Tìm kiếm "Disciplinary techniques"

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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Disciplinary techniques

Chances of isolating novel actinomycetes Factors affecting it Management of dry root rot caused Watermelon bud necrosis viral disease Family problems Quality changes Optimization of lipase production Greater wax moth Galleria Mellonella Linnaeus In vivo screening of actinobacterial Evaluation of Hepatoprotective property Pathogens infecting the burn wound Participatory management Occupation of the sugarcane growers Biology of mango mealy bug Hemigraphis colorata in Rats Different growth regulator Present and future 16s rRNA analysis technique Larvae of Plutella xylostella Botanical against thrips Hymenopteran larval parasitoid Veronii strain BLB-01 associated Water related problems of beneficiaries Host range of mango mealy bug Gram positive isolates Growing media under net house condition Terms of vegetable production Life cycle of mango mealy bug Biofloc meal GIFT tilapia Survival of GIFT tilapia Tryptophan on growth Sterility mosaic virus Genetic variation in the natural populations Transmission and acaricides Analysis of genetic variation Sundarban biosphere reserve New species Cunexa Terminalae Feeding potentiality Enhance seed yield Quality parameters in chickpea Good chickpea crop establishment Furfuryl amino purine osmotic potential Cellular organelles in pearl millet Alcoholic yeast species Mixed culture Wine from mixed culture fermentation Days to first estrus Days open Services per conception First service Postpartum crossbred cows Cauvery command Seaweed saps on germination Adoption and technological gap Practices of cauliflower cultivation Adoption level of cauliflower growers σB protein Acute otitis externa Prokaryotic system Bacteriological study of acute otitis externa Phosphorus of wheat Recombinant σB protein of avian reovirus Sex distribution of otitis externa patients Zinc on growth parameter High-yield expression In vivo growth characteristics of strawberry Application duration on spread of the plant Explants of strawberry Maize-wheat sequence Manure on establish relationship Soil conditioner on yield Grown on partially reclaimed coastal salt Partially reclaimed coastal salt affected soil Effervescent biofertilizer consortial tablets Pink stem borer Consortial tablets on growth of tomato Weed indices as influenced by propaquizafop Entomopathogenic fungi against aphids on okra Imazethapyr mixture in soybean Growth of tomato Prevailing abiotic parameters Aphid on okra after first spray Pink stem borer on maize crop Formulations was studied in tomato Populations of pod borer L-glutaminase Response of potato cultivars pH on soil L-glutaminase activity Soil L-glutaminase activity Medicinal value of custard apple Components different environments in wheat Maize production system of selected villages Combining ability for grain yield Management of pod borer Water stress tolerance in field conditions Infesting marigold Pod borer infesting marigold Marssonina rosae Bacterial autolysis

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Occurrence of black spot of rose, Kilakarsal sheep by Microsatellite markers, Microbial activity in Bt cotton soils, Daughter corms, Hermit crab, Fungal diversity analysis, Bt cotton soils, Black spot of rose, New registered sheep breed, Chlorella pyrenoidosa NCIM 2738, Plant etracts, Suitability of cut corms, Spatial ecology, New records of hermit crab, Inulin on growth performance, Various nitrogen sources on microalgal growth, Important cultural events, Study of micromycoflora, Genetic variation detected by microsatellite markers, Occurrence of black spot, Planting material on flowering, Survivability in Raja II broilers, Nonspecific immunity, Maharashtra coast of India, Influenced by the biofertilizer consortia, Abandoned mine, Plant extracts against exserohilum turcicum, Farmers in the breeding tract, Record the outbreak of black spot, Ecologically important group, Biological trial was conducted, Urea as nitrogen source, Outbreaks of peste des petits ruminants, Blue-andyellow macaw, Soil particle, Constraints expressed, Chevaadu sheep farmers, Seed dressing fungicides, Shariya tribe lactating women, Occurrence of four hermit crabs, Reference to the aerodynamics, Carrier material, Intimin gene variants, Relative percentage survival, Contact toxicity of certain conventional insecticides, Seed borne diseases of cotton, Constraints expressed by tribal women, Goats in Punjab, Association analysis in germplasm, Blue-and-yellow macaw, Study of anthropometry measurement, Air purifiers, Detection of intimin gene, Tribal women in farm and home management, Maize crop in acid soil, European honeybee, Vaccinated against PPR, Development of bacterial biocontrol, F2 segregating population of barnyard millet, Field efficacy of seed dressing fungicides, Anthropometry measurement of lactating women, Morphometrical analysis of the wing, While neem oil, Significant role of ornamental plants, Home management, Migratory flocks of goats, Maize prices, Formulations with enhanced shelf-li, Calf diarrhoea cases, Congolese forest, Gross morphology of wing, Temperature fall more steadily, Restorer (R) lines in pearl millet, Tribal women in farm, MAPE and price forecast, Spontaneous oleaginous of the congolese forest, Material for nucleic acid extraction, Comparative efficacy of different trade, Bread as its delivery vehicle, Sterculia urens, Spontaneous oleaginous, Price forecast, Gum tapping, Formulations of buprofezin 25SC, Delivery vehicle, Ecological parameters monitored, New source of resistance, Maize price forecasting, Gum yield, Brown plant hopper in rice, Seaweed Kappaphycus extract proliferation, Brown plant hopper Nilaparvata lugens, Gum tapping in gum Karaya, Regressive integrated moving average model, Sensory evaluation of seaweed bread, Brown plant hopper Nilaparvata lugens in rice, High gum production, Glasshouse evaluation of new source, Zero energy chambers, Taiwan Pink, Home gardens, Bt cultivars, Cnaphalcrocis medinalis, Zero energy chamber storage condition, Garden cress seed, Broad bean plant of Manipur, Agro biodiversity, Post-harvest quality parameters, Cartap Hydrochloride, Sensory evaluationetc, Powdery mildew in pea, Zinc on flowering, Sustainability in Bt cotton, Fipronil and Imidacloprid, Women role and Genetic diversity, Bran on quality characteristics of cookies, Productivity of the crop, Key agronomic issues for higher production, Characteristics of cookies, Influence of garden cress seed bran, Growth behavior of wheat cultivars, Growth behavior, Diets of adolescents, Soil fertility status of Mandal block, Dietary diversity in relation, Mandal block, Seed yield of Indian mustard, Student’s instructional farm, Novel colours, Slightly alkaline to strongly alkaline, Relation to micronutrient adequacy, Tinting techniques in China aster, Standardization of tinting techniques, Advance propagation techniques, Caracass characteristics, Sequence cropping, Important spice crops, Seasonal variation in tomato genotypes, Extended spectrum beta lactamase production, Sustainable yield and value index, Pseudostem sap, Nano Zn, Path analysis and aerobic rice, Intercropping treatments, Split bamboo methods, System productivity and profitability, Vencobb broilers, NPK by papaya as affected by organic, Soil as influenced by various sole, Soil mound method, Mechanization in rainfed condition, Nano Zn containing diets, NPK by papaya, Components in aerobic rice, Fatalities due to seasonal variation, Hb level, Chitinolytic bacteria, Maize and NPK status of soil, Single bud rhizomes method, Cotton based cropping system, Bone measurements of commercial broilers fed, Fetal outcome, Keratin associated protein, Yield components in aerobic rice, Quality characters of maize, Custard apple seed flour, Placental outcome, Performance of Indian mustard, Keratin associated protein gene, Protein isolate preparation, Measurement of effectiveness of zinc, Influence of NPK levels on performance, Non-anaemic mothers of selected hospital, Leaves of cape gooseberry, Two indigenous Pashmina goat breeds, Response surface methodology for optimization, Without fym on protein production, Placental outcome among anaemic, Nutrients concentration, DNA amplification by Polymerase Chain Reaction, Pearl millet-wheat sequence, Algal leaf spot, Lasparaginase activity, Cephaleuros species, Soils with depleted, Fertility parameters, Extremely drug resistant, Available Cu, L-glutaminase activity, Cauliflower in dindigul, Integrated nutrient management packages, Various fertility parameters, New record on algal leaf spot of quince, Zn and soybean growing soils, Clustering of genotypes, Long term INM, Phosphorus availability, Solanum species, Antibiotic in dairy cows, Algal leaf spot of quince, Cauliflower crop at different elevations, Soybean growing soils, Phosphorus fractions in soil, Genetic diversity in yard long bean, L-Glutaminase activity in acidic soil, Wavy or feathered, Administration of PGF2α, Growing soils in northern transitional zone, Grafting in brinjal, Worked out to analyse the variability, Early postpartum period, Northern transitional zone of Dharwad Taluk, Antagonism and deficiency, Proterin bands, Biorationals against the fungal pathogen stemphylium vesicarium, Leptocorisa acuta, N-acetyl thiazolidine 4- carboxylic acid, Yield of tomato in an alfisol, OS coxae, The effect of physical activity, Ostrich seminal plasma, Genomic status, Ascitic fluid culture, Combined application of magnesium, Genetic divergence studies in sesame, Fungal pathogen stemphylium vesicarium, Identify seminal plasma proteins, Chemical and mineral composition, Petal fall stage, OS coxae in Guinea fowl, Rice gundhi bug under field condition, Studies on correlation, Management of sheath blight, Blood homocysteine concentration, Important oilseed crop, Seminal plasma proteins in ostrich, Potassium on soil properties, Yield of apricot cv new castle, Stemphyliumvesicar ium, Stem rot diseases of paddy, Certain chemical insecticides, Homocysteine concentrations in two experimental groups, Comparative anatomy of OS coxae, Proteomic approach, Patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, Genomic groups grown in India, Physically active persons, Coxae in pigeon, Fibre content, Very late sowing conditions, Cluster bean genotypes for yield, Zinctransporter-8, Vaccination practices, Scientific equipment practices, Resistance and insulin secretion, Quality parameters of strawberry, Poultry farmers rearing, Insulin secretion, Strawberry is being cultivated, Greatest constraints on poultry farming, Solute carrier 30 A8, Sediment treatment for increasing pH, Shoot weevil, Stratified multistage random sampling, External auditory meatus, Bird of paradise, Proximate composition disparity, Maritime coasts, Reducing heavy metal cadmium, Evaluating poplar leaf extract concentration, Bioefficacy of insecticides, P-P distance, Taianging Usnea sp, Interaction effect of nitrogen, Yield traits and rice, Socio-economic status of fishers, Basal application of P2O5, Increasing pH, Intensity of heating, Potential plant pathogens, Maize growing sample farm, Weed management practices on weed dry weight, Otomycosis in bikaner, L-L distance, Genetic variability studies in bottle gourd, Shoot weevil in okra, Proximate composition of edible insects, Planting season, Water spinach genotypes, Grain yield was recorded, Calibration estimator, Background of wheat variety DWR 162, Carcass characteristics of Giriraja birds, Sporulation of a fungus, Antimalarial activity of Usnea sp, Yield of bird of paradise, Growth regulator intercropping, Direct seeded rice under rainfed condition, Standard method is advocated, Inter-character association studies, Fishers of coastal India, Common adulterants in milk, Bio efficacy of insecticides on grub load, Planting season on Hard seededness, Calibration approach for estimation of area, Herbal immunomodulator on dressing percentage, Heritability estimatio, Knowledge level of trained farmers, Heating on qualitative tests, Hard seededness in Mungbean, Leaf extract media on mycelial growth, Broken branches, Living still below the poverty line, Phytochemical test results of several extracts, Herbal immunomodulator, Low knowledge level category, Citrus greening bacterium, Determination of genetic components, Glucose in milk, Average weather data of Hisar, Shoot weevil infestation in okra, Acid lime aurantifolia orchards, Genetic components, Planting season on hard seededness in mungbean, Probiotic properties in piglets, Corneal ulceration, Triple test crosses in okra, Citrus greening disease in acid lime, Clinico-epidemological profile, Triple test crosses, Sulphur fertilization in combinition, Corneal ulcer cases, Barle leaf area index, Rural hospital of Haryana, Herbal beverage, Combinition of farmyard manure on sesame, Influence of planting dates, Rice varieties on growth, Prevalent fungal isolate, Farmyard manure on sesame, Temperature on plant growth, Economics of summer greengram, Compatibility of Trichoderma harzianum, Economics at varying levels of nitrogen, Growth analytical parameters in wheat, Fruiting of strawberry, Yield of summer greengram, Yield at varying levels of nitrogen, Selected inorganic fertilizers, Direct seeded upland condition Rewa region, Resistant gene analogous marker, Waterborne pathogens, Red Lady, Yellow mosaic virus resistant genotypes, Hydroxamate type siderophore, Phenolgical stages, Genetic purity analysis, Nodulation characters, Thanatephorus cucumeris, Yellow mosaic virus resistant genotypes in greengram, Soil application of Zinc, Earth worms, Management of stalk rot of maize, Genetic purity analysis in maize, Non systemic fungicides, Bradyrhizobium sp, Iron contaminated soil, Average plant yield, Quantity of soil application, High altitude cold arid Ladakh, Bioefficacy of ametoctradin, Maize caused by Fusarium moniliforme, Yield in chickpea, Contribution of each trait towards divergence, Growth parameters of maize hybrids, Grain yield and contributing traits, Rice sheath Blight, Bacopa monneri, Potential strains, Linear density, Vermicomposting under high altitude cold arid Ladakh, Downy mildew disease of cucumber in rabi, Suitable strategies for effective mitigation, Chilli genotypes for yield attributing, Genetic variability of nodulation characters, SSR markers across parents and hybrids, Physical strength, Incidence of leaf curl, Separation of earthworms, Field efficacy of newer insecticides, Typhoid fever-real time PCR, Total potassium content, White fly traits in Coastal Maharashtra, Need of the hour, Neem products against scirtothrips dorsalis, Pollen plants, Studies on pollen germination, Sulphur nutrient, No bacterial Growth, Screening canine microbiota

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Disciplinary techniques - 4 sao (17 lượt)