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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản dân tộc Cơ Ho

Kinh nghiệm vận chuyển cá Cách bấm dây RJ45 về UTP Cat 5 Công văn số 2650/TCHQ-GSQL Cách bấm dây Lượng hạn ngạch xuất khẩu gạo được hồi lại Chili pepper César Lucas LUCAS CRANACH Hạn ngạch gạo được phép xuất khẩu Anoectochilus spp Diverse molecular markers Resistant chili pepper cultivars Enormous world Specific primers Anthracnose resistance-associated molecular markers Genetic diversity of jewel orchid accessions Fusarium oxysporum F sp lentis Phẫu thuật cắt nửa đại tràng Resistant chili pepper cultivars in Vietnam Yellow rust 4 Capsicum spp. Induced resistance Marketing of mizo bird’s eye chilli Jewel orchid in Vietnam Chillies Capsicum spp against whitefly Chemical measures Disease rating Alternaria triticina Resistance of winter wheat Spot blotch (Bipolaris sorokiniana) In vitro plant Microbial identification Mungbean cultivars Lentil wilt through host resistance Greater yam Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn Virulence analysis Levels of plant resistance Wheat improvement Genomic markers Seed microflora Scorzonera zorkunensis International winter wheat improvement program Conamomum odorum Plant resistance Leaf tip necrosis Through host resistance Genetic advance etc Breeding crops Prevalence of spot blotch Dioscorea alata L Disease incidence and Capsicum annuum Standard international blast differentia Interstitial loss-of-heterozygosity Target SNP-seq Host resistance in mungbean cultivars Described and illustrated from Turkey Nematodes occur worldwide Management of lentil wilt Macrotyloma uniflorum Broad spectrum blast resistance genes Wheat and its management Mutation load Recombinant coat protein New species of Zingiberaceae Zinc and 160 rice genotypes Foliar blight resistance Basically organic agriculture Scorzonera L. species Genetic advance over per cent mean Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn in vivo Cost-effective Kompetitive allele-specific PCR Greater yam (Dioscorea alata L.) Rice of manipur High population of viruliferous white Spine gourd Nigella sativum L Followed by Samba ranging Gemini virus Narrowly elliptic leaf Luffacylindrica Roem L Genetic variability in 30 genotypes Mutational signature TA cloning 160 rice genotypes Association of traits in horsegram Product oriented Morphologically similar Diversity and character association Genetics and plant breeding Morpho-physiological variation Tartaric acid content His-tag purification Ovoid congested inflorescence Swarna x Ranbir Basmati Cross Correlation studies among ten Chakhao Tomato leaf curl disease Performance for various quantitative

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Detection and identification, Organic agriculture are derived, AV1 coat protein gene, Resistance against leaf curl virus, Pubescent calyx, Realizing higher yield levels, Different germplasm, Identification of tomato leaf curl virus, Rice genotypes derived, Chilli leaf curl virus, Promising clones, Insight into transgenic development activities, Genetic conservation, Diversity of tomato leaf curl virus, Insecticides against tomato leaf curl, Kaurenoic acid hydroxylase, Identification of promising clones, Transgenics in ornamental crops, Heritability in selected mulberry, Virus affecting tomato, PCR method, Little millets Panicum sumatrense, Diverse genetic resources, Coastal zone of odisha, Identification of resistance sources, Callistephus chinensis L, Promising clones of potato, Chaperone GroEL protein, Marginal environments, Creating novelties, Vein clearing of the leaves, Cotton improvement, Stevia transformation, Yield attributing characters of fennel, ROS-scavenging enzymes, Cotton leaf curl virus, Whiteflies and phylogenetic relationship, Phenotypic and genotypic coefficient, Profenofos treatments, Pepper breeding, Genetic variability among, Conventional breeding programs, Morus spp, Economically important cut flowers, Okra genotypes for shoot, Molecular markers in cotton improvement, Sunflower leaf curl virus disease, Global wheat, Virus particles, DNA-A molecule, Cotton and geminivirus, Curl virus disease severity conditions, Classical breeding, Transgenic Stevia, Future breeding programmes, Fibre quality traits, Tomato leaf curl virus associated, Ornamental crops, Invitro evaluation of fungicides, Country next to groundnut, Biotechnology supported, Emerging potential threat to cotton, Yellow vein mosaic virus disease, Novel traits, Genotypic coefficient, Single spore, Chromosomal translocations, Resistance plants in screening plots, Single stranded DNA, Orange flesh sweet potato, Curl virus disease over environments, Bioagents against colletotrichum truncatum, Isolation of single spore, Significantly inhibited the mycelial growth, Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam), Horse gram, Chickpea (Kabuli), Identification of resistance against soybean anthracnose, Broad sense, Orange flesh sweet potato genotypes, Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) kabuli, Anthracnose of horse gram, Hill zone of Karnataka, Priming and seedling parameters, Resistance against soybean anthracnose, Công văn số 27684/CT-TTHT, Czepek’s Dox agar, Vigour parameters, Intergeneration correlation, Genetic advance for growth, Soybean anthracnose, Different priming methods, Botanicals against colletotrichum truncatum, Peptone salt agar, Interfamily variability, Kabuli chickpea, Narrow sense heritability, Kê khai hóa đơn bỏ sót, Durations for Kabuli chickpea, Oat meal agars, Kabuli chickpea (Cicer kabulium L.), Phenotypic coefficient of variance, Hóa đơn bỏ sót, Acid soil of nagaland, Gyrocarpus asiaticus, Voacanga africana, Spondias mombin, Genotypic coefficient of variance, Various carbon sources, Properties of acid soil, Lemongrass leaf, Forced swim test, Zebra fish, Disease resistant, Chemical composition of maize, Tail suspension test, Optimization of the aqueous extract process, Stored grains, Spondias mombin (Anacardiaceae), AgNO3 solution, Germination rates, Mangosteen peel for dyeing silk, Paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity, Evolutionary phase, Crude aqueous extracts, Color fastness of silk fabric, Levels of inorganic fertilizer, F2 progenies, Botanical pesticide, Chilli or hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), Participatory plant breeding, Evaluating the juice of extract, Productivity of direct seeded rice, Growth of rice, Experimental application of surgical technique, fungicide, Bio-fertilizer on physico-chemical properties, Male cats, Breeding medium maturity maize hybrid, Hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L. annuum), Combating climatic irregularities, Fish preservation, Extracting and testing a natural plant dye, Rainfed midland situation, Pesticide loss in environment, Manures on soil physical properties, Contributing characters, Pesticides and compatibility, Surgical technique for perineal urethrostomy in male cats, chemical pesticide, Normal urination, Soil in pea, F2 progenies of hot pepper, Maize hybrid with high yield, Breeding approaches, Leaves extract, QFQbanding technique, Some methods in micropropagation, Pesticide loss, Endangered plant, In vitro compatibility, Perineal urethrostomy in male cats, Determining some cultivation technologies, Perineal urethrostomy, Osmanabadi buck, Variability for growth, Breeding of Paphiopedilum spp, Gases and aerosols, Diagnosis of subclinical endometritis, Endangered plant species, Fish spoilage, Pests and diseases, The perineal urethrostomy, Boer buck, Increased crop yield, Paphiopedilum spp, horticulture, Could provide a decrease, Technique for propagation, Home-breed male cats, Subclinical endometritis, Cytogenetic analysis of Osmanabadi, Pesticide dose needed, Residues in foods, Vitroderived explants of mature plants, Review on plant tissue culture, Field observations, Cytobrush technique, Boer breeding bucks breeds, Antibiotic sensitivity pattern is reported, African Pride, Calcium carbide, Soluble polymeric suppor, Preference-performance, Fruit diameter, Flesh pigmentation, Purification methods, Atemoya pericarp elucidates, Fruit peel coloration, Prunus mira, Combinatorial chemistry, Ger-anylgeranyl diphosphate, Muskmelon hybrids, Multiple-choice test, Polysaccharide metabolism, Newly developed hybrids of sunflower, Rind thickness, Green-ripe stages, Reaction monitoring, Quantitative analysis of oil yield, Soluble polymeric support, QUY CHẾ ỨNG DỤNG, P carrier and levels of P, Wheat in loamy sand, Berry ripening, Phytoene synthase 1, FYM and levels of P carriers, Quyết định số 594/QĐ-TCT, Euglena gracilis, High amino acid content, Lipo-chitooligosaccharide, Light stress, Nod factors, Caffeine biosyntheses, HELMINTOX, Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase, Shoot branching, Edible podded pea, Fertilizers and their combinations, Bioactive profile, Soil fertility and nutrient uptake, SL biosynthesis genes, Rice CV Co 51, Floral and commercial yield characters, Tea cultivar, Number of primary branches, Biofertilizers on quality, Organic manures on fruit quality, Percentage of survival of sweet orange, Giun bao Trichinella spiralis, Wood ash, Quality of radish, Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon Mill), Commercial yield characters of strawberry, Carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 7, Papaya cv Arka Prabhat, Quality of spinach beet, Survival of sweet orange, Maize yield and soil fertility, Photosynthetic organisms, Quality of tomato, Transgenic plants carrying, Applied treatment, Yield of edible podded pea, Spinach beet (Beta vulgaris var. bengalensis), Roll of organic manures, Green gram [Phaseolus radiata (L.)], Organic manure on maize yield, Photosynthesis-related gene, Maximum pulp thickness, Treatment combinations replicated, Bio-fertilizers on growth, Different levels of fertilizer application, Flame seedless, Acid-pepsin digestion, Gia đình và dòng họ người Dao, Abscisic acid signaling, Nitrogen metabolism, Multiplex PCR in Maharashtra, Cấu trúc gia đình người Dao, Time of ripening, Assimilates allocation, Organ-specificity, Bean Phaseolus vulgaris L., Occurrence of trichinellosis, Root fresh, Quan hệ trong gia đình người Dao, osmotic Vigna unguiculata L., Fruit quality of flame seedless grape, Apoplastic washing fluid, Sugar metabolism, Growing watermelons, Cấu trúc dòng họ người Dao, BiNGO plug-in software, Pre-harvest application of hydrogen cyanamide, Corchorus capsularis, Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein kinase, Genomic DNA from C. capsularis, chữa bệnh từ ớt chỉ thiên, Liệt nhánh hàm dưới, Chuyển cơ nhị thân, Điều trị tổn thương nhánh, Tạo hình đẹp với cảnh biển, điểm hút của mắt, tiền cảnh trong ảnh, Công văn số 12366/CT-TTHT, Hướng dẫn chính sách thuế giá trị gia tăng, Công văn 870/TCT/DNNN, Điểm nguy cơ GRACE, Sự nhạy cảm, Trời sao hồ rộng, Phủ lý tháng riêng, Cũng tại anh, Mùa xuân ra đi từ nghĩa trang, Chicken Adobo, giò heo hấp, thực đơn cho trẻ dưới 10 tháng tuổi, Bài giảng Suy tuyến yên, Tìm hiểu Hypopituitarism, Định nghĩa tuyến yên, Sinh lý của tuyến yên, Natural hydroxyapatite, Tính chất tuyến yên, Mineralized hydroxyapatite, Pb2+ ion, Hướng dẫn cắt ghép file, Maximum adsorption capacity, Ushio And Tora, hướng dẫn dán tranh treo tường, Fujita Kazuhiro, Gây tê khoang cùng bằng levobupivacain-fentanyl, mẹo dán tranh treo tường, bức tranh lá, Tranh treo 3d, Tranh lá điệu đà treo tường, AuE aptasensor, vật dụng trang trí, Kế hoạch 172, Những hữu ích của Windows 8, nguyên nhân gây nghiến răng, trẻ nghiến răng, Tìm Kế thần, cách xử lý trẻ nghiến răng, Tính Thái Ất, Tìm Chủ khách, Tìm Bát môn trong Tuế Kế, tật nghiến răng của trẻ, Real time hand gesture recognition technique, Views of the Vietnamese Communist party, Programming with the Kinect, Multiview hand gesture, Common hand gestures, Application to music display system, The Vietnamese Communist party, Conditional Modality Fusion, Common hand gestures used by Vietnamese, Cross view recognition, Real-time hand gesture recognition method, Add gesture, Communist party on religion, Properties of life, common hand gestures used by American, Jacob Eisenstein and Randall Davis, Relevance factor data, Community acquired MRSA, posture recognition, Canonical correlation analysis method, Darwinian view of life, kiểu găng tay, Patient perception, The 12th Congress’ documents, Head and neck space infections, The FMM neural network model, your applications, Global survey, Domains of social life, Thematic content analysis, Neck space infections, Development Kit, Patient organizations, CA-MRSA includes drainage, Periorbital cellulitis, mẹo chọn ngao ngon, Tìm hiểu bước đầu về đa tạp Stein, Đa tạp Stein, Phương trình Caucahy - Riemann, Định lý nhúng các đa tạp stein, nguyên nhân gây thối trái, Bao chỉnh hình, lưu ý khi trồng sầu riêng, mẹo khi trồng sầu riêng, Thông tư liên tịch 06/2006/TTLT-BTC-BLĐTBXH, thủ đô Oslo của Na Uy, Chiếc Đèn Trung Thu, Thông tư liên tịch 06/2006/TTLT-BLĐTBXH-BTP, thủ tục bảo lãnh người lao động, Thông tư thể thao, màu móng thời thượng, cách chữa xước tay, Quyết định số 4517/QĐ-UBND, Quyết định số 08/2002/QĐ-TTg, Quyết định 405/2020/QĐ-UBND, Quyết định số 4517, Quyết định số 405/2020, Số 4517/QĐ-UBND, Số 405/2020/QĐ-UBND, Quyết định số 730/QĐ-UBND, nhật ký nuôi con, Lệ phí hộ tịch trên địa bàn tỉnh Đồng Nai, con 4 tháng tuổi

Đánh giá
dân tộc Cơ Ho - 4 sao (17 lượt)