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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Hiện trạng thu gom

Hemiplegic cerebral palsy Phytase enzyme Unusual clinical presentation Oxford handbook of neurology Typical symptoms of IBS Dried mulberry Physical injuries Characterization of refined rice Supplementation of fiber degrading enzymes Pulmonary artery pseudoaneurysm Aetiologic background Swamp buffalo (Bubalus carabanesis) semen Symbols and abbreviations Polynuclear neutrophil Risk factors affecting Động học trích ly ROME III criteria Nitrogen retention of pigs Bactrocera zonata Alternative edible coating Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome Broiler chickens fed mouse experiments Neurological history Blastocyct formation The treatment of IBS Trái si rô ARDS patient prognosis Mulberry leaf meal Describe clinical presentation Swamp buffalo Black rice bran Managing office supplies Recurrent skin abscesses Diets containing de-oiled rice bran Bovine mastitic milk Bacterial symbionts Growth performance of broiler chickens Neurological emergencies Placental hormones Hoạt chất kháng oxi hóa Rice bran wax Mulberry trees Organizing supplies Biochemical characterization of escherichia coli High oleic Peach fruit fly Common clinical presentations Fresh semen characteristics Fiber degrading enzymes Quá trình chiết xuất anthocyanin Defatted rice bran Low energy ration containing rice bran oil Brassica juncea genotypes Lipid biosynthetic genes Biochemical characterization of bacteria associated Sixteen chicks each Mạng lưới tế bào thực vật Pectobacterium carotovorum sub sp carotovorum Aspergillus fumigatus MTCC 9657 Onion soft rot Alkaline lipase Seaweed extract Biochemical methods Gum arabic coatings Potassium silicate Fruit beverages Collection of pathogen Physicochemical attributes Ortho silicic acid Edible bioplastic Rice segregating generations Seaweed extract on physical Guava (Psidium guajava L) cv. Shweta Studies on Isolation Processing etc Natural pH indicators Gum arabic coatings on physico-chemical Characterization and in-vitro screening Rhizobium associated Storage behaviour Segregating generations of rice Jamun juice In-vitro screening of plant Maize by wheat bran Natural food colors Castrol oil Nghị định 142/2003/NĐ-CP Bio-chemical characterization Nghị định số 142/2003/NĐ-CP Bran oil content Pomegranate juice Promoting rhizobacteria Wheat bran on carcass Conventional petro-plastic polymer Bio-chemical characterization of bael Soup mix and tomato Rhizospheric soil of chrysanthemum Sensory characteristics of pigs Natural food colors incorporated soup mix

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev, Cultivars bellary and Poona, Late Pleistocene-Holocene sequence stratigraphy, Microbial and sensory evaluation, The subaqueous Red River delta, Sugar levels and storage periods, The adjacent shelf, Middle Eocene, Acid degree value, Spinach puree, Flavoures on cultures, The sequence boundary, Lithofacies association, Sugar levels, Diagenetic sequence, Somatic cell counts, The global sea-level change, Incorporation of spinach puree, Storage periods of Shrikhand, Depositional sequences, Continental palaeoclimate, Rudist taxonomy, Studies on production, Conducted to investigate, Sequence boundaries, İstanbul Unit, Orbital cycles, Hippuritid rudist, Flavors on sensory quality, İstanbul Palaeozoic, Southern Thrace, Minimally processed carrots, Northwest Germany, Strontium isotope stratigraphy, Çamlıca hills, Lower Rhine Basin, Tethyan Paleogene, Northern Croatia, Palaeozoic rocks crop, Minimal processing potatoes, Ready to cook tender jackfruit, Lower oligocene, Deskinned field bean, SBZ zones, Cube size, Shelf life of tender jackfruit, Wetzeliella gochtii, Foraminifera-coral-coralline, Minimally processed field beans, Polythene gauge, Jackfruit in brine, Field beans (Dolichos lablab), Organic richness, Minimally processed potato, Processed jackfruit, Extending the shelf-life, Brining of tender jackfruit, Researching the simple solution, Chicken samosa, Postharvest physiology, Composting for the minimization, Spermine affects, Benzyl Adenine solutions, Fecal coliform in sludge dredged, Postharvest storage potential, Peanut kernels, Climate change and productivity, Salicylic acid derivatives, Hoan KIiem lake, Arctocephalites Spath, Soil enzyme acid phosphatase, Achieving the Aisan century, Extend shelf life of sweet pepper, Coliform and fecal coliform, Storage durations, cadoreras Fischer, Temperature on soil enzyme acid phosphatase, The harmanization of higher education, D10 value, Microbial phosphatases dominate, Genus Arkelloceras, Pork sausages, Gum arabic, High resolution seismic, Cadoceras beds, Total viable count, Ambe bahar, Sugars and total soluble solids, Sea level change, Pruning and Bio Regulators, Stratigraphic conclusions, Shelf life of Kinnow fruits, Flower parameters, Influence of ethylene absorbents, Microbial counts, Microbial quality of pork sausage stored, High energy Mediterranean water input, Occurrence and stratigraphy, Organoleptic characters, Different chemical treatments, Ethylene absorbents, Reducing and nonreducing sugar, Subaqueous fan, Storage life of marigold, Pathological breakdown, Qurg cheese, Guava variety sardar, Ethylene absorbents on shelf life, Organoleptic quality, Packaging of guava cheese, Rural waste, Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.), Cracking susceptibility, Banana (Musa paradisiacal L.) Fruit cv Yelakki, Shelf life of bitter gourd, Protein enriched spiced quarg cheese, Urban waste, Different levels of fertigation, Shelf life of Kheer, Donkey milk, Assessment of bamboo species, Skin disks, Fruits during storage, Non-reducing sugar, Leaf and root, Stone characterization, Amla fruit extract, Composting of rural, Polyhexa methylene guanidine, Sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate, Bamboo species, Seed COAT extract, Media analysis, Thông tư liên tịch số 61/2007/TTLT-BNN-BTC, Newly developed microbial consortium, Defense factors, Potassium sorbate on the organoleptic, Nonreducing sugars, Eastern UP Conditions, Donkey milk against staphylococcus aureus, Growth retardant, Meat patties, Integration of seed biopriming, Polyembryonic rootstocks germination, Dampingoff pathogen, Bamboo field, Growth promoter on seedling growth, Microbial profile and antimicrobial, Amla (Emblica officinalis) fruit, Soil and foliar application, Management of rice (Oryza sativa L.), Average number of shoots per clump, Dirty panicle disease, Getting Help with Outlook, Chlorophyll content of coleoptile leaves, Paspalum scrobiculatum L, Trichoderma species for growth promotion, Seed coat powder incorporated, Biopriming on seedling vigour, Seed stock, Coleoptile leaves in pearl millet, Green gram var CO 8, G hirsutum using SSR markers, Biopriming in rice, Shannon diversity index, Development in different pulses, Liquid culture, Biopriming on germination, Molecular characterization of germplasm accessions, Genetic diversity studies in kodo millet, P fluorescence, Liquid microbial cultures in paddy, Transgenic sugarcane, Diagnostic dilemma, Greengram were primed, Disease incidence and disease severity, Nutrient uptakes, Germplasm morphological culm branching, Diversity based on agro-morphological, Seed biopriming on growth, The Default Display for Command Bars, Germplasm under rainfed condition, Germplasm accessions based, Genetic divergence studies for bulbing, Vigour by biopriming, Different or Missing Features, Yield in groundnut genotypes, Proteomic analysis of growth promotional, Structure of olive, Seed yield attributes, Subcuteneous basidiobolomycosis, Agro-morphological, Seed deterioration, Agro-morphological traits in seed yield, The Reading Pane, Biolistic method, Manipulation of seed germination, Related traits, Sorghum varieties, High folate accession using HPLC, Evaluation of germplasm, Clinicomycological study, Germplasm collected, Terminal drought condition, Lagenaria siceraria germplasm, Germplasm accessions of rice, DUS discriptors, Membrane injury index, Enhancing plant growth, Garlic germplasm during, High folate accession, Phenotypic diversity, KOH microscopy, New microsatellites, Uttarakhand hills, Screening criteria, Determination of protein, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum, Soft rice, Phenotypic evaluation, Applying SNP markers, Gene integration, Biopriming for enhancing plant growth, Oral SSKI therapy, Evaluation of rice, Palynological studies in Cucumber, Synonymous group, Soft rice (Oryza sativa L.), Mini core set, Breeding drought-tolerant maize hybrids, Agromorphological characters, Join Map 4.0, Rice germplasm for the identification, Pomegranate accessions, Trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatases, Hybrid rootstocks, Drought tolerance related traits, LOD Score, Morphological characterization in soft rice, TPP gene family, Striga resistance, Mapping Population, Phenotypic divergence for yield, Anthesis- SilkingInterval, SCL Values, Striga hermonthica parasitism, QTL and molecular markers, Microsatellite marker based linkage map, Abiotic stress (Drought) tolerance in maize, Germplasm collection, Drought tolerance in Kharif rice, Recent advances in breeding, Stress on phenotypic traits in rice, Synthesis silver nano-particles, Review on synthesis silver nano-particles, Electronic properties, Experimentally induced renal dysfunction, Niacin supplementation, Sida acuta, Electrolytes in albino Wistar rats, Shelf life enhancement, Biherbal extract, Lye and salt concentrations, Leave extracts of sida acuta, Vigna unguiculata, Ohmic heating as an alternative, Maternal-fetal zinc accumulation, Thyroid hormones, Ethanol root, Peeling quality of tomato, Histopathological effects, Ohmic heating assisted lye, Microscopic symptoms, Sodium bicarbonate, Spontaneous contractions, Zinc supplementation on thyroid, Organometal fungicide, Packed cell volume, Myometrial strips, Testosterone hormone levels, Female Wistar rats, Growth hormone, Fe-MIL-101, Mustard lines against alternaria blight, Rat myometrium, Friedel-Crafts benzoylation reaction, Alternaria brassicae genotype poding stage, Rapeseed and mustard, Screening time, Fungicides and bioagents against damping, Rice fallow, Ghrelin mRNA expression, Trichoderma hamatum, Pyricularia grisea, Development of alternaria blight, Synthesis and exploration, Cool humid conditions, Black mold, Relay grass pea production, Growth behaviour, Botanical in rapeseed-mustard, Bioagents against alternaria cucumerina, Pythium aphanidermatum, Bioagents for the management, Natural incidence, Faculty of Chemistry, Management of post-harvest rot, Bioagents and fungicide chemicals, Lathyrus sativa L, Pot condition, Economics of small millet, Spray schedule, Alternaria blight of clusterbean, Post-harvest disease, Alternaria blight through genotypes, Bioagents against damping, Mustard lines against dark spot, Germplasm against the disease, Pearl millet blast caused, Alternaria cucumerina var cyamopsidis, Fungicide chemicals, Post-harvest rot, Thiourea application on dehydrogenase activity, Microalgae against alternaria blight of flax, China aster caused, Biochemical mechanism, Alternaria tenuissima, Coconut leaf spot, Different culture media on the growth, Farm implements, Fungicide for its management, Yield of small millet, Bio-agents and botanical, Per cent respectively, Alternaria cyamopsidis, Screening of germplasm against, Insecticidal resistance mechanism, Fungicide management, Brown top millet, Chickpea wet root, Management of sclerotium rot/wilt disease, Fusarium oxysporum f sp ricini, Inceptisol of Chhattisgarh plateau, Banana by chemicals and bioagents, Crop stages, Oil content of niger, Blight of flax, Native fungal bioagents, Fungicides on the management, Bioagents on post-harvest storage diseases, Plant leaf extract, Clonal progenies, Bioagents against fusarium, Root rot disease, Okra fruit borer, Bastar plateau agro-climatic, Rot rhizoctonia solani, Incidence of diseases in brinjal, Management of sheath blight of rice, Pre-harvest spray of fungicides, Nutrient availability in inceptisol, Tomato wilt, Disease inhibition, Yield loss assessment, Fertilizer recommendation, Different sowing dates, Clonal progenies of potato, Impact of the different tillage, Fungicides for the management, Fungal bioagents, Diseases in brinjal, Pestalotia palmarum, Seed treatment with fungicides, Bastar plateau zone of Chhattisgarh, Insecticidal resistance of okra fruit borer, Root rot disease of patchouli, Turmeric rhizome rot, Different nitrogen levels, Potato Solenum tuberosum L, Bacterial Trichoderma viride, Conservation farming on plant growth, Resistant lines, Bioagent on germination, Yield of brown top millet, Fusarium solani (Mart) Sacc, In vitro management fusarium wilt of tomato, Screening for alternaria blight, Midland inceptisols, Oilcake in field, Selected features of finger millet, Relation to growth characters, In vitro management fusarium, Fungicides and Mungbean, Alternaria blight of rapeseed, Dhatura leaf extract, Management of soft rot, Stone culture, INM for potato, Alternaria leaf blight in vivo, Selected fungicides against

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Hiện trạng thu gom - 4 sao (17 lượt)