Tài liệu, văn bản bạn tìm kiếm
4-Aminobenzoic acid, HAp/fCNTs nanocomposite, Microbial metabolites, Pure sine wave, Bacterial feeding nematodes, Fungal comb, Soil microbial diversity, Both flower species, Human pathogens, Euphorbia tirucalli stem, Microbial diversity in the rhizosphere, 16SrRNA gene sequencing, The presence of fCNTs in HAp coatings, Fungal symbiont of termite ecosystem, Biomass in Nilgiri biosphere, Pesticides on soil microbial diversity, Crude extract, Indigenous microorganism communities, Plants growing, Termite ecosystem, Castellaniella ginsengisoli, Photosynthetic microeukaryotes, Different agri-ecosystems, Transformations associated, Sugarcane-wheat cropping system, Trypan blue cell exclusion assay, Agri-ecosystems, Seed-borne inoculums, Metabarcoding pipelines, Effect on seeds, General and special combining ability, Various original methods, Agro-ecosystem habitats like bacteria, Seedlings and plant vigor, Seed and oil yields, Mẹo hay với dưa leo, Hull ratio, Determining some yield, Agronomic parameters, Identification of FGR gene for agronomic traits, Anthocyanin content, Inbreeding depression, Combining ability studies in tomato, Erect leaf, ăn dưa tốt cho sức khỏe, Original diploid genotypes, Preliminary evaluation for agronomic traits of pandan sticky rice variety, Diversity analysis of genetic, Soybean Nodules, Solanum lycopersicon Mill, Forage sorghum, Black rice accessions, Inbred line, Yellowberry kernel, mỹ phẩm tự nhiên, Cultivar treatments, Nitrogen Supplier, Sorghum bicolour L Moench, Brassica rapa var yellow sarson, Pandan sticky rice variety, Vietnam local accession, General combiner, Panicle mite, Agronomic potential, Photoperiod sensitivity, Combining ability studies in blackgram, Leaf angle, Soybean-Rhizobial Symbiosis, Quality characteristics of bread wheat, Ovule-ovarium culture, Specific combiner, Nutritious plant, Combining ability analysis for earliness, Heterosis analysis for yield, Nitrogen Nutrition, Physiological and biochemical mechanism associated, Line x testers, Line mating design, Molecular interaction, Combining ability studies in pumpkin, Heterobeltiosis and economic heterosis, Line×tester, Dolichos bean (Dolichos lablab L. var. typicus Prain), Path analysis and carotenoids, Over locations and yield, Deciphering the morphological, CCAAT-box motif, Heterotic group, Leaf morphological characteristics, Quality components in tomato, Combining ability analysis for yield, Estimation of heterosis for yield, Brinjal for yield, Combining ability studies in sorghum, Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes, Snapmelon hybrids, Fruit yield per plant, Gossipium Arboreum L, Gene actions and Hybridization, Ultimately determine yield, Intervarietal crosses, DUS Descriptors, Attributing traits in field pea, Yellow sarson, Yield components in Brinjal, Dual purpose sorghum, Different qualitative traits, Genetic association analysis, Yield components traits, Qualitative traits in tomato, Quality traits and yield, Combining ability studies in maize, Combining ability studies on cucumber, Further sorghum breeding programme, Trigenic mode, Component traits in groundnut, Quality traits in bottle gourd, Combining ability and Cotton, Parent-of-origin effects, Different qualitative traits in Dolichos bean, Fiber quality traits, Tester analysis carried over environments, Estimation of commercial heterosis, Extant upland cotton varieties, Good combiner for growth, Qualitative traits in paprika, Important yield contributing characters, Garden pea (Pisum sativum var. hortense L.), Quantitative characters in brinjal, Crosses exhibited economic heterosis, Path analysis studies of quantitative, Imprinting effects, Half sib families, Dolichos bean germplasm lines, Cotton interspecific heterotic group hybrids, Estimation of heterosis for growth, TLB disease resistance, Commercial heterosis, Estimation of hybrid vigour, Green pod yield per plant, Inter-varietal crosses, Parental-asymmetry test, Grewia optiva Drummond, Genetic diversity for qualitative traits, Seed cotton yield and its components, Quality traits of okra, X chromosome, Fodder quality traits, Fiber quality traits in cotton, Reference set, Evaluation of elite sorghum, Phytic acid content Biochemical traits in soybean, Qualitative trait, Sữa lên men yaourt, Luffa accutangula, Candidate genotypes, Sib progenies, GCA and SCA, Elite sorghum [sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], DUS test, Yield component traits in sunflower, Yield contributing traits in maize, Fruit fly resistance in muskmelon, Combining ability studies in ridge gourd, Combing ability studies for yield, Genetic makeup etc, Foxtail millet germplasm, Combining ability evaluation for yield, Qualitative traits of sesame germplasm, Identification of dus traits, Significant genetic diversity exists, Indigenous aromatic rice (Oryza sativa L.), Considerable genetic variability, Studies to indicate wide diversity, Mating design, Genetic advance as % of mean, Yield contributing traits in garden pea, Elite genotypes of tomato, Type of gene action, Little millet (Panicum miliare L.), Genetic advance studies, Tomato for yield, Maize inbred lines, Tester analysis in sesame, Character association studies, Additive genetic variances were predominant, Quality traits in chickpea, Quality traits under hisar condition, Line x tester mating design, Line in sesame, Diverse genotypes of tomato, Diverse CMS source, Components of variance, Quality traits in chilli, Germplasm lines of bread wheat, Various morpho-agronomic traits, The ripe tomato fruits, Plant population density, Degree of dominance, Line x tester yanalysis in maize, Nonadditive genetic variances, Assessing genetic diversity, Helianthus petiolaris sp. fallax, H. annuus sp. lenticularis, Additive and nonadditive gene effects, Qualitative and Tomato, Diverse CMS sources in sunflower, Performance of parents, Single plant yield, Inter sub specific cross, F1 hybrids for quality parameters, Fibre quality traits in upland cotton, Pre-breeding lines, Fiber traits, Specific combing ability, Quality parameters in tomato, Yield attributing traits in tomato, Components in rainy season tomato, Genetic analysis for fruit yield, Line × tester cross, Multilocation testing, Heterosis studies on yield, Bacterial wilt resistance in tomato, Heterosis and combining ability, Line x tester method, Dual purpose sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], Ghost 11.5 for windows xp/7/vista, Pre-breeding lines of greengram, Nutritional traits, Combining ability in upland cotton, Assessment of economic heterosis, Tạo menu boot ghost, Mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek), Genetic analysis in pre-breeding lines, Nutritional traits in mung bean, Quyết định số 2895/QĐ-CT, Công văn 4318/LĐTBXH-TL, Tượng đài Hồ Chí Minh, Đề án xây tượng Hồ Chí Minh, ANTIDOL 200 mg - 400 mg, hệ thống động mạch, hệ thống tĩnh mạch, bệnh cao áp huyết, SIÊU ÂM TIM TRONG BỆNH ĐỘNG MẠCH VÀNH, Cách làm Sữa chua trái cây mát lạnh, Sữa chua trái cây, sưu tầm thủ thuật P19, Nguyên liệu làm sữa chua trái cây, sữa chua mít, Món ngon mùa hè, cách làm sữa chua mít, hướng dẫn làm sữa chua mít, các bước làm đĩa windows 7, Cách dùng sữa cho con, thuốc bổ cho trẻ, cách đĩa windows 7, Cá trích sốt cà, Giải độc cơ thể giảm táo bón, GA3 treatment on yield, Endogenous hormone, Reproductive traits, Memecik olive cultivar, Cormel production of gladiolus, Bệnh nhân phẫu thuật BI-directional Glenn, Thuốc tra mắt có steroid, Fruit regularly, Phẫu thuật BI-directional Glenn, Điều trị của bỏng mắt do kiềm, GA3 on reproductive growth, Phẫu thuật Fontan toàn bộ, Điều trị dị dạng lõm ngực, trái cây hữu ích, Dị dạng thành ngực, Flowering characteristic, tác hại của trái cây, Dị dạng lõm ngực, Red heart stage, Terai region, Flowering characteristics, Điều trị dị dạng lõm ngực ở trẻ em, Pineapple [Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.] cv Mauritius, Flowering percentage, Pineapple var queen, Leaf chlorophyll content, Ethrel on flowering characteristics, cách trồng cúc pha lê, Various treatments, Quyết định 3123/2019/QĐ-UBND, Số 3123/2019/QĐ-UBND, Quyết định số 3123/2019, chế độ AF, Primary results, Semi-supervised Dependency Parsing, Vị thuốc cát sâm, Catheter ablation for af in vietnam, Lexical Affinities, Heart institute, Alexis Nasr, AF-6/afadin, Prevalence of AFib, Adherence junctions, Tính toán độ chối, Công thức động Hilley, Tẩy rửa nước, Rửa tay khử trùng bàn tay, Tướng Cướp Liêu Đông, Bài giảng Rửa tay khử trùng bàn tay, Sự khử trùng, Hệ sinh thái vi khuẩn trên bàn tay, Tác nhân gây bệnh trên bàn tay, nikon d3100, Chỉ định rửa tay, cách dùng nikon d3100, hiệu ứng trong nikon d3100, Công văn 31/BXD-KTXD, quả sinh lý, Cán ngang, Mẹo biến Directx 9.0c, Synthetic plastics, Halophyte microbiome, Tamarind gum, Enhancing microbial degradation, Plant-based-sea water culture medium, Calcium alginate-gelatin, Irradiated chitosan, Reduced tillage systems, Novel media optimized, Aqueous extraction, Optimizing roasting standards, Lactation trial, Sugar industries, Biofilm formation are discussed, Lake Mariout, Simulated gastrointestinal condition, Cogen ash, Zygote genome activation, Planting systems, The crude plant juices, Methoxyl percent, Alexandria- Egypt, Quality gum production, Production of pullulan, Calcium alginate microbeads, Capacity utilization, Investigations on microbial flora variation, Simulated human gastro-intestinal condition, Candida tropicalis, Growth and yield of paddy, Microorganisms including pre-treatment, Lactic acid fermentations, Factors contributing, 16S rRNA gene and qPCR Bacillus spp, Making polymer membranes immobilized with phosphate solubilizing bacteria, Milk quality, Microbial flora variation, Microwave assisted extraction, Arginine deaminase, Flask type fermentation system, Nepalese sugar industry, Microencapsulation of probiotics, Appropriate culture media, Droplet method, Tamarind seed gum production, Plant cell wall, Immersion time, Lasiodiplodia sp, Fructose uptake, Late sowing, SITUATION SEMANTICS, Fatty acid catabolism, Unsterile condition, Carbohydrate fermentation, Pullulanase type I, Conservation biological control, Pierce’s Disease, Genetic variability of palmyapalm, Microbiological study, High yielding of cauliflower, Xylose fermenting yeast, Sugar cane by products, Climate indicators on agricultural yields, Phosphate solubilizing bacteria to produce controlled release fertilizer, Water generated, Pancreatic beta cells, Desert plants, High volume instruments-motion, Capacity utilization rate of medium, Condition Optimization, Autolytic enzymes, Maximum polysaccharide yield, Kapas yield, Production of raisin, Fermentation parameters, Pectin from grapefruit, Unsterile medium, Paenibacillus polymyxa, Enhancing growth and yield of paddy, Basis of tree morphology, Quality of sweet potato, Corn yield