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Tìm kiếm tài liệu, văn bản Công cuộc đấu tranh chống thực dân Pháp

Turcicum leaf blight of sorghum Adult stem cells Physical growth during Babesia gibsoni Grassspea (Lathyrus sativus L.) Ranks first Genotypes against alternaria leaf spot Aonla fruit Sclerotial variability Cattle herd dynamics of Gaushalas Risk of caries Crop productivity and moth bean Poultry by-products Chilli cultivation Pesticides and fertilizers Nipping and foliar nutrition Yield attributing parameters Future health Viable solution Potential yield reducers Auxinic herbicides Rhizoctonia solani causal agent Airborne fungi Cow-shelter High body temperature Growth analysis of area Total dry matter and yield Productivity of moth bean Broiler meat Natural farming in India Coastal zones of Odisha Northeastern India Rice - maize cropping system Foliar spray of nutrients Important food crop Commonly used herbicides Aonla (Emblica officinalis) The yield of japanese quails Neonatal ICU Yield enhancement of mustard Cell mediated immune responses Productio of okra Low cost sausage preparation Karnataka state Supplementation of feed additives Summer moth bean Conventional techniques in agriculture Elite clones of banana Blackburn (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) Murabba with cardamom Corresponding local check Bud fly infestation Rotylenchulus spp R anatipestifer Impact on crops and the environment Number tillers Poultry by Survey profile Seaweed sap Value addition of aonla Biological pest control Intercropped transplanted pigeonpea Slaughter losses Inactivated vaccine Selection of crops High density spots Photosynthetic electron transfer Oil content and oil yield Broiler poultry litter production Field practices Trichome length Recorded mild annual increment Owing time Crop choice factors Babcock cockerels Genetic variability among different genotypes Probiotic supplements Physiobiochemical traits Goats in Durg district Food protection AICRP testing Gracilaria edulis Trap catch Yield of rice in rice Crown spread Histochemistry and ultrastructure Tissue culture embryo Chickpea and poisoned food technique Locating areas of high density Bud damage in linseed Arka anamika Farming situation Riemerella anatipestifer vaccines Genotypes of cauliflower Old cockerel chicks Absolute frequency Increasing productivity of pigeonpea Ecofriendly agriculture Tree trunk Correlation studies and path coefficient analysis

Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm

Cloacal lymphoid tissue, Forms of potassium, Monsoon season, Mature embryos, Influence of trichome length, Variability parameters, Chabro chicken, Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.), Kharif fallow, Punjab Suhawani, Relative frequency, Women sarpanch, Assessment through technology transfer, Farming system in a village, Succeeding greengram, Biodynamic agriculture, Chickpea seed isolated, White leghorn chicken, Augmented dickeyFuller, Incidence and Bt, Macrotyloma uniflorum (L) Verdcout, Evaluation and validation of rice, Traditional agroforestry system, Human culture, Kharif fallow utilization, Uterine fluid scoring, Applying scientific practices, Absolute density, Jalandhar conditions, Hilly region of Bharsar, Nano-fertilizers, Modified into a lymphoepithelium, Their residual effect, Gram panchayat, Thyroid gland of male, Flowering stage, Botanicals against, Coconut based cropping system, Osmotic stress on sugarcane, New duck disease, Semi critical stage, Edaphic stress, Pink bollworm pectinophora gossypiella, Genetic diversity estimation, Genotypes for tissue culture response, Prices and arrivals, Soil test crop result, Female chabro chicken reared, Growth characters and yield, Nano-K, Pentadecanoic acid, Daily monsoon rainfall prediction, Quantitative traits in elite germplasm, Carotenoid content, Ocular and periocular tumors, Oxidative stress on occurrence, Antioxidant enzymes respond, Thanjavur delta region, Vindhyan plateau, Tomato leaf curl virus diseases, Critical stage, MRSA and inducible clindamycin resistance, Phytophthora blight and Pigeonpea, Horsegram [Macrotyloma uniflorum (L) Verdcout], Gram panchayats of Navsari district, Growth and physiology, Inorganic fertilizers and organic manures, Various dates of planting, Major maize markets, Nano NPK, 14-methyl- methyl ester, Mainly depends on agriculture, Anti-oxidant, HF crossbred cows, Expansion of production, Ducklings compared to adults, Tomato hybrids for growth, Evaluate the nutrient management, Single cross hybrids, Ear head girth, Knowledge level of women sarpanch, Evaluation of feasibility, Basmati rice under SRI, Heterosis and combining ability analysis, Non-nano fertilizers, Phytophthora blight (Phytophthora cajani), Lower eyelid, Hexadecanoic acid, Polyamine on physio-morphological traits, Derivatives insect pests, Variety planted, Juice nutrient, BenefitCost ratio, Yield and WH-1105, Inbreed lines, Western track of Vindhyan plateau, Sugar content, Land capability, Revealed squamous cell carcinoma of eye, Flooding and disease progress, Microbial production, Opinion and Constraints etc, Pectoral girdle, Study on bioremediation, Seed yield and its attributes, Crop suitability, Economical evaluation, Field pea equivalent yield, Constraints etc, Insect pest control, Nutritional survey of Mosambi orchards, Effect of microbes, Usefulness of technical interventions, Fungicide resistance, Yellow billed babbler, Growth curve patterns, Kiwi fruit (Actinidia deliciosa), Naturally ventilated greenhouse, Erysiphe pisi, Tribal villages service, Crop load and fertigation, Fertilizers on growth, Anaerobic germination tolerance, Doubling of farmer’s income, Nutritional survey, LDPE and BROWN PAPER bagging, Technical interventions, Fungicide action, Class I chitinases, Common hawk cukoo, Babesia canis, Chickpea sown after soybean, Vertical farming, Bacteria cultured, Whole (Agriculture), Management of drip irrigation system, Paman kallur-1 micro-watershed, Capsicum varieties, Field pea and baby corn, Influence of pruning intensity, Nutrient uptake of roselle, Livestock in Wayanad district, Agri-horticultural interventions, Silica gel crystal, Cukoo (hierococcyx varius), Powdery mildew of pea, Resistance emergence, Survival ability, Anaerobic response index, Development of fish descaling machine, Imazthapyr on N uptake, Vertical farming structure, Beneficiaries of the service, Kerria lacca kerr, Capsicum namely Orobelle, Hydrocarbon formulated media, Path analysis in groundnut, Studies on viral diseases, High fluctuating farmers income, Evans syndrome, Drip adopted farmers in management, Cluster bearing, Pectoral limb bones, Trichoderma spp and pseudomonas, Capsule borer, Zizyphus mauritiana, Analytical concept of fungicide resistance, New vista in plant breeding, Fish descaling machine, Honey comb briquette, GI chitosan in management, Prevalence of giardia intestinalis, Nodulation and microbial population, Problems relating, Different concentrations, Chinese gooseberry (Actinidia deliciosa), Tolerance to anaerobic germination, Suggestions offered, Organic and bio-fertilizers, Vegetative growth characteristics, Sprayable and granular insecticides, Conducted on Cajanus cajan, Soil heath, Substrate pasteurization, GCV and PCV, Castor (Ricinus communis L.), Different carrier materials, Indian wheat, MRSA among companion animals, Chaetomium sp, Cryptosporidium parvum parasites, Post harvest processing of fish, Their management on potato, Analytical concept, Influence on nutrient status, Response of major plant nutrients, Technology called molecular marker, Kiwifruit or Chinese gooseberry, Concurrent of Evans syndrome, Pattern of fruit drop, Aproaerema modicella, Yield of Pleurotus spp, Yield of different types, Price behaviour, Plant growth of sweet orange, Millets intercropping systems, Quality characters in rice, Soilborne disease, Pea powdery mildew, Parasitic elimination, Grain yield components in rice bean, Plant growth and innate immunity, Fixed settlement, Major plant nutrients, Fish food forms, Babesia canis infection, Burning quality of honey-comb briquette, Seed and seed drill, Cluster bearing ridge gourd, Orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck.), Adisaptagram block seed farm, Parasitoids associated, Rapid regeneration of Indian wheat cultivars, Maturity and harvesting, Yield response of mungbean plants, Glycerol mono-stearate, Delivery system for microorganism, Constraints in the small cardamom, Salt affected environment, Genera Cryptosporidium, Management of pea powdery mildew, Spilosoma obliqua, Binding material on strength, Triphenyl formazan, Pers istence, Correlation study for yield, Rice bean [Vigna umbellata] genotypes, Sustained productivity of castor, Ascitic fluid among patients diagnosed, Bancroftian filariasis, Small cardamom is a perennial crop, Pot mums, Different varieties of ber, Long podded cowpea, Traits and phenotypic selection etc, Manually operated single row oil seed drill, Egg white, Sodic soils is low, Chilo infuscatellus, Traditional crop, Black legume aphids, Pea powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni), Phosphorus amendments, Parents like Satabdi, Anambra west, Yield of French bean, Cultivated predominantly, Chrysanthemum genotypes, Snake bean, Bihar hairy caterpillar, Social- personal characteristics, Dimethoate 30 EC against aphis craccivora, Factor causing genetic diversity, Significant losses, Betterparent heterosis, Developed specially for small, Chilo sacchariphagus indicus, Komal chaul, Cropping system rice equivalent yield, Spore population, Tissue residue deposition, Oil yield and quality, Insecticide treated bed nets, Cartwheel method, Petiole analysis, Short-term effect, Vigna unguiculata sub spp Sesquipedalis, Foaming agent GMS, Farmers in conservation, Dark green foliage, Standard-parent heterosis, Tomato fruit borer, Persistence toxicity, Related and geographical, Internode borer, White floury patches appearing, Bhoja bora, Broiler birds following profenofos administration, Camel urine, Papaya pulp, Anambra west local government Area, Efflux pump activity, Different spanish-type groundnut varieties suitable, Different cropping system module, Freshwater bivalve molluscs, Bioefficacy of spinetoram, Conservation of traditional sorghum, Thiamethoxam 25 WDG, Flaked rice, Hydropic degeneration, Seasonal incidence of aphid, Insecticide treated bed net, Susceptible and resistance, Stem canker of pigeonpea, Zinc and molybdenum on growth, Root density, Wine grape varieties, Lonar lake, Finger millet (Eleusine coracana) varieties, Different chrysanthemym cultivars, Artificial reservoirs of Uzbekistan, Larval population build up, Rice breeding lines, Thomson seedless grape, Water restriction, Drought monitoring, Traditional rice products, SC against early shoot borer, Leguminosae (Fabaceae) family, Green manure cropping system, Birds were divided into two groups, Tagetus erecta, Minor millets crop varieties, Foam expansion, Long dry season, Bovine mastitis related oxidative stress, BiOWiSHTM washing treatment, Culinary melon, Phenol degradation, Soil organic fractions, MSW Water productivity, Evaluation of fungicides, Minimum and pests, Artificial reservoirs, Path analysis in rice breeding lines, Tomato germplasm, Comparison of petiole nutrient contents, Resistant to blast, Ethno-economic importance, Pisum ravens, Foam thickness, Camel's urine in bacteria isolated, Septoria species, Thompson seedless grape growers, Water deprived goats, INM approach, Heat units, Halomonas campisalis, Extending shelf-life of mango, Livestock especially during, Yield and protein in grain, Production of cell wall degrading enzymes, Gladiolus variety ‘psittacinus hybrid’, Red chilli (Capsicum annuum L.), Rice varieties beneath, Affected soil organic carbon, Bio-agents under, Salmonella miami, Prevalence of obesity, Colour fastness properties, Studies on pest succession, Multi-etiological complex disease, Ecological groups are shown, Parental general combining ability, Safflower in Vertisol, Culinary melon (Cucumis melo var conomon), Blast (Magnaporthe grisea), Temporal pattern, Triple cross, Knowledge and adoption level, Clinical specimens of wounds collected, Phenol degrading halophilic bacteria, Foam mat dried papaya powder, Inceptisols of surguja hills zone, Vitamin C supplementation, Important food legume crop, BRG-5, Prevalence of underweight, Comparative effect of physical, Antimicrobial drug resistance, Vitro condition against Macrophomina phaseolina, Yield and economics of mustard, Isolates of Bipolaris maydis, Summer blackgram, Soil under ber, Okra genotypes, Pest succession of insect pests, Septoria leaf spot on marigold, Clinical isolates of neonatal septicemia, Sinadonta orbicularis, Sources of fertilizer on yield, Sweet pea, Extending shelf-life, Yield and quality of safflower, Surguja hills zone, Drought intensity assessment, Indian tobacco varieties, Rice varieties beneath climatic condition, Cross river state, Controlled situation

Đánh giá
Công cuộc đấu tranh chống thực dân Pháp - 4 sao (17 lượt)