Tìm kiếm "Insecticide combination"

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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Insecticide combination

Biotechnological interventions Grain amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) Biorational insecticides Different sources of phosphorus Hippophae salicifolia BcZAT12 gene Crop growth model Cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Saccharomyces boulardii and enrichment Evaluation of different insecticides Characterization of bacteria Recommended techniques Calcium oxalates Bluetongue outbreak Salt dynamics Computation of crop coefficients Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench) Grains Soil test crop response correlation Reduction of Cr (VI) First report of alternaria alternata Yield variation of rice selections Snake bite remedies Update on B vitamin nutrition Genetic advance and kharif Pseudomonas fluorescens for management Phakopsora pachyrhizi Obtain efficient hybrids Mango and sapota Sea weed liquid fertilizer Loose house Rhizoctonia solani in vitro Embryonic mortality condition Biochemical variation Income analysis Castor equivalent yield Vigour parameter Pathogen Curvularia lunata Performance of vegetative barriers Soils of adjoining area Double haploids in ornamentals Ovine MHC DRB Light use efficiency Guava juice with prebiotic Sea buckthorn Around Tarai region Larval population Forage crops Commercial enzymes Small category of farms Enzymes activity Plasma hormones Cabbage (L. Brassica oleracea var. capitata) Co-morbidities in the medical records were examined Biorationals against scale insect Surrounding flocks to control Residual reducing sugars Quality parameters in rice genotypes Water scarce situations Seasonal influence on yield of maize Arbuscular Mycorrhyzal fungi Anthurium crop Physical seminal attributes Micrococcus luteus isolate PET values with the open pan evaporation Estimation of soluble Major banana Calf management Barn house Identification of biochemical variation Different ecosystems Tomato in central Himalayas Crossover and non-crossover interactions B vitamin nutrition for cattle Pod length Castor along with mungbean Different varieties of wheat Amaranth (Amaranthus L.) species Pictorial checklist Rhizoctonia solani in soil Resistant soybean genotypes Determining some properties of soil Exon 2 Circulating progesterone concentrations Bioenrichment of guava juice Growth traits as influenced Improved forage species Embryonic mortality in cattle Summer baby corn (Zea mays L.) Positive for coccidiosis Fodder crops Digital documentation Yield parameter Sahiwal cows Hemilecanium imbricans Sweet sorghum grains Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation Spore abundance Micronutrients on yield forming traits Spilartia obliqua (Walker) Optimum combination

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Adhesion pattern, FCV tobacco, Die-back, Spread of the disease, Complete inhibition of growth, Drip irrigation in cabbage, Bio-inoculants on yield, Tip over disease of banana, Gravid female, Seasonal influence on yield, Indian mustard variety Urvashi, Ecotypic variability, Damaged wheat as substrate, Rising temperature stress, Female calves, Vicinity of industries, Fusarium wilt disease of tomato, Unsupervised and supervised classification, Total oxalate contents, Herbicides against sclerotial viability, Agrobiont spiders, Western ghats regions, Biorational insecticides against larval population, Foliar application of manganese, Seed vigour potentia, Cows during early pregnancy, Negative trend of net income, Chrysopids in different ecosystems, Irula tribes, Growth parameters in amaranth, Sulphur levels on yield, Bio enrichment of guava juice, Optimization of malting, Microclimate towards yield attributing factors, India under fodder production, Irrigated wheat, Epidemiological investigation of poultry coccidiosis, Villi height, Gut microbiota in laying hens, Milking attributes like milk, Major cellulolytic organisms, Sea buckthorn (Hippophae salicifoliaD.Don.), Foliar application of secondary, Drought-salt tolerant, Irrigation on water dynamics, Ovine MHC Class II, Formulations against spodoptera litura, Testing of pH range, Tata geo green, Desi pig, Pictorial checklist of agrobiont spiders, Validation with CERES-Maize, Infected flocks were investigated, Roving survey for the incidence, Central Himalayas, Lepidopteran pests, Vigour parameters of different varieties, Acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle L.), Common edible mushrooms, Evaluate soil quality, Trends of area, Post-insemination, Different doses of phosphorus, Herbal snake bite remedies, Potassium on rust susceptible, Yield attributes in intercropping system, Feeding the animals, Abundance of chrysopids, Centrocestus formosanus, Physiology of domestic crops, Western ghats regions of chikmagalur, Higher Himalayan region, Prebiotic inulin, Crypt depth, Indian sheep breeds, Sporulation of B theobromae, D-7 shahapur branch canal, Jejunal expression profiling, Navsari Agricultural University, Trichogramma chilonis and Kharif, Successful calf crop production, Elite strains of acid lime, Neuro endocrine strategies, Dairy farmer’s in Punjab, Productivity of linseed, Levels of turmeric powder, Phosphomonoesterase activity, Membrane lipid composition, Chikmagalur (Karnataka), FCV tobacco productivity, Alternative growth promoter, Histo-morphology, Diarrhoeagenic E coli, Preventing crop losses, Unsupervised classification using Landsat-8 Imagery, Intermediate host (Fish), Freshwater fishes, Fed maize-soybean meal based diet, Agricultural mechanization in recent years, Gravid female Trichogramma chilonis against, Ileal morphology in laying hens, Growth promoter in animal, Organic priming and duration, Oidium neolycopersici, Slanted soil system, Comparative jejunal expression of TFRC gene, Stress cascade, Accurate molecular approach, Unsupervised classification for land, Sprays formulations, Considerable economic losses, New fungicides molecules against leaf blight, Drilled rice, Nutrient uptake by wheat, Weed density and yield, Bio-efficacy studies of quinalphos, Internal nutrient use efficiency, Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) seeds, IDM components for management, Free fatty acid composition, Screened freshwater fish samples, Fresh water fishes, Antioxidant are presented, Enhanced mustard productivity, Organic matter from greywater, Neuro endocrine strategies during adaptation, Row spacing on growth, Sulphur on morpho-physiological parameters, Chrysanthemum caused, Seed priming methods, Medium farmers, Mustard genotypes, Insect pests of red gram, Absidia corymbifera ATCC 14058, Naturally occurring in many plants, Early generation inbred lines of okra, Tomato powdery mildew, Active participation, Dynamics of sucking pests, Different vibrio species isolated, Morpho-physiological parameters, Into general circulation, Anti-platelet platelet adhesion, Fecal bacteria, Free fatty acid profile of seven sesame, Alternaria spp, Haemoprotozoan disease, Azolla incorporation, Income equality, Large farmers, Isolates and pathogenic variability, Molar conversion, Bacterial contamination of donor blood, Finger millets, Moderate participation, Their antimicrobial activity, Eastern vidharbha zone, Botanical based protection could, Dry zone of Karnataka, Buffalo management practices, CERES model and simulation, Yield of Indian mustard genotypes, Slanted soil design, Basal area, Nutrient omission, Planting dates on infestation, Dairy business potential, Most important foliar disease, Saponin in poultry, Time of pollination, Biotransformation of terfenadine, Maize farmers, Passive participation, Silver nanoparticles from pleurotus florida, Ready-mix insecticides, Valorization of pineapple waste, Trypanosoma evansi infected cattle, Both the locations, Sustainable alternative, Growth and yield parameter, Mallory trichrome, Performance of garden pea, Donor blood, Pathogenic variation, Anti-platelet aggregating proteins, Various surface sterilant, Gujjars at Indo-pakistan border, Genotypes for collar rot, Fruit production are briefly compiled, Period of pollen storage, Cuttack district of Odisha, Prevalence of haemoprotozoan disease, Thrips in garlic bulb crop, Crop in eastern India, Nipping on growth, Green felling, Sorghum-sudan grass variety SSG-5000, Women’s participation in silk industry, Nutrient deficiencies in rice, Black gram [Vignamungo (L.) Hepper], Castor (Ricinus communis) wilt, Efficiency of wheat, Scirtothrips dorsalis hood infesting bt cotton, Biochemical alterations occurred, Multigrain bread, Soft rot resistance, Bunostomum trigonocephalum, Highest conversion efficiency, Pathogen among isolates, Callus regeneration of ashoka, Development of animal feed block, Indo-pakistan border of Jammu, Foam in aqueous solution, Wound healing activities, Adult male albino rats, Babesiosis in calf, Watermelon (Citrullus lonatus), Province of Afghanistan, Botanical fungicide, Finger millets (Eleusine coracana), Cattle in rainy season, Rice straw mulch, Acid indigestion, Percent inhibition, Wheat growth, Market margin and price spread, Different botanicals against thrips, Important medicament, Stray dogs, Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Acidic soil of Meghalaya, Growing stock, Serum of Trypanosoma evansi infected cattle, Quality of Brinjal Hybrid, Ashoka (Saraca asoca Roxb. De Wilde), Fusarium isolated, Arachis hypogea, Mulching material on the growth, Different ready-mix insecticides against thrips, Revealed that majority, Profile characteristics of maize farmers, Animal feed block, Experimentally induced skeletal muscles injury, Sensorial study, Prevalence of indigestion, Larval endoparasitoids, Per cent discolouration intensity, Nutrient omission in vertisol, Rice husk mulch, Polygonum minus, Genetic variability study, Contraception and chemical methods, Genotypes for high yield, Blood samples were collected, Calcium metalosate, Yield under ambiance change, Sowing methodology, Elite germplasm of rice, Brinjal Hybrid (Solanum melongena L.), Leaf segment explant, Dual purpose cowpea, Tissue residues, Wet direct seeded rice, Strains of himachal pradesh, Economic analysis of marketing, Glyptapanteles agamemnonis, Periodic blocks, Paddy straw into, PSB (Phosphate solubilzing bacteria), Okra growing area of south Gujarat, Buffaloes in and around Pantnagar Region, Evaluate bio-efficacy, Cation anion salt, Newly formulated botanical fungicide, Associate characters, Coirpith compost mulch, Evaluation of their health potential, PVK broth, Chemical control of fertility, Several species of Babesia, Seed mycoflora on mungbean seed health, Lichenic extracts, Inceptisol of Chhattisgarh, Resistance to soft rot suitable, Basal medium, Geographical land area of world, Heritability and variability, Diverse hybrid maize, Persistence of imidacloprid, Levofloxacin following multiple, Comparative yield potential, Tuber number and yield, Meteorus pulchricornis, Controlling the incidence, S rolfsii, Herbicide mixtures on yield, Stand structure, Included in the prevalence, Respect to seed germination, Agricol and incubation, Phosphorus and psb on growth, Performance of ginger genotypes suitable, Fertility in male dogs, Intramuscular administration in poultry, Staphylococcus aureus strain BRTSI-1, Antimicrobial profile, Stem density, Lambda-cyhalothrin on tomato, Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael), Two contrasting environments, Transition period in buffaloes, Available soil N, Varying period of incubation, Endophytic actinomycet, Pod rot of groundnut, Small millets under rainfed condition, Quality parameters of potato, Intramuscular administration, Colonization in piglets, Economics mustard, Population control of stray dogs, Grain storage pests tribolium castaneum, Metallobeta-lactamase, Nucleus seed, Rhizosphere associated chromogenic bacterial strain, Supplementing cation anion salt, Glyptapanteles agamemnonis (Wilkinson), P2O5 and K2O, Paired specimens, Animal production, Investigate the pharmacokinetics, Imipenem EDTA combined disk test, Boron from different sources, Location of hot spots, Symbiotic traits, Potato clone, Lichenic extracts against, Summer bajra, Resource use productivity, Chemical load, Methane emission by ruminants, Choline in dairy cows, Chromogenic bacterial strain BRTSI-1, Promising tool for plant growth promotion, Catheter associated blood stream infection, Available boron was highest, Black Scurf, Groundwater contamination, Seed crop, Terminalia superba, Pre harvest treatments, Disadvantages none of them is perfect, Distribution of traits, Kharif Vis-a-Vis rabi onion, Control the microorganisms, Second stage juvenile (J2) Meloidogyne incognita, Flood and furrow irrigation, Economics of mustard, Improved management practices, Methionine in dairy cows, Bacillus subtilis BRTSI-3 Isolated, Influenced by irrigation, Production of nucleus seed, Various methods, Variability and correlation studies, Brinjal fruit rot, Chemigation reduces extra chemical load, Microbial activity in chickpea crop, Indian white shrimp, Farmer through a questionnaire, F2 intervarietal populations of rice, Pea (Pisum sativumL.), Collar rot of chilli, Multivariate analysis of sesame genotypes, Lysine in dairy cows, Surface soils, Temperate agroclimatic conditions, Onion seed production, Radiation induced mutation, Soft rot disease, Vegetable cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp], Vase life attributes, Diels (Combretaceae) bark extracts, Soil and foliar sprays of micronutrients, Heliothermal unit, Excess deposition of chemicals, Mutation in marigold, Estimating methane emissions, Correlation studies for vegetative, Grain quality attributes, Recalcitrant textile azo dye, Genotypic level, Brassica compestris, Wout’s medium, Growth survival, Cerebralmucormyc osis, Multiplication of root-knot nematode, Black scurf of potato, Mikania micrantha Kunth, Secretion of milk

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Insecticide combination - 4 sao (17 lượt)