Tìm kiếm "Công văn số 3161/CT-TTHT"

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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Công văn số 3161/CT-TTHT

Linear Actuators Tool wear rate optimization mechanical drawings medical associations Super ranking concept rectangular 2tori Maggie Macnab Precision Screw Products standard brazing Taguchi method for die steels Machining parameter optimization in turning process for sustainable manufacturing Non-traditional machining process Machining parameter optimization in turning proces meaningful design Custom Actuatorsm soldering standards Midwifery Care The power consumption during turning process Custom Plastic Nuts Using Universal Forms Evidence Course NTM processes Tool steel Dry/MQL/Wet Principles in Design Natural Alliance Rose varieties Effect of coolant types on grinding force Voices That Matter Variability study in rose varieties Examination of machining parameters Hand painting Coolant types on grinding force Developing new varieties suited Kangayam cattle EDM of tool steel Deccani style Surface grinding 90crsi steel Selected rose varieties Kangayam cattle farmers in vermicomposting Nirmal arts The surface roughness significantly reduced Assessment of knowledge level Innovative textile design ideas Genome-wide SNP markers Suitable cooling regimes Kangayam cattle farme Quintessential Naqqashi Nirmal painting art Characterization of genome-wide SNP markers Ecotypic differentiation Plasma treatment Sanding process Wood sanding assignments Pinus sylvestris Bond strength Effect of substrate weight variation Influence Zambian higher education lecturer’s attitude towards integrating ICTs Methacrylate-based resin composite Wood planing Cross bread cattle Rotary-cut veneers Spawn method in production of white oyster mushroom Teaching and research European black pine Silorane-based resin composite Natl Council of Teacher White oyster mushroom Composition in dairy cattle Spacing and training on growth Attitude towards integrating ICTs Lombardy poplar Traci Gardner Feeding dried distiller’s grains plus solubles Completely Randomized Design Adhesive system on repair potential Yield of polyhouse grown cucumber Xanthomonas axonopodis resource-stretched classrooms Parity following completely randomized design High Biological Efficiency Polyhouse grown cucumber Completely randomised design Following factorial completely randomized design The growth of sesame ADB1 varietyof sesame ADB1 variety Quantitative parameters analysis of variance Modeling of surface roughnes The yield of sesame ADB1 varietyof sesame ADB1 variety Multi-objective optimization of surface roughness Replacement of black soldier fly larvae meal Sesame ADB1 varietyof sesame ADB1 variety Early maturing Indian cauliflowers Productivity in dry turning of AISI 52100 steel Growth performance of discus fish Exploitation of heterobeltiosis Randomize Complete Block design Trajectory tracking Polygenic variations Coating cermet tools Black soldier fly larvae

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Heterobeltiosis in tomato, Motion regeneration technique, Randomized complete block design, Experimental field vegetable science, G X E interaction, Dual arm robot, Completely randomized block design, Various bottle gourd, Fishmeal by black soldier fly larvae, Variability studies in foxtail millet, Diallel fashion excluding reciprocals, Backstepping-Sliding Mode Control, Stability analysis in soybean, Various bottle gourd siceraria, Degrees of freedom, Investigation was carried, High order sliding mode control, Study on different feed, Modelling of furuta´s pendulum, Anti-sway based compensation, Control of furuta´s pendulum by sliding modes technique, The performance of broilers chicken, Chickens per each replication, Sliding modes technique, Pso algorithm for overhead crane, Central dry zone, Mix crumble and pellet, the Concept of sliding modes, Yield and quality of sesame, Gross returns, Growth and yield parameters, Physical diet forms, Furuta's inverted pendulum, Pomegranate cv Bhagwa, Food colour summer rice fallows, Broccoli and plant growth regulators, Neem coated urea + nitrification inhibitor, Treatments etc, Garland orange, Rice straw compost, Micronutrients on okra, African marigold (Tagetes erecta L), Different plant spacing on Tulsi, Factorial randomized block design, New herbicide, Correlation and path analysis, Treatments consisted, Photodegradable films, Early leaf spot, Path analysis in blackgram, New herbicides on yield attributes, Quality of okra, Polyethylene-cassava starch, Yield attributing character, Blackgram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper), Late leaf spot, Onion (Allium cepa L.), Yields of soybean, Photosensitive agents, Groundnut genotypes, Growth characters of radish, Post emergence herbicides, Groundnut during kharif, Inorganic source of nutrients, Growth parameters in Onion cv N-53, NaZn13-type cubic structure, Azospirillum on yield, Magnetocaloric materials, Quality of Turmeric, Handbook of Residue Analytical Methods for Agrochemicals VOLUME 1 and VOLUME 2, Flow networks, The effect of residual la, Space Exploration, Space Industry, Major Business, Soft set, Chen’s invariant, Shape operator, Treasury Secretary, Totally nonhomologous to zero, Safety analysis of increase in heat removal from reactor coolant system, Soft point, Squared mean curvature, Multi-residue analysis of polar pesticides, Space History, Slant submanifolds, Pro-torus, Soft topological space, Quaternionic space form, Inadvertent operation of passive residual heat removal, Generalized complex space form, Human Achievements, Cleanup procedure combined QuEChERS method, Soft diagonal, Slant submanifold, Investigation on the use of chloramphenicol in snakehead fish, Passive residual heat removal, K-Ricci curvature, Cohomological structure of a space, Productivity of cherry, The analytical method of polar, Soft uniform structure, S -manifolds, Amoxicillin in snakehead fish, Shape operator AH, Topological group, The reactor coolant system, Firm-bank relationships, Cherry production, Compounds in sediment, Soft uniform space, Surti goat, Channa maculata farming, Milk yield in singlet, Italian manufacturing SMEs, Analysis of those antibiotic residue in muscle samples, Soft uniform continious function, Udder morphology relationship, The use of chloramphenicol, Lending relationships, Bearing Surti goat, Institutional quality matter, Protein data bank, Controlled porosity osmotic pump tablets, Timolol maleate, 3D-fingerprint, Factorial design, Chemical space, Molecular shape, Directly compressed cores, Mosapride citrate, Medium optimization, Xyloglucan Pluronic micelles, Cunninghamella sp 2A1, Tagetes minuta, Intranasal administration, Response surface, Plant densities, Analysis of aquacrop model, Gastrointestinal motility, Seedling planting, Production of biomass, Aquacrop model, Improved therapeutic efficacy, Himachal Pradesh (India), Aquacrop model for potato crop, Reflux esophagitis disease, Mid-Hill condition, Management of tagetes minuta, Potato crop during rabi season, SET50 index, Plant densities in Mid-Hill condition, Multiple regression based, Forecasting SET50 index, Face detection and recognition is challenging due, Learning from data, The Wide variety of faces, Comparing two groups, A test of independence, Multiple correlation, Comparing groups, Comparisons involving proportions, Binomial logistic regression, PHSTVs prediction equations, Cell entrapment, Fertilizer prescription, Adaptive routing, Hybrid brinjal, Kluyveromyces marxianus, Nominal techniques, Quality of Experience, Ethanol fermentation, Plant spacing of aeration on the growth, Maize on Vertisol, Sweet sorghum juice, Frequency of aeration on the growth, Hybrid brinjal based, Video over software defined networking, Test crop maize, Yield of water dropwort, Watercress nutritious solution, Secondary Succession, Interpenetrating polymer networks, Weed control method, GA3 on vegetative growth, Water dropwort planted, Diameter Distribution, Shade conditions, Sprouting in gladiolus, Spatial Statistics, Reduce the yield losses, Recommend dose of fertilizers, Gibbrellic acid, Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica L.), Environment and orchard conditions, Anthropogenic Disturbances, Nutrient management practices on yield, Weed management in vegetable crops, Vegetative growth and gladiolus, Yield attributes of Ashwagandha, Natural Vegetation Regeneration, Quality and nutrient uptake of N, Investigation GA3, Performance of different varieties, Asiatic lily, Conventional variety, Respect to yield, Flower yield and shade net, P and K of vegetable cowpea, Low-speed airfoil, Economic analysis of hybrid, Training level, Vegetable cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.), Multi-fidelity analysis, Nitrogen on vegetative growth, Flower yield of asiatic Lily, Training on vegetative growth characteristics, Flying wing UAV, Protected environment, Red cabbage, Yield of tomato, Different plant spacings, Pruning on growth characteristics, Effectiveness and feasibility, Plant spacings on vegetative growth, Grown in polyhouse, Optimum plant density, Vegetative growth, The physics of spin-1/2 xy model, Yield of red cabbage, One loop corrections, Planting distance, The quantum spin liquid, Fruit yield of okra, Decay τ → µγ in economical 3-3-1 model, Four site exchange interaction, Varieties on yield attributes, Lepton flavor violating, Application of the collective model to determine, The kagome lattice, What Makes Evaluation Hard, Evaluating language understanding accuracy, Rotational bands of 239U nucleus, The microscopic model, respect to objective outcomes, Purity Germanium detector, Multimodal user interfaces, a dialogue system, Ready-to-eat snacks, Experimental evaluation, Dalat Research Reactor, Goat offal meat powder, Pursuit tracking, Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis, đề thi anh văn SAT, Extruded snacks incorporating goat, Self-Organizing Markov Models, Multimodal feedback, Development and quality evaluation, luyện thi kỹ năng tiếng anh, Their Application to Part-of-Speech Tagging, Sour dough, thiết kế ky hợp, Hae-Chang Rim Jin-Dong Kim, Masonry infills, Goat milk whey, lựa chọn ly hợp, Reinforced concrete frame, Composite flour, Studies on sensory analysis, Nonlinear static analysis, Sour dough bread, Goat milk whey based herbal beverage, Colour and appearance, Nonlinear behavior model, Flavored lassi, Damage function, Analytical models of contact interaction, Simple analytical model incorporating perforation length, Evolution of analytical methods, Molten salt reactors, Interaction of rod centralizers, Development of carrot extract, Streptococcus lactis, Averting expenditure, Therapeutic food, Oil well productivity, Real-world inferential insights, Coarse cereals, Analytical model, The ways of fastening of centralizer’s, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services, The fuel geometry, Carrot extract incorporated, Streptococcus diacetylactis, Guava RTS, Higher fluid velocity, Required dietary, Miller and Modigliani, The parameters of its rigidity and strength, vai trò của Bioindicators, Land quality, The BISM Tabular Model, Synbiotic Lassi, Serpent 2 monte carlo code, Standardization and consumer acceptability, Kerr nonlinear effect, Length of perforation, Thermal hydraulics, Soya bean, Firm’s financial leverage, Emergency core Draining System, Event-event coincidence, Fighting Terrorism, đặc điểm của Bioindicators, Rod centralizers of casing with a well wall, Different reactor conditions, Novel food products, Optimizing well productivity, Quantum interference and coherence, Carrot synbiotic lassi, Corporate bankruptcy model, Storage of guava RTS, Safety analyses, High protein etc, Simplified 0-D semi-analytical model, BI Semantic Model, Combating Terrorism, Generating multi-group neutron cross sections, Millets for school children, Nuclear structure, Results of operation, Three-level V-type atom, Cultivars on storage, Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared, Design analyses for full core conversion, Human Aspects, Development of therapeutic food, Critical congenital heart disease, On the interaction between self-excited and forced oscillations, Utilization of the Dalat nuclear research reactor, Primary screening method for cancer in canine serum, Gamma two-step cascade method, Brown planthopper, Cladding temperature, Clinically non-significant CHDs, The interaction between self-excited, The DNRR, Common bean, Yearly operation time of the DNRR, Rice genotypes, Cancer-bearing dogs, Echocardiographic screening, Determine resonant stationary solutions, Radioisotope production, Screening methods, Screening of chickpea germplasms, ATR-FTIR spectra, Stress indices, The small oscillation, MCNP6 code, Chickpea germplasms, K-zero method, New score indices based on productivity, The full wave number spectra, Enhancing ability of I-131 radioisotope production, Different methods of screening, Neutron flux, Improving screening methods to water stress, Tellurium dioxide target, Screening method against, Low enriched uranium fuel, Root biomass, Shoot biomass, Physics start up, Tolerance related trait variability, Thalassemia carrier screening, Energy start up, Screening of maize genotypes, Effective worth, Auto-pneumatic transfer system, HbE carrier screening, Xenon poisoning, Iodine pit, Short-lived nuclides, Reactor with low enriched fuel, Rapid neutron activation analysis system, Physician recommendations, CRC screening modalities, Primary screening method, Investigation of gas gain of gem foil, Urine test sensitivity, Low energy radioactive beam experiment, Urine dipstick, Gas electrons multiplier, Urinary analysis, Irradiation channels, Increase the gain for the counter, Neutron rich nuclei, P1 – Low density poly ethylene

Đánh giá
Công văn số 3161/CT-TTHT - 4 sao (17 lượt)