Tìm kiếm "giáo án lý 9"

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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản giáo án lý 9

Atypical presentations Bronchioalveolar lavage Brush cytology Lung infections Low tidal volume ventilation Respiratory symptom Pulmonary surfactant-associated protein D β2-adrenergic receptor agonists Interventional pneumology Absorbable sutures Influenza B Beta-agonist Health care resource utilization Progressive worsening Serious errors Online health information Giessen pulmonary hypertension registry Commercial availability Fluticasone propionate Symptomatic hyperglycaemia Blood alkalosis Personal monitoring Adverse respiratory outcomes Chronic thromboembolic disease Cardiopulmonary exercise testing Lung cancer risk test Hereditary lung cancer risk Normal bronchial epithelial cells Bronchoscopy safety Bronchial brush safety Immunoglobulin G4 Fatal vascular disorder Fibroinflammatory disorder Frequent exacerbations Biopsy-proven lung Oxygen desaturation Including chronic Allergic aspergillus Physiotherapeutic interventions Subsequent microbiological Fatty-acid binding protein-4 Ventilatory function Health screening program Paradoxical inflammation Several pulmonary diseases Inhaled medications Anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha Unmethylated DNA molecule Corticosteroids therapy Long-acting beta-agonist Care bundles Delivery of care Admission avoidance Visceral adiposity index Metabolic score Preference questionnaire Inhalation devices Randomized phase 3 trials Indwelling pleural catheters Pirfenidone therapy Specific therapeutic interventions Multivariate logistic regression model Factors significantly Sputum cytology Blood leukocyte count Mean pulmonary arterial pressure Tumour-stromal interactions Disease-specific health status Occupational asthma Workplace exposure Allergic occupational asthma Pre-placement medical assessments Transgenic model Childhood wheezing Antigen induced pulmonary inflammation Air leak syndrome Extracellular miRNA Before-and-after study design Spirometry acceptability Transpulmonary blood flow Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency Lung compliance Determining physicians’ awareness Acute hypovolemia Moderate-to-severe asthma Albuterol metered-dose inhaler Cyclic guanosine monophosphate Ultrathin bronchoscopy Readmission predictors Diabetes risk Non-eosinophillic asthma Image-guided biopsy PAH medications Recurrent hospitalizations Airway inflammatory phenotype Several pre-index Autonomic neuropathy Animal handler BHR confirmed asthma CHI3L1 protein

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Heterogeneous nature, Prompted asthma phenotyping, Adult onset Still’s disease, Expiratory pressure, Biomarker data, Auto-inflammatory disease, Vitamin D 25-hydroxylase, Inspiratory positive airway pressure, YKL-40 protein, Severe asthmatics, Meigs’ syndrome, Respiratory allergy, Traction bronchiectasis, Interactive digital interventions, Ovarian fibroma, Fibroblastic Foci, Long-term observational survey, Vaccine type, Pericardial effusion, Persistent respiratory allergies, Bronchiolar dysplastic proliferation, Morphologic considerations, Mycobacterium xenopi, Increasingly important, Insuline-like growth factors, Miliary nodules, Radiological disease, Acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Co-trimoxazole, Nationwide database, β-defensin-2, Adaptative immunity, Airborne allergens, Parietal pleura, Allergen specific IgE, Rigid forceps biopsy, Flexible forceps biopsy, Heart rate response, Elevated eosinophils, Anti-inflammatory agent, Primary diagnosis, Mediastinal staging, Usual interstitial pattern, Elevated eosinophil, EPR guidelines, Whilst rhinitis, Adipose-related inflammation, HIV-infected individuals, Reversible airflow obstruction, Procedural sedation and analgesia, Cardiovascular instability, Systematic training, Solitary fibrous tumour of pleura, Acute presentation, Immunohistochemical examination, Respiratory function test, Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, Obese populations, COPD assessment test, Bridging therapy, Adjusting arterial, Pulmonary angiomyolipoma, Pressure support ventilation, Spontaneous breathing trial, Ventilator-induced diaphragmatic dysfunction, Phase-rectified signal averaging, Severe exacerbation, Tiotropium Respimat®, Tiotropium HandiHaler®, Soft Mist™ Inhaler, Dental technician pneumoconiosis, Bronchoscopic transbronchial lung biopsy, Adenosine A2a receptor, Preventative therapies, Difficult to control, Refractory asthma, Formoterol maintenance, Nontuberculous mycobacterium infections, Small peripheral pulmonary lesions, Radiographic factors, Carotid body, Invisible under fluoroscopy, Radiographic indices, Hypoxic ventilatory response, Three-dimensional localization technique, Opaque soft copper wires, Rapid on-site evaluation, Early Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection detection, Microbiological isolation, Distinctive symptom profiles, Non-mucoid strain, F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, Asthma guidelines, CPAP titration, Systemic biomarkers, Psychological domains, Indirect resistance, Disease characteristics, Saline fluid nebulization, Endobronchial ultrasonography, Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, Destroyed lung, End-tidal capnographic monitoring, Identifying cardiovascular disease, Nebulization remain unclear, Airway wall thickness, Healthcare utilization database, Diseases presents, Microbial analyses, Possible asthma, Major trauma patients, Lung simulator, Silent aspiration, Cardiac troponin T, Trauma accounts, Potential clinical problem, Clearly defined, Hydrochloride acid, Osmolality plays, Airway epithelium, High-impact diseases, Contralateral lung, Pulmonary exacerbations, Infectious post-injury, Ground glass attenuation, Recruitment maneuvers, Rural children, Reflex cough test, Standardized method, Infrared spectrophotometry, Pulmonary oxygen uptake, Prevalence estimates, Thereby pathogenesis, Indicating myocardial injury, Airway epithelial cells, Significant proportion, Immediate salbutamol responsiveness, Pandoraea sputorum, Hemosiderin-laden macrophages, Arterial oxygen, Fungus ball, Innate immune response, Lung bubblae, Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation, Observation stays, Histone code, Peak cough flow, Avian influenza A H7N9, Hemoptysis patients, Rare autosomal dominant, Innate T helper type 2, 6-minute walk distance, Short-time mortality, Pulmonary vascular resistance, Pathways including extracellular remodeling, Hereditary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, Involuntary cough, Non-fermenting Gram negative bacteria, Observation management, Thymic stromal lymphopoietin, GM-CSF receptor, Cutaneous fibrofolliculomas, Pulmonary cysts, Elderly onset, Critical step, Kitchen smoke, Underlying pathophysiology, Surgically-treated, CPAP compliance, Medicinal efficacy, Restaurant workers, Heterogeneous phenotypes, Restaurant health and safety, Health symptoms, Cardiorespiratory conditions, Emergency department presentation, Acute-onchronic breathlessness, Hispanic male presented, Chronic cough conundrum, HIV risk factors, Clinical genetic testing, Low-dose inhaled corticosteroids, Gene-based association study, Both increasing, Asthmatic patients, DNA methylation profiles, Diffuse persistent interstitial emphysema, Persistent interstitial pulmonary emphysema, Accurate method, Diaphragmatic motion, Nuclear factor-erythroid-related factor 2, Multiple organ injury, Scavenger receptor A, Asian patients, Infective exacerbations, The composite physiologic index, Asthma treatment, Neutrophilic bronchitis, Severe uncontrolled asthma, Predisposing factor, LABA treatment, Reference equations, Spirometry indices, Observed disparities, Pulmonary eosinophilia, Pulmonary vessel volume, Lymphocyte differential count in BALF, FACED score, Cunninghamella bertholletiae, Cellular analysis, Quantitative CT analysis, Multicenter international, Mutually exclusive, Independent entities, Accurate prognosis, Research bronchoscopy, Single use bronchoscopes, Giant bullous disease, Co-colonisation, Bronchial epithelium, HIV-associated tuberculosis, Orchestrating innate, Typical clinic-radiological findings, Pulmonary parenchyma, Endobronchial biopsies, Ground-glass nodule, Positive-pressure respiration, Bloodstream pathogens, In-situ thrombosis, HCl aspiration, Antenatal steroids, Stellate ganglion block, Triaxial accelerometer, Febrile pulmonary exacerbations, Prognostic nomogram, Asthma demonstrated, Thoracic images, Three diseases, Collagen vascular disease, Interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features, Lung surface area, Gas transfer, Lung diffusing capacity, Normal values, Non-smoking, Current smoking adults, Cathepsin-S, Systemic corticosteroids, Eosinophil-guided corticosteroid-sparing therapy, Chronic spinal cord injury, Identify parents’ perceptions, Uncoordinated care, Non-smoker lung cancer, Lung adenocarcinoma spectrum, Ventilation strategy, Interface intolerance, Patient-ventilator asynchrony, IPF subtyping, Patient discharge, Work of breathing, Morbidity worldwide, Endurance time, Energy sensors, Clinically amyopathic dermatomyositis, Rapidly progressive interstitial pneumonias, Polymyxin-B direct hemoperfusion, Informal carer, Self-management programs, Spontaneous breathing trials, High-flow oxygen, Short-term nasal high flow, High flow oxygen therapy, Conventional oxygen treatment, Post-extubation, Dust exposure, Physicians’ practice patterns, Oxygen inhalation therapy, Alleviating dyspnea, Esophageal reflux disease, Several possible determinants, High body mass index, Outcomes pseudomonas aeruginosa, Diaphragm function, Therapeutic goal, Lung function change, Inflammatory phenotype, Pleural abnormalities, Pathogenic mechanisms underlying, Self-limiting fever, Eliminate foreign particles, Pulmonary microbiome, Serological marker, Asthma inflammatory phenotypes, Anti-inflammatory pathways, Opportunistic fungal infection, Human somatic cells, Pleural plaques, Airway eosinophils, Self-disclosure of asbestos exposure, N-terminal pro-brain-type natriuretic peptide, Obstructive apnea syndrome, Daytime sleepiness, Lung-protective mechanical ventilation, Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity, Guide sheath, Neonatal chronic lung disease, Primary lung adenocarcinoma, COPD management, Epithelial lining fluid, Immunohistochemical biomarker, Duplicate measurements, Endogenous nitrogen, Legionella pneumonia, Bronchial biopsies, Airway epithelial, Dusty areas, Pneumonia poses, Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1, Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease, Gain insights regarding, Oral aspirin, Targeted expression, Nerve fibers, Increased morbidity, Glucocorticoid-induced protein, Diagnostic scoring system, Self-reported diagnosis, Codominant model, Inflammatory cell activation, Anti-inflammatory protein, Sweat secretion rate, Nasal high flow, Postoperative pulmonary complication, Asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap, Sweat osmolality, Nebuliser delivery rate, Functional parameters, Skin fold thickness, Type II respiratory failure, Healthy visitors, Pneumoconiosis patients, High morbidity, Non-HIV patient without underlying diseases, Medical resource utilisation, Fatal fibrosing lung disease, Wash-out, Non-responder, Severe respiratory symptoms, Emergency department arrival, Pneumoconiosis category, Chylous disorder, Understanding factors, Secondary pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, Severity scoring systems, Emphysematous change, Inverse probability, Primary chylous disorders, Anti-granulocyte macrophage, Treatment weighting method, Pulmonary emphysema combined, Partially-supervised, Diffuse pulmonary exudates, Colony stimulating factor, Nationwide administrative database, Exercise cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, Never-smokers, Anti-nuclear autoantibody, Right heart function, Interleukin 28B, Anti-HLA antibodies, Rare bacterial infection, Bench test, Correlation study, Myositis specific antibodies, Aspergillus colonization, Human neutrophil peptide, Malignant central airway obstruction, Circulating adiponectin, Pre-puberty asthma, Complex hypersensitivity reaction, Club cell protein-16, Infant mask, Distinguish pulmonary actinomycosis, Interferon lambdas, Clinically hypomyopathic dermatomyositis, Extra-pulmonary malignancy, Progressive airflow limitation, Mucoid impaction, Actinomyces species, Patient-ventilator interaction, Primary graft dysfunction, Immunomodulatory functions, Fatal asthma, Large-volume pleural effusion, HIV-associated bronchiectasis, Dynamic hyperinflation, Post-mortem computerized tomography, Disease management interventions, Ordinal logistic regression, Measuring symptoms

Đánh giá
giáo án lý 9 - 4 sao (17 lượt)