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Undertaken to evaluate promising diverse genotypes Preference criteria Primary nutrient Diversity management Pear orchard soils Yield attributes of cucurbitaceous crops Post-harvest soil available fertility status Cassava production constraints Available potassium status was high Cucurbitaceous crops Sesame cropping system Farmers’ preference criteria Estimation of various soil parameters Plant densities on growth Diversity management in togo Molecular characterization of fenugreek PEG induced screening Fermented yeast culture Vegetable amaranth genotypes Drought tolerance in tomato genotypes Fertilizer and sown conditions Fluoroquinolones resistance Genetic diversity among fenugreek Role of micronutrients Improvement in egg production Genotypes using rapd markers Hormonal treatment Medium vigour Heterosis in cowpea Micronutrients in fruit crops Antibiogram of escherichia coli isolates PD 3 chicken line Temperature on Rhizoctonia bataticola Anestrus cows Fenugreek genotypes Genotypes of vegetable amaranth Analysed in an experiment Development of F1 hybrids in chilli Natural preservatives Combination of plant densities Polymorphism exhibited Mid storage SRI irrigation Community acquired urinary tract infection Histopathological conditions Cattle productivity Quality in plants Genotypes of tomato including Soaking in water GC-MS analysis of phyto-components Dry root rot in chick pea Selected traits Supplementation of fermented yeast culture Inducing heat in anestrus cows Bamboo seeds Available micronutrients status Dry matter partitioning at harvest High tech nursery management Phyto-components in raw Selected traits in cowpea Improved nutritional therapeutic management practices Muntingia calabura Mid –Storage treatment Treated sugarcane juice Different planting densities Closed transverse fracture Bath treatment Phosphorus and soil properties Maize as influenced Enhancing income Soil properties of Ghatol Tehsil Combining ability in rice Fracture healing property Performance of fig Integration of various nutrients Aeromonas hydrophila infection Muntingia calabura root Runts in planted field Available micronutrients in relation Organism isolated from CSOM Patients Tropical japonica genotypes Highest possible quality Management of leaf blight of wheat Plant growth promoting effect Genotypic and phenotypic coefficient 3-point bending model in rats Leaf blight of wheat Effect of year wise Pear orchards Path analysis in pumpkin Year wise on incidence Neem leaf extract and fungicides Macro-nutrient status of pear orchards Mastitis in crossbred Seed bacterization Year wise on incidence of mastitis Classical optimization Helianthus annus Bioefficiency of Mushrooms Growth promotion of Jute

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Storage and Tuberose, Variability in protein, Soil properties and maize, Nitrofurantoin susceptibility, Bio-availability, Additive and dominance component, Selected botanicals, Higher bioefficiency of mushrooms, Management of bacterial wilt of Solanaceous crops, Esterase profiles of Botryodiplodia theobromae, Loose flowers of Polianthes tuberosa, Seed bacterization with fluorescent pseudomonads, Vitamin D-ENs, Stemrot disease, Bacterial isolates from patient, Chilli rhizosphere microorganisms, Spinosad on shoot, Neem cake on soil health, Higher bioefficiency, Dominance component, Incitant of longitudinal splitting, Urinary tract infection attending, Nano engineering, PDA medium, Hypocotyl explants in capsicum, Quality of banana burfi during storage, Response of different levels of NPK, Patients infected, Effect of pre-cooling, Longitudinal splitting of bark, Horticultural traits in Brinjal, Synergy and diversified, Glomus macrocarpum, Paddy straw were studied, Spinosad against brinjal shoot, Sclerotium rolfsii causing stemrot disease, Protozoan infections, Agriculture soil, Food securit, Wood disease of Acidlime, Triple test cross analysis for yield, Hypocotyl explants of Capsicum hybrids Bharat, Quantitative fecal calprotectin ELISA test, Futuristic option for food security, Characterization of microorganisms, Relation to calprotectin positive levels, Người dân nợ tiền sử dụng đất, Biện pháp giảm tai nạn giao thông, Xử lý vi phạm trong lĩnh vực văn hóa, Zebrafish model described, Dermatan sulfate, Testicular germ cells tumours, Breast cancer resistance, Dysregulated proliferation, Metastatic parental cells, Human homeobox genes, Fluorometric microculture cytotoxicity assay, Ferritin heavy chain, High-risk human papillomavirus type 16, Metaplastic carcinoma, Tumor microenviroment, Stratified analysis, Pleiotropic cytokine, PCR-sequencing, Endogenous tumor promoter, Tumor repressors, Non-tumorous counterparts, AP-1 family members, Competing risks Cox regression, Germline variants, BN genes encode proteins, Cancerassociated lncRNAs, Her4 expression, Her4 isoforms, Inhibits endothelial cell proliferation, Tube formation, HCC cell proliferation, Solid tumour, Docetaxel-containing regimen, Antitumour activity, Including docetaxel, G1 cell cycle arrest, Liver carcinogenesis, PI3K/Akt signaling, Several malignancies, Metallothionein 1G, Rb/E2F pathway, Tumour gene, EGFR antibodies, Hormonal milieu, Methylation index, Aberrant DNA methylation, Primary synchronous lung cancer, Tumor lineage, Diagnostic examination, Classification tree analysis, Liver lesions, Non-seminoma testis, Amino acid transporter, L-type amino acid transporter 1, Serous ovarian borderline tumor, Malignant soft tissue tumors, Selenized milk casein, Circadian gene, Frequently down-regulated, Lethal cancers worldwide, β-estradiol pellets, β-catenin-dependent, Stage II colon cancer, Luciferase reporter assay, Raf kinase inhibitor protein, Gastric lymphoma, Metachronous gastric adenocarcinoma, Primary gastric lymphoma, Extra adrenal paraganglioma, Malignant paraganglioma, Functional paragangiloma, Pancreatic paragangilioma, Actin-myosin pathway, Certain pathways, Myosin light chain kinase, Heat shock transcription factor 1, Geographical remoteness, CRC-specific survival, Induced cytotoxicity, Oncology services, Chemotherapeutic cytotoxic agents, Chalkley method, L amino acid transporter, Human renal cancer, PKCδ activators, B lymphoma, Immunohistochemical criteria, Calcium and magnesium, Oxaliplatin-induced neurotoxicity, Primary keratinocytes, Lentiviral mediated gene transduction, Average celebrities, Annexin A7, Gene transfection, Animal experiment, Capsule rupture, Tumorigenesis remains controversial, Tumor-progressing factors, Prolyl hydroxylase enzymes, Asparaginyl hydroxylase, Cell stress response, Metastatic triple negative, Nuclear caspase-8, Pleural cancer, Tumor dedifferentiation, Mesothelioma mortality, Normal hepatocytes, Anti-gas masks, TRAIL receptor 1, TLR3 pathwaysynergist, Produce therapeutic, IGF-1R inhibitor, Population-based cohort study, Diffuse optical imaging, Human colorectal carcinomas, Total hemoglobin, Apparent diffusion coefficients, Genetic associations, Diffuse thyroid disease, Adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells, T-cell malignancies, Multifunctional membrane protein, T-cell biology, Time from diagnosis to surgery, Survival inequalities, Pro-oncogenic pathways, Serrated adenomas, Platinum-sensitive patients, Glutamate acid decarboxylase 1, Virtually non-existent, Promoter occupancy, Genetically activated BRAF, Sequence-specific transcription factor, Metastatic melanoma harboring, STR profiling, Cutaneous metastases, Co-immunoprecipitation, Therapeutic problem, Disease-related outcomes, Fusion protein expression, Elective treatments, Antineoplastic drug treatment, Biochemical failure-free survival, Epitope detection in monocytes, Metastasis-associated proteins, Non-canonical pathway, EDIM-blood test, Early detection and diagnosis, Genetic BRCA2 insufficiency, Circulating DNA methylation, Asymptomatic cancer, GSH redox, Estrogen-signaling, Lung cancer prevention, Quality-adjusted life expectancy, Out-of-pocket money, Ca2+ homeostasis, Calmodulin antagonists, Renal excretion, Serine-threonine inhibitors, Inducing RIP1, RIP3 dependent necroptosis, Balloon cytology, Epithelial density, Fusion protein EWS/WT1, Murine embryonic fibroblasts, Phosphatidylinositol kinase, Searching reliable, Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-mediated lysis, Protein cancer biomarkers, Breast fluid secretome, SMAD3 transcriptional activity, Paradoxical pro-tumorigenic, ER-receptor, PR-receptor, Increased surveillance, Multicenter analysis, Charlson comorbidity score, HER2 amplification, Urothelial carcinoma of the bladder, Yes-associated protein 1, Wnt signaling transcriptional complex, Interlukin 8, Claudin-1, Abnormal expression, Baculoviral inhibitor, Prostate zones, MiRNA expression, Transition zone, Especially squamous-cell carcinoma, DEK protein, Numerous human malignancies, Tumor cells capable, ALDH+ phenotype, Scattering properties, Cells surrounding, Terminal end bud, Growth factor receptor, Pneumonia acquired during radiotherapy, Including mesothelioma, Certain comorbidities, Hematopoietic malignancy, Dismal outcome, Disease monitoring, Predominantly fair-skinned, Cell adhesion-related glycoproteins MUC-1, Abdominal cancers, Nuclear factor rythroid 2-related factor 2, Radiotherapy fraction, Exogenous stresses, TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand, Therapeutic options, Doxorubicin either, Recombinant granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, Docetaxel chemotherapy, Intensified neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy, Cancer related survival, Global hypomethylation, Plasma S-adenosylmethionine, Trained dogs, Including physical, Consequently increasing survival, Direct bisulfite sequencing, Temporal lobe injury, Acid-prepared mesoporous silica, Malignant mesotheliomas, Chemoresistant tumors, Basal phenotype, Mammary adenocarcinoma, Pain diagnosis, Luminex assay, Biomarker validation, High mammographic density, Integrin alpha3, Integrin beta4, Multiplex analysis, Adherence rates, Definite chemoradiotherapy, Complete histological response, Low cell counts, Operative morbidity, M2 macrophages contribute, Serum metabolite biomarkers, Tumor proliferation, Symptom index, Tumor incidence, Ovarian origin, HPV-mediated transformation, Differentiation resistant phenotype, Periampullary adenocarcinomas, Distal bile duct, Duodenal adenocarcinoma, Embryologic origin, Lanreotide autogel, Antiproliferative effect, Transcribed ultra-conserved regions, Ultra-conserved regions, ATRA-responsive cell lines, Excision repair cross-complementation group 1, Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha, Thymosin β10, Bone morphogenetic protein 4, EGFR 3′ untranslated region, Matrigel provides, CRC cell lines, Adrenocortical carcinomas, Small-scale randomized clinical trial, TP53 gene, Promote malignant, Oncogenic factors secreted, Tumor cell-secreted factors, Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme 2C, Absolute rates, Presenting estimates, Non-coding RNA over-expressed, Potential disease-specific biomarker, Corticotropin releasing factor, Deleted in liver cancer 1, Growing rapidly, Proximal tubules, CRHBP protein, Cholinergic agonist, Detached mindfulness, Mesothelial origin, Co-morbidity, Tankyrase inhibitors, β-catenin mutations, Kinase and phosphatase inhibitors, Early pneumothorax, ALK rearranged lung adenocarcinoma, Bahraini women, Scarce information, Certain breakdown, Tumor blood vessels, Hypoxia occurs, Certain molecular features, Significant hypoxia, NFκB pathways, Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, Invasive phenotype, Imatinib mesylate inhibits cell growth, Resistant cell lines, Crypt growth factors, Receptor-β, Racial disparity, Lymphomas including Hodgkin’s, Odontogenic Ameloblast-associated Protein, Vascular endothelial growth, Carcinogenic exposure, Neoplastic tissues, Haematopoietic malignancies, Potential carcinogens, Cellular growth, Acute skin damage, Cisplatin combination, Individual’s susceptibility, Single-locus analysis, Estrogen receptor pathway, Gallbladder toxicity, Soy phytoestrogens, Refractory to aromatase inhibitor, Including cholecystitis, Recurrent mutations, IGF1R signaling, Metabolite equol, Overall meta-analysis, Biliary colic, Asturian population, Non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor, Bone neoplasm, Gallbladder enlargement, High-grade osteosarcoma, Invasive cervical carcinoma, Follicle-stimulating hormone receptor, High-grade astrocytomas, Cox-2 inhibitor celecoxib, Aggressive malignant brain tumors, Skeletal mineralization, Gastric cardia adenocarcinoma, Promoter’s methylation prior, PDAC-phenotypes, Anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene, Epithelial capsules, Long interspersed nuclear element-1 endonuclease, Q methodology, GCRG213 protein, Non-disrupted capsule, Sexual wellbeing, Tight junction protein, NOTCH1 mutations, Src kinase, Mechanism of inhibition, Anti-VEGF antibody, Separating patients treated

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Đề thi giữa kì - 4 sao (17 lượt)