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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Hội nghị tiếp xúc cử tri

Fe-MIL-101 Mustard lines against alternaria blight Rat myometrium Friedel-Crafts benzoylation reaction Alternaria brassicae genotype poding stage Rapeseed and mustard Screening time Fungicides and bioagents against damping Rice fallow Ghrelin mRNA expression Trichoderma hamatum Pyricularia grisea Development of alternaria blight Synthesis and exploration Cool humid conditions Black mold Relay grass pea production Growth behaviour Botanical in rapeseed-mustard Bioagents against alternaria cucumerina Pythium aphanidermatum Bioagents for the management Natural incidence Faculty of Chemistry Management of post-harvest rot Bioagents and fungicide chemicals Lathyrus sativa L Pot condition Economics of small millet Spray schedule Alternaria blight of clusterbean Post-harvest disease Alternaria blight through genotypes Bioagents against damping Mustard lines against dark spot Germplasm against the disease Pearl millet blast caused Alternaria cucumerina var cyamopsidis Fungicide chemicals Post-harvest rot Thiourea application on dehydrogenase activity Microalgae against alternaria blight of flax China aster caused Biochemical mechanism Alternaria tenuissima Coconut leaf spot Different culture media on the growth Farm implements Fungicide for its management Yield of small millet Bio-agents and botanical Per cent respectively Alternaria cyamopsidis Screening of germplasm against Insecticidal resistance mechanism Fungicide management Brown top millet Chickpea wet root Management of sclerotium rot/wilt disease Fusarium oxysporum f sp ricini Inceptisol of Chhattisgarh plateau Banana by chemicals and bioagents Crop stages Oil content of niger Blight of flax Native fungal bioagents Fungicides on the management Bioagents on post-harvest storage diseases Plant leaf extract Clonal progenies Bioagents against fusarium Root rot disease Okra fruit borer Bastar plateau agro-climatic Rot rhizoctonia solani Incidence of diseases in brinjal Management of sheath blight of rice Pre-harvest spray of fungicides Nutrient availability in inceptisol Tomato wilt Disease inhibition Yield loss assessment Fertilizer recommendation Different sowing dates Clonal progenies of potato Impact of the different tillage Fungicides for the management Fungal bioagents Diseases in brinjal Pestalotia palmarum Seed treatment with fungicides Bastar plateau zone of Chhattisgarh Insecticidal resistance of okra fruit borer Root rot disease of patchouli Turmeric rhizome rot Different nitrogen levels Potato Solenum tuberosum L Bacterial Trichoderma viride Conservation farming on plant growth Resistant lines

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Bioagent on germination, Yield of brown top millet, Fusarium solani (Mart) Sacc, In vitro management fusarium wilt of tomato, Screening for alternaria blight, Midland inceptisols, Oilcake in field, Selected features of finger millet, Relation to growth characters, In vitro management fusarium, Fungicides and Mungbean, Alternaria blight of rapeseed, Dhatura leaf extract, Management of soft rot, Stone culture, INM for potato, Alternaria leaf blight in vivo, Selected fungicides against, Economics of tikhur, Alternaria brassicae population, Soft rot of ginger caused, Eucalyptus leaf extract, Yield of tikhur, Cluster bean varieties against, Positive stone culture, Row spacing of brown top millet, Garlic bulb extract, Inorganic nutrients on growth of Tikhur, Association with rate, Graded doses of organic, Sepsis after urological procedures, Urological procedures, Customizing Your Menus and Toolbars, Saving and Restoring Toolbar Settings, Hỏi và Trả lời phần 4, công cụ Snipping, Ở Paris, chương trình cài đặt, phạm vi cài đặt, chìa khoá an toàn, Bài giảng Lập trình Windows bài 4, Giới thiệu Common Dialog, Tạo và xử lý Toolbar, Menu & Toolbar, Tree View, Tạo và xử lý Menubar, List View, GUI hỗ trợ, Tạo và xử lý Dialogbar, cẩm nang giảm béo, Access Control Role-based models RBAC, Role-based models, Trà thanh nhiệt mùa hè, thức uống ngày hè, nước giải khát ngày hè, Giải nhiệt ngày hè, Sinh tố chuối mật ong, Cách làm 11 món sinh tố, tự học C, 11 món sinh tố làm đẹp da, Cách làm sinh tố chuối, Sinh tố dâu sữa chua, Chiêu thức lập trình, Tạo phím nóng, chuẩn đoán học văn, Thông tư số 9-TT, Quyết định 1970/2019/QĐ-UBND, Số 1970/2019/QĐ-UBND, Quyết định số 1970/2019, Tàu sân bay Mỹ sẽ chết như thế nào, Công văn 1951/TTg-KTTH, Đầu tư phát triển 6 tháng cuối năm 2017, Bổ sung kế hoạch vốn đầu tư, Hydrothermal process, Antioxidative response, Intrarow spacing, Acer trautvetteri, Xenopus hindlimb, Priming on physiological seed quality, Fetax test, HECT domain, Rapd molecular markers, Inheritance and mutant, Rice bean, Photochemical activity, Turkish red pine, Fibroblastema formation, Seed characteristics, Cucumber mitogen-activated, Physiological seed quality in fresh, Increased malformation rates, No-observed adverse effect concentration, Human fibroblast growth factor 9, Flowering buds, Cellular processes, Pattern of segregation, Safflower Carthamus tinctorius L. genotypes, Antioxidative responses, Rice bean (Vigna umbellata Thunb, Comparison to axolotl, Aged seeds of sunflower, β2-adrenergic receptor, Spina bifida, Submergence stress, Desiccation tolerant, Lowest observed adverse effect concentratio, Ratnagiri 8, Fusarium wilt resistant, Ratnagiri 7 - Red Kernel, Potting media, Soluble carbohydrate, DNA C-value, Spring safflower genotypes, Performance of selected F5 individuals, Indole-3-acedic acid, Ohwi and Ohashi), Oil body, Half-sib families originating, Physiological properties of chickpea, Metabolic database, High yielding rice variety, Germination of Acer pensylvanicum seed, Seed germination rates, Shoot elongation, Susceptible safflower genotypes, Medium slender high yielding rice variety, Selected F5 individuals, Hair growth, Nuclear DNA amount, Short bold grain type, Phenological development, Total soluble sugar, Crosses in rice, Molecular characterization of fusarium, Six states of India, Dahlia hortensis, Phaseolus vulgaris germplasm, Intraspecific variation, Cross between IR64, Sowing date and wheat, Nuclear genome size, Physiological manifestation during seed deterioration, Endogenous plant hormones, Speed of germination, Azad T-6, Pollen fertility restorers, Vegetative growth of tomato, Genetics of cancer, Tetraploid Locust, Somatic mutations, Pollen fertility in CGMS based pigeonpea, Plant hormones on vegetative growth, Floral traits, IAA producing bacteria, Optimum time for rooting, Target sequencing, CGMS based pigeonpea, Behaviour attributes of tomato, Heterogeneous diseases, Tree fruit production, Current methodology, Indole acetic acid producing bacteria, Chelated Ca, Squares for different characters in pigeonpea, Ion torrent sequencing, Hybrid seed production, Novel cancer driver genes, Spectral karyotyping, Physiological functions, Hybrid development in bread wheat, Pseudostem length, Hormonal cross talk, Coasts of Ben Tre, Application method, Plant hormone, Pollen fertility status recordrd for female, Oncogenes specifically, Mutations responsible, Method of application on vegetative growth, Plant hormone jasmonate, NF2 gene, Flexible software package, Ebook Plants, Male sterile and fertile lines, Neck thick, Utilization in vegetable crops, Combining calls, Tra Vinh provinces, Cotton diseases, Nitrogen time of application, Mutational clustering, Arabidopsis AtMYB80, Male sterile, Ferulate 5-hydroxylase2, Method of application, Utilizing protein structure, Jasmonate signalling, Spikelet fertility, Plants life science, Producing bacteria could naturally stimulate, Systematically outperforms, Maize rhizosperic phosphate solubilizing isolates, Mutational signatures, TIBA and tuberose, Nitrogen method of application, Growth of pearlmillet, Germline mutation analysis, Growth of Kharif onion, Polymer coated urea, Anther cuticle, Comparative evaluation of visual and colorimetric methods of teeth color determination, Wheat seedling, Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase2, Growth of quality protein maize, Non-random somatic mutations, Short grain aromatic rice hybrids, Different fertilizer levels, First decade, Mutational patterns, Plant growth promoting characteristics, Based on pollen fertility, Time nitrogen fertilizer application, Origanum onites L., Normal urea, Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase6, Visual and colorimetric methods of teeth color determination, Vegetative growth and spike yield, Multiple primary melanomas, Lipid polymers, Hydrogen cyanide production, Traditional method, Development of medium slender, Slow releasing fertilizer, Growth and yield of grain sorghum, Multiple cancer, Spike yield of tuberose, Biological discoveries, Origanum onites, Both germline, Teeth color determination, Cutaneous malignant melanoma, Recombinant adenovirus coding, Indole acetic acid production, Identification of maintainers, Polyphenol oxidases, Mechanism underlying, Pediatric anesthesia, Mutations during carcinogenesis, Ionic toxicity, Visual and colorimetric methods, Mutations observed, Origanum minutiflorum, In vitro biosolubilization, The human IL-12 protein, Mean performance of fifty genotypes, Sporadic harbouring, Solanum incanum, Chemicals and yield, Anesthetic implications, Flower yield and vase life, CDKN2A germline mutation, Fifty genotypes of fennel, Foliar response, Loose flower production, IL-12 protein on mice, Understanding the pediatric chest radiograph, Container and deterioration, Sambamahsuri derivatives of rice, White wine, Anatolian black pine, Callistephus chinensis, Wheat landraces, Path coefficient analysis and yield, Foeniculum vulgare Mill, Mice during the experiment, Pediatric electrocardiogram, Chemicals on yield, Levels on floral yield, Planting dates in China aster, Seed deterioration pattern, Turkish white wine grape varieties, Banana inflorescence, Dry weight fraction, Yieldattributes and yield, Foliar nutrients and biostimulants, China aster cultivation, Yield attributing characters of rice, China aster during storage, Enzymatic glutathione, Vase life of China aster, Standardization of drying techniques, Blast disease, Crossability studies in China aster, Osmotic potential, Weed dynamics and yield attributes, Acidic polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Chikkaballapura district of Karnataka, Path analysis in China aster, Bulb quality, Path co-efficient analysis studies, Flower quality, Nectarine tissue, Phenotypic coefficients of variation, Different herbicides, Gene optimization, Root growth potential, Cost returns and input use pattern, Magnaporthe grisea isolates of finger millet, Callistephus hortensis, Sowing dates on yield, Foliar spray of boron, Develop ready to cook banana inflorescence, Williams pear trees Pyrus communis L., Genotypic coefficients of variation, Universal abiotic stress, Phenological conditions, Phosphorous on growth, Cook banana inflorescence, Yield and yield, Relative heterosis, Yield of Kharif greengram, Genetic advance as percentage of mean, Valencia orange, Their parents for qualitative, Cathepsin B, Chelate foliar fertilizers, Absolute quantification, Economics of linseed, Attributing traits against stemphylium blight, Callistephus chinensis Nees, Kharif greengram (Vigna radiata), Growth of China aster, Codon usage bias, China aster varieties, Plant spacing on fruit quality, Economics of China Aster, Qualitative and quantitative characters, Evaluation of China Aster, Iron and zinc enriched organics, Garlic genotypes, Total yield, Recorded in plants, Highly expressed gene, Nonconventional area, Biologically synthesised nano, Flowering characters, Physiological utilization efficiency, Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis var. Valencia late), Zinc enriched organics on growth, Hormonal-receptor positive, Bioregulators on growth, Yield per trunk cross, Fruit quality of sweet orange, Parents for growth, Loose flower, Varietal evaluation of China-aster, In vitro shoot regeneration, Bài giảng Rối loạn trí tuệ, Nano fertilizer, Plant growth and fruit quality, ZnO nanoparticle improves maize growth, Rice cultivars of Manipur, Fruit morphology, IL-6 augments invasion, Gramineae family, Yield parameters in tomato, Poly wrapper, Sub-tropical region of west Bengal, Linum usitatissimum, Yield of potato in loamy sand, Fruit quality characters, Rootstock on plant growth, Nano polymer, Seed zinc, Cathepsin B expression, Comparison of nitrogen, Khái niệm rối loạn trí tuệ, Vermicompost and zinc application, Different levels of chemical, Economics and air layering, Influence of pre harvest application, Gujarat Aonla-1, Potato in loamy sand, Pretreatment application, High soil pH condition, Efficiency and its variation, Phân loại rối loạn trí tuệ, Bulb yield attributes of rabi onion, Air layring of guava, Growth and yield attribute, Pre harvest application of calcium, Nano nitrogenous fertilizers, Nano fertilizer enhances efficacy, Hội chứng rối loạn trí tuệ, Fruit yield and quality, L-1 naphthalene acetic acid, Colour poly wrappers, Fruit quality of mango, Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Biofertilizers on growth

Đánh giá
Hội nghị tiếp xúc cử tri - 4 sao (17 lượt)