Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm
Turmeric towards leaf spot, Raising land elevation, Wheat export, Ventilator associated event, Farmer’s towards value addition, Early maturing potato variety, Urinary myiasis, Pathogen exhibits good tolerance, Skin inflammation, Foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.), Permanganate oxidisable carbon, Genetic variability in Brinjal, In vitro response, Crop with reference to wheat, Optimum extraction, Toxicity effect of thevetia peruviana, Riemerella anatipestifer, Horticulture and vegetable crops, Diversity of seed-borne mycoflora, Immunocompetent female, Yield of papaya, Promising sugarcane varieties, Trichome frequency, Loamy sand, REP-PCR, Alternaria leaf blight disease, Banana pseudostem weevil, Watershed areas, Seed-borne mycoflora, Soils on the morphology, Problem in livestock, Production and export, Cauliflower (Brasica oleracea Var. botrytiss L.), Electrophoretic patterns, Groundnut genotype against thrips, Relation to different chickpea varieties, Different modifications, Bio-agents against, Optimum extraction of groundwater, Atopic dogs, Flowering and yield of papaya, Human infestations in rural tropical, Yield and yield attribute, Nine agro climatic zones, Riemerella anatipestifer isolates, Effect of the best dose of N, Kutki millet and quality attributes, Endoscopic evaluation, Groundwater for sustainable, Globe is uncommon, Concurrent dermatophytosis, Chickpea were subjected, Shoot retention, Custard apple landraces, Kufri chipsona-1, Root zone temperature, Choice of the producers, Stem rot of broccoli, P and K fertilizers, Sesame alternaria leaf blight disease, Parent and infant temperament, Repetitive sequence-PCR, PUC students, Fresh vegetables, Status of different diseases, Lower urinary tract affections, Current veterinary diseases, Concurrent dermatophytosis in atopic dogs, Custard apple genotypes collections, Shoot retention on growth, Tribal youths, Adolescence and intervention, Fruit yield of watermelon, Musanga cecropioides, Cooked vegetables, Nutritional composition of different cultivars, Rural agrarian parents, Vacuum seeder, Male dogs, Cotton under south Gujarat region, Genotypes of custard apple collected, DNA binding dye, Yield and fruit characters, Irrigation levels on root zone temperature, Integrated weed management on yield, Adaptogenic (Anti-Stress), Each class, Multiple crops, Infant temperament, Urinary tract affections, Profile and problems of Soliga, Conducted periodically, Assessment of nutritional composition, Rejuvenated guava, Economics of pearl millet, Real time PCR and its application, Aqueous Musanga cecropioides (Urticaceae), Providing confirmatory diagnosis, Comparative analysis on profile, Infant temperament and parenting styles, Multiple crops sowing, Leaf blight disease, Rejuvenated guava (Psidium guajava L.), DPPH radical scavenging capacity, Child develops, Right tenancy and crops, Multiple crops sowing in the trays, Anoxia stress tolerance, Design features of vacuum seeder, Phương pháp lấy mẫu lúa, Xác định locus gen, Bảo quản mẫu lá lúa, Năng suất linh lăng alfalfa AF1, Kỹ thuật sản xuất cỏ, Hệ protein của giống sắn, In vitro propagation protocol, Breeding selection, Carbon pool, Environmental homogeneity, Diameter increment, Optimisation of an in vitro, Eucalyptus seed orchards, Spatial point pattern analysis, Relationships and spatial distribution, Eucalyptus urophylla, Valuable lily (Lilium spp.), Broadleaved forest, Diameter-at-breast-height, Diversity of understory vegetation, Tropical broad leaved forest, Linear mixed effects models, Fast-growing eucalyptus urophylla families, Lily micropropagation, Nearest neighborhood, Soil animals, Trunk biomass, Species group, Species in north Zamari reserve forest, Spatial and association patterns, Good trunk quality, Uniform angle index, Bao Lam rubber enterprise, Carbon stock in forest plantations, Ecological species, Tropical broadleaved forest stands, Nearest neighborhood characteristics, Boron rosin, The status of coniferous plants, Diversity and distribution ericacease species, SMA mixture, Moisture absorption, Leaching resistance, Coniferous plants, Distribution ericacease species, Orthogonal experimental design method, Styrax tonkinensis wood, Wettabillity of beech veneer treated, Nam Nung nature reserve, Muong La nature reserve, Residential land prices, Equilibrium moisture content, Marshall stability, Fixation of boron, N-methylol melamine compounds alkyl ketene dimer, Factors influencing residential land prices, Orthogonal experiments, Rosin sizing agent, Family (Cephalotaxaceace), Cyclic tests, Modified beech veneers, Stabilize theresidential land pieces, Residual stanility, Provide implication, Avian mycoplasma, Cordyceps neovolkiana, Ent-kaurane diterpenoids, Multiple seedlings, PTP1B inhibitor, Tripneustes gratilla, Glycerol carbonate, Genus specific PCR, Household waste, C-H bond dissociation enthalpies, Tropical atmospheric exposure, Eco regions, Zarrouk media, Wheat heat tolerance, Repeat insemination, Choanal specimens, Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid micronutrient, Insulin-mimetic biflavones, Weather resistance, Azospirillum and biofertilizers, GnRH analogue, Sowing date and cultivar, Yellow sea urchin, Higher biochemical temperature breeding, Flowering response, Multidrug resistant E coli isolated, Post-harvest soil, Tracheal specimens, CMS line in carrot, Mid parent, Non-infectious repeat breeding crossbred cows, Sambalpuri buffalo, Showing high resistance, Hybrid carrot seed, Bihar during rice growth period, Ammonium sulphate, Photo period, Bacteria present in cow dung, Better parent, Pikovsakaya’s medium, Study of physiological traits, Artificial recharge, Residual effect of levels, Karnataka to photo period, Bacteria present, Cytoplosmic male sterility, Paddy rhizosphere soil, Colletotrichum psidii, Vermicompost application, Standard parent, Physiological traits of Sambalpuri buffalo, Check dam, Seed drills, Biochar and fym on growth, Okra leafhopper, Canine tumours, Flowering response in traditional rice varieties, Predominant type of organism, Buffalo population, Kharif marigold (Tagetes erecta L.), Weather change, Teat fistula in sirohi goat, Bullock drawn seed cum fertilizer drill, Combi fungicides against anthracnose, Sulphur deficient doil, Northern leaf blight, Recharge shaft, Solubilization efficiency, Teat fistula, Multi-extractants, Combi fungicides against anthracnose of guava, Bullock drawn seed, Combing ability, The treasure of nutrients, Tumours of Dog in Bengaluru, Community acquired methicillin resistant, Cane regulation, Cotton crop in selected, Cotton HDPS, Identification of Alternaria alternata, Insecticides against Okra Leafhopper, Severity of purple blotch disease, Recharge borewell, Error rates, Rhizobium leguminosarum culture, Substitute crop, Inter-crop, Molecular screening, Nehru yuvaKendras, Higher per cent reduction, Mammary gland origin, Silicon on incidence, Wine grapes (Vitis vinifera L.), HDPS in irrigated ecosystem, Adhesive tape, Clearly demonstrated, Nehru yuva kendras, Gini index, Paddy crop grown, Wax esters, Mahila mandals, Dermatophytes in teaching hospital, Both health care, Alien introgression, Changing weather conditions, Cane regulation ongrowth, Mature green leafy vegetables, Antifungal genes against northern corn leaf blight, Infant feeding tube, Leaf spot disease infected samples, Compact cotton grown, Resazurin based colorimetric proliferation, Mahila Mandalsand performace, Nitrogen levels on yield attributes, Critical limits of zinc, PCR based detection, Community settings now, Dermal health, Vigna umbellata hybridization, Problmesand suggestions, Contained higher amounts, Wilk’s Lambda, Antibiogram of gram positive cocci isolated, Profile of dermatophytes, Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus Hort.), Ratooned pearl millet, Quality of wax esters, Appropriate statistical tools, Fields around Udaipur, Nitrogen uptake by barley, Response of popcorn, Quality parameters of chickpea, PBMCS of goats and sheep, Rabi maize, Broccoli growth, Mahilamandals of Nehru yuva kendras, Different skin sites, Involving vigna mungo, Taxi transportation flow prediction, Gram positive cocci isolated, Influence of indigenous nicobari, Alcohol and cuticle formation, NYK making total, Popcorn to organics, Mastitic cow milk, Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L. Moench), Nitrogen content in grain, Goats and sheep, Contiguous regions jams, Training programmme, Gladiolus breeding programme, Cross combinations revealed genotype, Wheat productivity, Clinical profile, Correlation of biomarker, Drought sensitive wheats, Selected based on maximum number, Indigenous nicobari, Catheter associated urinary tract infection, Mulching and methods, Broccoli growth and yield parameters, Introgress alien genes, Predicting taxi transportation, Varieties on protein, Prevalent in this region, Yield and gap analysis, Wheats (Triticum aestivum), Ankleshwar chicken breeds, Irrigation on okra, Application of organic manures, Tribal farmers of Pratapgarh, Detecting jam regions correlations, Biochemical attributes of semen, Model predicting taxi, Cleavage rate, Dry matter content, Serum gonadotropin, Existing dairy husbandry practices followed, Rice insect-pests, Variability in the population, Follicular fluid, Greenhouse rose cultivars, Growth performance of pulses, Rabi season forage crops, Livestock owners, Groundnut seed dormancy, Socioeconomic condition, Dark spot of mustard, Parasitic infestation, BPT5204 mutants, Response of bermuda lawn grass, Soil meso-fauna, Buffalo follicular fluid, Goblet cells, Incidence and correlation, Ethrel concentrations, Information regarding existing dairy, Molecular occurrence, Haematobiochemical and oxidative stress, Maturation medium, Maize genetic diversity, Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern, National level, Farmers cultivating Makhana, Bermuda lawn grass, Salinity tolerance in rice, Reduction of yield, Evaluate eleven greenhouse rose cultivars, Groundwater potential, Efficacy of antiprogesterone, Gut pH, Storage periods, Predesigned questionnaire, Weather parameters in central, Nuclear maturation rate, Very easy digestible, Organically cultivated fodder maize eco system, Purple blotch complex, Incubation experiment, Estradiol 17b, Dry weight of clipping, Spice crops agro-climatic soil fertility weather conditions, Saline stress soil, Plays significant role, Parasitic infestation in diabetic patients, Canine parvovirus infection in dogs, Evaluate antimicrobial susceptibility pattern