rhizobium isolates Potential PGPR characteristics Different rhizosphere soils Hexaconazole fungicide Alternaria leaf spot of wheat Knol-khol Growth yield Yield attributes of Knol-Khol Spacing on growth Comparison of mutagens M2 generation of okra Estimation of effective mutagen doses Induced genetic variation Pseudomonas aeruginosa KPSE 3 Endophytic PGPR Bio control of potato phytopathogens Potato phytopathogens Podoscypha elegans Guide RNA Nobel approach for genome editing White rot fungi Podoscypha elegans strain FTG4 Genetic manipulation in future Ligninolytic enzyme production CRISPR/Cas9 mechanism Genome editing mechanisms Plant probiotics for paddy Promoting methylotrophic bacterial consortium Liquid formulation for rice crop Greenhouse gerbera jamesonii Dana Ellen Evaluation of gerbera varieties Gerbera varieties for growth Oryza nivara Wild rice accessions Resistance against brown plant hopper Allelopathic effect Development of French bean

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Hingoli district, Fertility mapping of soils from Hingoli, Fertility mapping, Antimicrobial susceptibility and resistance, Pus isolates in a tertiary care hospital, Standardization of optimum season, Optimum season, Softwood grafting in guava, Optimum season for softwood grafting, Labio rohita, Fish widely cultivated, Profenofos on Rohu fish, Rural areas of India, Seminiferous epithelium, Histoarchitecture of seminiferous epithelium in mice, Seminiferous epithelium in mice, Micro-catchment, Age related changes in the histoarchitecture, Micro-catchment techniques, Water conservation practice in mango, Mango moisture retention, Grape vinegar, Guava vinegar, Semi-continuous fermentation, Wood shavings, Non-significant, Recommended production technology of fennel, Utilization of molecular, Morphometric tools for assessment, Genetic diversity of rice bean, Maize under maize-wheat cropping system, Residue retention, Fluorescein diacetate activity, Genetic advance in Carrot, Different characters of Carrot, Extended spectrum betaLactamase, Producing gram negative uropathogens, Tomato and fungicides, Fungicides against alternaria leaf blight of tomato, Germination studies in different guava, Different guava, Germination studies, Different guava cultivars, Incidence of methicillin resistant, Challenges in management, Seed rate and fodder yield, Productivity of hybrid fodder sorghum, Hybrid fodder sorghum, Response of different seed rate, Rhizome length, DUS characters, Elite turmeric genotypes, Influence of growth regulators, Chemicals on the quality parameters, Grape cv. 2A clone, Chemo-morphic traits determining seed yield, Growing seasons, Sesame as influenced, Seed yield in five varieties, Sesamum seed production followed, Prolong survival of the patients, Barcelona Classification, Missing nutrient technique, Missing nutrient technique on the yield, Soil fertility experiment, Cyperus entrerianus boeckeler, New record from Vietnam, Agriculture and natural plant communities, Acinetobacter baumannii DT, Magnolia coriacea, Benthic fauna, Extreme conditions, Chemical water diversity, New records of the genus Miconchus, Propanil degrading activity, Environmental variables in mangrove-shrimp ponds, Genus Miconchus, Mangrove-shrimp ponds, Natural water, Vietnam nematode fauna, National congress of communist party, Nguyen Hoang’s role, National congress, Changes of Catholicism, Nguyen Hoang’s role in land reclamation, Communist party of China, Divorce prevalence, Rule-of-law society, Ompacts on sustainable development, Assessments of prospects, Rule-of-law society in Vietnam, Divorce age, Road initiative's status quo, Expansion in Phu Yen, Political point of view, Divorce reasons, Road initiative, Territorial expansion, The growth of FDI, Building a rule-of-law society, Changes on sustainable development, Divorce initiation, Developing rule of law in Vietnam, Decade review of divorce in Vietnam, Antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coli, Spacing economic, Sub-urban community of Kathmandu valley, Chicken faeces, Children stool samples, Bonded labour system, Nepalese agriculture, Feudal mode of production, Symbol of feudal mode, PEG induced drought stress, Yet practiced in rural area, Seedling characters of maize, Climatic analogues, Climatic analogues for the administrative, Nepal within and outside the country, Moisture index calculated, Functional ecological, Municipal towns in Nepal, Urban ecological, Municipal towns, Level of urbanization, Development of snack containing meat, ABT-4 on seed germination, Snack containing meat, Bicep tissue, Seeding growth, Garvesting states on the quality of tomato, Snack containing meat by-products, Injury biomarker, Root development of jute plant, Breaker-harvested tomato, Pulverized dehydrated bovine lung, Jute plant, Maximum carotenoids in ripe tomato, Pharping village, Seeding growth of jute plant, Visual cilor of the ripe tomato pulp, Diseases like diabetes, Changing perception of the local people, Important forest types, Ilam tea, Peak season capacity confomance practice, Pprocessing orthodox tea, Orthodox tea manufacturing system, Capacity conformance practice, Learner engagement, Completion rate, Lichens flora of Phulchoki, xMOOC on energy and sustainability, Influence learner engagement and completion rate, Lichens flora, Family Parmeliaceae, Inimical studies, Boundary issue river Kali, Nepal-India boundary issue, International boundary, India stationed its troops, Boundary claim by India, Policy issues for sustainable transportation, Nickel pollution, Appropriate sustainable transportation, Cold temperature durations, Emerging eco-friendly technology, Politicize environment, Policy integration, Cold temperature durations on the emergence, Nickel polluted environment, Parasitization efficiency, Keratinolytic alkaline protease, Wild type Chlorella Sp, Laboratory reared Trichogramma chilonis, Feather degradation, Improved cultivation practices of black gram, Production of alkaline keratinolytic protease, Relevance of education, Feather waste, Adoption of improved cultivation practices, Work relevance of adult education, Politics in the university decision-making, Influence of student politics, Politics in education, Indulgence moralism, Protease cleavage site mutations, The morphosyntax of relativization, Verbal aggression, Bio-inoculants fertilizers, Evaluation of F1 hybrids, Heritability and genetic gain, Chemical and microbiological analysis, Rapid immunochromatography, Pigment producer actinomycetes, Gram negative pathogen, Human nutrition and health, CHROM agar, Tuberose germplasm, P6gag motifs, Morphosyntax of relativization, Parenting style, Genotypes of pumpkin for biochemical traits, Solanaceae crops, Effect of bio-inoculants, Rapid antigen detection, Antigonastic activity, Evaluation of high yielding strains, Relationship between aggressive behaviour, Goat milk in human nutrition, Inter simple sequence repeat markers, Human immunodeficiency virus type 1, Pumpkin for biochemical traits, Related components in sorghum, Gynaecology department, Characterization of Ralstonia solanacearum, Diagnosis of rota viral infection, Rhizosperic soil sample, Storage of rasogolla, Genetic diversity in tuberose, Composition of goat milk, Graded level of fertilizers, Protease cleavage, Genetic gain for yield, Beta-lactamase producing Klebsiella species, Bacterial wilt of solanaceae crops, Women attending the obstetrics, Agaricus bisporus sing, Non-pigment producers actinomycetes, Rota viral infection in children, Whey utilization, Milk carbohydrat, PTAP motif duplications, Non-reducing sugars, Nutrient uptake in garlic, Seroprevalence studies of Brucellosis, Chhathare Limbu, Brucellosis among human, Typological perspective, Different serological tests, Persons while sex-wise males, Dự thảo Luật sửa đổi, Bổ sung Luật Giáo dục đại học, Tổ chức quản lý trường đại học, Hội đồng trường, hemical disease relation prediction, Time-interleaved analog-to-digital converter, Channel mismatches, All-digital background calibration, Chemical-induced disease relations, Autonomized finance management, Funding sources, Self financing, Luong My Tea farm, Human right-based approach, Ag-Doping, Galvanic effect, Anti-reflection coating, Developing green finance, Transfer factors, Energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer, Universal entropy, Ag-doped sample, Compliance compliance, PbS quantum dot layers, Legal frameworks, Biomedical fields based, Constitutional rights implementation, Soil-leave, The X-ray powder diffraction, Magnetocaloric properties, Power conversion efficiency, Establishing policies, Prepare active SERS substrate, Puritygermanium detector HP, Tax department, DC-resistivitymeasurements, The curie temperature, The samples doped, The main enhancement mechanism, The research results, Long an province, AC-susceptibility measurements combined, The violet emission peaks associated, The soil-leave transfer factors, Business lines, Bean critical state model, Forward method, Space domain, Automatic recognizing, OCs adsorption, The quantum simulation method, Bouguer gravity anomaly, Identification card, Computational DFT-based nanoscope, Lindemann criterion, Automatic recognizing text fields, The east Vietnam sea, Suggest that silicene, Quantum wire, Structure transition, Oxygen simplex, High-pressure melting curves, Amorphous silica under compression, Electron-optical phonons cattering, DFT theory, Amorphous silica, Magneto-thermoelectric effects, Maximal inequalities, Coordination number distribution, Defect silicene, Higgs mass, Variable drift, The density functional theory method, Top quark mass, The defected silicene, The main results, Discrete dimensions revisited, Top quark masses, Summary of Doctor’s thesis, Context of new development, FDI into the provincial level, Board review series Physiology, Increased emphasis on pathophysiology, Updated organization and text, Addition of new full-color figures, Thuốc ôn lý, Tiểu hồi hương, Cao lương khương, Thế Yogamudra Matsyasana, Kháng thể kháng CD2, Bệnh lý Lymphôm Không Hodgkin, Triệu chứng xoắn dạ dày, Insertional mutagenesis, Childhood cancer-related mortality, Adenosine A2b receptor, Adenosine receptor, Potent antagonist, Membrane-restricted Mcl-1, Synthetic lethal, Bcl-2 family, Human keratinocytes Against UVB-induced damage, Tumor immunosuppressive, Median progression-free survival, Inhibit immune attack, Disease control rate, Inhibitory signals, Rectal cancer metastasis, Cytochalasins appear, Subsequent pathology, Microfilament-directed agent, Analyse cancer incidence, Chromosome 1 open reading frame 63, Incidence ratios, IL-2-starved T lymphocytes, Oesophageal cancers while, Transcriptional coupling nucleotide excision repair, XPA-binding protein 2, Randomized control trial design, Cockayne syndrome complementation group A, Psycho-oncological interventions, German health care system, Health care assistant, Lentivirus transformation, Morphological similarities, EGF-induced COX-2 protein, Magnolia flos, Nasal congestion, Anti-inflammatory reactions, Dlc1 gene encodes, RhoA activity, Accidental irradiation, Actin-based cellular processes, ATM kinase inhibition radiosensitizes cells, Selectively kills cells, Inflammatory protein, Human oral mucosa, Mouse xenograft model, Tumour cell-induced platelet aggregates, Platelet-cancer cell, Haematogenous metastasis, Curcumin reduce carcinogenesis, Disseminated malignancy, Emerging protocols, Metabolite levels, Serum concentration, Mitogen-activated protein kinase activator, Binding protein, RET proto-oncogene, IL-8 gene expression, MicroRNA miR-93, Proangiogenic properties, Delta-like 4, Non-functional vessel proliferation, Histological features, Angiogenesis-related molecules, Mitochondrial DNA repair, Mitochondrial DNA mutation, Accumulation of mitochondrial DNA, Chemotherapy induces Notch1-dependent MRP1

Đánh giá
Kháng thể đơn dòng mAb - 4 sao (17 lượt)